
FinnxFlame prince

"FP!" A white bear hat with blonde underneath it teenage boy yelled, while running up to a flaming Mohawk haired boy. The said boy turned at the sound of his name. His eyes filled with loneliness and anger, till they landed on the sight of the bear hat boy who had called his name, his eyes brighten with happiness.

"Finn!" Flame prince said with a soft voice.

Finn finally caught up to the prince before jumping up and giving him a hug. Flame prince's eyes widen and was about to push Finn off afraid that he would burn him. But Finn spoke before he could. "Look Fp look at me!"

Doing as Finn had asked him, Fp noticed that Finn's pale skin had not become red from the burn. In fact Finn felt somewhat cool to the touch.

"See I can touch you now. I'm not getting burned!" Finn spoke look up in to fp's eyes, letting fp see all the happiness and love that was shown upon is face.

"But how?" The prince questions while bring Finn's body closer to his heated one. Loving the feeling of skin touching skin. (bad thought anyone!)

"Well... You know how I was gone for a few days?"

"Yes?!" Of course he had noticed Finn gone for the pasted few day. He felt as if a piece of him had gone missing. He had felt sadness, anger, and would just about snap at anyone.

"Well I was on an adventure with Jake, because PB (1) had told us about a charm. You see this charm belonged to a master swordsmen. And when he put it on, it allowed him to... how you say 'play with fire and not get burned'. So Jake and I went to the sacred mountain.(2) It took awhile to find it put we did, but we had to fight a few monster for it. But of course it was nothing." Finn grinned at the memory of kicking all the monsters butt's.

While Finn was having his little flash back, suddenly his lips were being held by another's. To them the sweet kiss felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds. Lips finally discounting from each other, before blue and red eyes met each other. Happy that the charm was found.

(1) Princess bubblegum

(2) I just made up the first thing that came to mind. I couldn't think of a better name.(T_T)