"How's it look?" I ask as I pass Jasper's improved license over the desk. Carlisle takes it and carefully looks it over. He smiles at me. "Is it good enough for him to drive the motorcycle?"
"You did well, son. This one looks great."
I sigh in relief and I look at the stack of old license next to the lamp. Who knew this would be so hard?
When I asked Jasper if I could have his license, I knew he was suspicious. He doesn't usually drive, but it is his only form of identification. Alice knew exactly what my plans were, but she was still feeling pissy over what Emmett and I did to Jasper, so she refused to help me convince him that I wasn't trying to pull a prank on him again. I had to drag Carlisle from his office to Jasper's room so he could reassure Jasper that I wasn't messing with him. He very reluctantly gave it up.
I knew he was dying to ride that motorcycle, but he wasn't going to go against Carlisle's rules and it usually takes over a week for our fake ID's to come, so I figured I could alter his current license myself. I had no idea it would be so tedious though. I had to do some experimenting on some of our old ID's before I started on his current one. It was harder than I imagined to get them back to normal after they've been messed with. But after three continuous days of work on Carlisle's desk, it's finally perfect.
"Maybe you can make all of our ID's from now on." Carlisle gives me a teasing smile. I shake my head.
"Oh no. This is the last ID I'm ever messing with."
He passes it back with a chuckle and leans back in his chair.
"I'm proud of how hard you've worked to right your wrong, Edward."
"Thank you."
"You've definitely earned these back." He leans forward towards his desk and grabs the handle of the bottom right corner drawer. It has a lock, but all that little lock means is that we can't get into the drawer without permission. It doesn't even lock correctly. All you have to do is lift the drawer up and out and you're in. I learned the hard way, though, that the drawer is to be treated like it's locked. Carlisle caught me sneaking around his office quiet a few years ago. It's the same drawer where the strap is kept. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened next.
He holds up my car keys. Smiling, I hold out my hand. Before he sets them on my palm, though, he starts a lecture.
"Just because you're getting these back does not mean they cannot be taken again." He warns. I nod.
"I know."
"I do not want to have to punish you for such a horrible prank again."
"You won't have to."
"Here." He smiles and finally drops them in my hand. "Go give Jasper his belongings."
"Yes sir!" I say quickly with a smile. I make sure I have the license and I grab the two wrapped boxes that sit at the side of Carlisle's desk. As I head out of his office, I stop in the doorway as I hear Emmett and Rosalie's thoughts. "Um, Dad?"
"Could Emmett have his keys back as well? He and Rosalie made up." I tell him and pray that I'm not in trouble for listening in on their thoughts. "I really was trying to keep everyone blocked but sometimes a few get passed."
"They made up?" Carlisle asks with wide eyes. I nod, thankful that he understands where I'm getting at.
"Rosalie won't let them, you know, in her car because she doesn't want to risk damaging the interior. But they take Emmett's jeep into the woods all the time."
"We have to get them out of this house if they just made up." Carlisle mumbles before calling for Emmett.
"I'm kind of busy, Carlisle!" Emmett yells back from his and Rosalie's bedroom.
"I have your keys, Emmett!"
In a blink of an eye, Emmett's in the doorway with me, practically jumping up and down from excitement.
"Carlisle, can we make this fast? I'm in the middle of some-"
"Here." Carlisle tosses Emmett's keys at him. Emmett's eyes light up. "Go ahead, get out of here."
"Sweet. Thanks!" He smiles and is gone just as fast as he came. Within a few seconds, he and Rosalie are in the garage with the jeep fired up, and then they're gone. Carlisle sighs.
"Thank god. Last time they made up we had to reconstruct an entire wall."
"I remember that." I chuckle. They made their room and Alice and Jasper's room into one big bedroom. Rough doesn't even begin to describe their physical relationship. Luckily, Jasper and Alice weren't in their room, or things would have been extremely awkward.
"Why was she even angry at him?" Carlisle ask. I shrug.
"You know how Rose is. She doesn't always need a reason."
I thank Carlisle again and head down the hall to Alice and Jasper's room. This time I don't have to knock because Alice opens the door before I can even raise my hand.
"I have Jasper's license." I say. Jasper jumps off their bed and walks over to me, his back and shoulders stiff and straight. He keeps his head up, like he's still a marching soldier.
"What did you do with it?" He asks as I hand it over to him. He examines it, then smiles. "I don't know you knew how to make fake ID's."
"I didn't either. It took more work than I expected."
"Thanks, Edward." He says and pats my shoulder. I hold out the boxes.
"These are for you, too."
Alice smiles and takes them from me. She hands the bigger box over to Jasper and unwraps the smaller one. Jasper watches her unwrap it, but once all the paper is off, she hesitates in pulling off the lid.
"I already know what they are, Jasper. Open yours. You'll like it." She tells her mate. He chuckles and unwraps his own box. He smiles again when he sees the motorcycle helmet inside.
"Awesome." He says as he pulls it out and examines the glossy black helmet.
"I talked to Carlisle. He said you can take the bike off the property now." I tell him. His smile fades and he eyes me suspiciously again.
"Excuse me." He mumbles and leaves Alice and I in the room.
"He'll be more appreciative when we get back from our ride. He's not sure if he can trust you yet." Alice tells me. I nod.
"Understandably so."
"What you guys did was really hateful."
"I know, and I'm sorry."
"But," She pauses and looks down at the helmet in her hands. She smiles. "You guys did a good job at showing you're sorry. He may not trust you right now, but he's not angry either."
"I'm glad. But what about you? Are you still mad about it?"
She doesn't answer me. She just lifts her head and looks me in the eyes. I try to search her mind, but she shuts me out.
"Alice! Let's go for a ride!" Jasper calls as we hear him leave Carlisle's office. Alice smiles and walks past me. "Thanks Edward!"
"Thanks Edward." She repeats and looks over her shoulder at me before she disappears to join her mate in the garage. Esme tells them to be careful and soon the motorcycle is peeling out of the driveway.
I leave their room and shit the door behind me. I peak my head into the study, but Carlisle's not there. I hear him talking to Esme downstairs so I run into the living room to join them.
"If he keeps up that speed, he'll get a ticket and his tail busted." Carlisle huffs.
"He'll slow down, honey. Don't fret about it." Esme tells him and rubs his shoulders. He smiles at her and gives her a quick kiss.
"I'm going for a ride, guys." I say. Carlisle nods, but he and Esme keep their eyes on each other instead of looking over at me. "I'll be back later tonight."
"Just text us when you're coming home." Carlisle says as he grabs Esme's hand. He tries to keep his thoughts on anything other than her, but he's not doing to well.
I leave for the garage and start up my precious car. It's been too long sense I've been in the drivers seat. Pulling out of the driveway, I know everything is back to normal now. It might take a little while longer for Jasper to trust Emmett and I again, but we're on the right track, and that's what matters.
So, here's the end of Broken Trust. What do you think? Please review!