[[Spoilers: For Eternal Diva.
Set: AU for Eternal Diva.]]
Emmy Altava: The Eternal Diva
Act 1
"...You knew Nina's memories were returning; that Melina would be lost without another host. You needed a subject with a brain that would accept Melina. That is why you invited gifted young girls like Amelia."
Having only just arrived on the island, Emmy listened carefully as the professor revealed Oswald Whistler's sinister plans. At first, she'd taken Mr Whistler for nothing more than a famous musical composer. In actual fact, he'd kidnapped little Nina (Emmy had been investigating her disappearance) and several others with the Descole's help. She couldn't believe someone would do such a vile thing, even to save his deceased daughter.
Professor Layton went on, "I'm sure the game for eternal life was Descole's idea. So, all you wished was to copy Melina's memory to keep her alive forever."
Descole stepped forward. "Very impressive, Layton. When did you realize I was involved?"
"I suspected it for a while and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw this gloomy castle... Then I knew it must be you orchestrating this plot, Descole!"
Descole chuckled. What's he laughing about? The suspicious thought crossed Emmy's mind too late.
While Descole kept the professor talking, Whistler had been edging over to the Detragon's helmet. The closet target happened to be Luke.
Whistler knocked off Luke's hat and jammed the helmet on his head. "This one... will have to do!"
"What?" Emmy gasped.
"I can't let her memories fade," Whistler panicked, dragging Luke backwards and reaching for the Detragon's leaver. "There's no time. No time!"
"NO!" Luke shouted.
A voice cut across the podium. "Stop— take me instead!"
Mr Whistler's hand hovered inches above the leaver. "What...?"
Emmy swallowed, continuing in what she hoped was a casual tone. "Think about it, I'm way more similar to Melina than Luke is."
"How so?" Mr Whistler inquired suspiciously. His grip on Luke's arm had loosened ever so slightly...
"Well, for one thing I'm a woman," Emmy snorted. "And if you use Luke, won't the process just fail like it did with Nina? Or your machine might not even work on him in the first place. Save yourselves the trouble and use me instead."
"She's right," Descole confirmed when Whistler turned to him. "Do it."
It had never crossed Descole's mind that Layton's loutish female assistant could play a significant part in his plan. She had such tenacious spirit... However, if she deliberately relinquished control of her consciousness in order to save the brat... Then yes, the transfer should be successful. And with Miss Altava gone there would be one less annoying thorn in his side. (How crushed Layton would feel at the loss of his precious assistant.) It was perfect. Descole gave a triumphant smirk.
"A willing volunteer!" Mr Whistler was beside himself with joy. He ripped the helmet off Luke's head and held it out to Emmy as if it was the winning ticket to the lottery. "This is wonderful! Come quickly, my dear. We haven't much time left."
There were several protests as Emmy went to claim the headgear.
"Emmy, wait!" the professor called.
Grosky tried to run towards Emmy but Nina was still clinging to his hands. "Don't do it, Emmy!" he yelled.
"No, Emmy! I don't really want a girl living inside my head... but that doesn't mean you have to— ARRRGH!" With unbelievable speed, Descole had glided across the silver podium and silenced Luke by holding a sword to his neck.
Descole patted Luke's head and grinned nastily at Emmy. "Just in case you get cold feet..." He cast a sharp glance down at Janice. "Young lady, did you really believe you could steal the key while my back was turned?" Descole drawled. He pressed the blade against Luke's throat again, causing him to cry out in pain. "Return the key... now."
Janice winced, caught between watching Luke suffer and allowing the professor's assistant to give her life. "But—" she began.
"I said, return the key," Descole barked. He then addressed the entire company in an icy tone. "Mark my words, I will kill the child if Miss Altava fails to comply or if anyone else prevents her from doing so."
Emmy nodded to Janice. Hesitantly, Janice ascended the podium and placed the key in Descole's outstretched hand.
Before Descole could reactivate the Detragon, Janice latched onto his arm, begging, "W-wait, there's something you must know—!"
"Out of my way, wench!" Descole violently threw her aside. Janice yelped and collapsed at the bottom of the steps.
The professor rushed to his former student's side, glaring up at Descole. "If you would only listen for a single moment—!"
"I'm tired of listening, Layton. You can either save your assistant... or the boy. Make your decision now or they both die."
Emmy had already made the decision for him. "What choice do we have, Professor?" She smiled. "Like he said, it's me or Luke." The professor could only watch (one move could meant the end for Luke) as Emmy took the helmet from Mr Whistler.
Emmy shot Luke a tiny grin. "Bye, Apprentice Number One." Then she turned to the professor. "It was fun travelling with you, Professor..." Emmy looked as if she was going to say more, when Descole interrupted her.
"How touching," he sneered. "The procedure had best work for you little friend's sake." He reinserted the key into the generator and the Detragon whirred to life.
Emmy nodded and with shaking fingers, she placed the helmet on her head. I'm doing this for Luke, she told herself. It probably won't hurt, but if it does, I can take it... Anyway, I'm not really going to die... I'm stronger than Nina, maybe my memories will return quicker than her's did. Then a small part of her whispered, But what if my memories never return?
Mr Whistler pulled the leaver down.
Emmy's eyelids grew very heavy. She caught one final glimpse of Professor Layton's concerned face before her vision tunnelled and she was gone.