Vengeance was underway, and Stephanie was a little nervous about later on, she didn't know who Hunter was gonna pick but she really hoped it was Raw. Yea sure, Hunter brought in ratings but she couldn't deal with him every night. She wondered why he kept saying he needed to talk to her, what could he possibly want? Was he going to call her fat again? She didn't need this. She didn't need him. She heard a knock on her door and looked up. "Come in" she said calmly. The door opened and in walked Eric Bishoff. "What do you want Bishoff?" "Oh Steph all I want is you" Bishoff said while smirking "but I heard you were taken, oh well." "What? Who said that?" Stephanie asked. "The very man who claims you slept with him last night..Kevin Nash." "What!?!? That's not true, I didn't sleep with him, oh my god, is he telling people that?" Steph said outraged. "He only told the whole locker room if it makes you feel any better," Bishoff said while laughing. Stephanie ran out of her office in search of Kevin Nash, her blood was literally boiling. She was turning a corner full speed when she ran right into someone. She went crashing down to the ground. "Whoa there Steph." Steph rolled her eyes, could today get any worse. "Sorry Andrew," she said while picking herself off the ground, "have you seen Kevin any where?" Andrew smiled devilishly "how did I know you would be looking for him? Sorry I haven't, but I'm sure you'll see him after the show," Andrew said with a wink. "For your information Andrew, no one will see Kevin after the show because I am going to kill him." Stephanie said while walking away from Andrew. Stephanie continued walking, she saw Trish coming toward her. "Hey Steph, I heard about you and ..." Stephanie put her hand up and Trish's face. "Save it Stratus." Stephanie just kept walking leaving Trish stunned. As Stephanie continued walking everyone kept looking at her, she just returned them with dirty looks, she kept walking in search of Kevin. Meanwhile in Kevin's locker room, Kevin was reading the latest edition of Raw Magazine, with a big smirk on his face. He heard a loud banging sound on his door, his face lit up thinking that it was Stephanie. He opened the door only to be greeted with a fist hitting his face. Kevin groaned in pain and realized that he overlooked one small factor when plotting to get Stephanie......Hunter. Next thing Kevin knew Hunter was in his face. "Stay away from Stephanie, I know you're lying about last night , she isn't like that, just stay the hell away from her." Hunter said while holding Kevin by the collar. Hunter turned around and was walking out the door when he saw Stephanie standing in the doorway. Stephanie barged into the room turned to Hunter and said "I appreciated your help but I can take care of myself." Stephanie said while turning around and whipping Hunter in the face with her hair. She then walked over to Kevin, as he was getting up of the floor and kneed him in the groin. She then stormed out of the room and back to her office.

Later that night at about 9pm, Vengeance was off to a good start, however Stephanie was dreading 9:15pm when Hunter was due to come to her office to sign their divorce papers. The truth was when Stephanie saw him defending her tonight she liked it. Stephanie still had feelings for Hunter but she kept them locked up and hidden in the back of her mind. Next thing she knew it was 9:13 and she heard a knock on the door. She was scared to opened the door but she figured signing the papers would be good, a way to get closure. She walked over to the door and sure enough Hunter was standing there in tight jeans, and his leather jacket. "Hey Steph, let's just get this over with, besides I already made my decision of who I am going to sign with, and I don't know if it will make you happy or sad, but you'll have to live with it." "My lawyer should be here any minute, listen I wanted to thank you about what you did earlier tonight, although I may not have said it, I appreciated it," Steph said softly. "Don't worry about it, I know first hand what a jerk Kevin can be." Hunter said while touching Steph's arm. "I was just so mad that he would say something like that, it's not even true." Steph could feel the tears in her eyes, now people probably thought she was an even bigger slut, just another rumor about Stephanie McMahon that people didn't even consider to be untrue. She had gotten to use to it by now, but this thing that Kevin was saying about her stung her pride. Maybe it was because now she was alone, she didn't have Hunter anymore, she had no one to tell her other wise. Hunter saw the look in her eyes and felt horrible. If he hadn't taken Kevin's advice in the first place none of this would have happen. "I'm sorry Steph." "It's not your fault Hunter, it's my fault for going out with that prick." Steph said while wiping away her tears. Hunter was about to explain that it was his fault when he changed his mind and leaned in to kiss Stephanie. Just when they were about to kiss there was a knock on the door.

I know that was cruel, but don't worry, it will get nicer!! I promise!!