Sorry if it is way to ooc...

I don't own kaze no stigma


Ayano was pressing Kazuma's clothes and while she was pressing she found a slip in his pocket. It was looking like some kind of bill and as she opened the slip to see if it was something important, her face turned red in anger and embarrassment after reading the slip. Her heart broke from what she was looking.

"L-love motel bill," she said in shock.

She couldn't believe Kazuma gone to love motel! He was in love motel and it meant he…slept with some cheap slut. ?An she said while holding the bill tightly, her bangs were covering her eyes and a teardrop fell on the ground, a saddened expression came across her face. How can he do this to me she said while covering her face with both hands


It was 6pm Kazuma came home and he walked towards the bedroom, searching for Ayano. "Princess," he called.

To his surprise she was sitting on the bed and as she stood up she was looking at him with her glare of death. He walked towards her. "Hey princess," he said while hugging her tightly, it was always refreshing to hug her after a long day of work.

She pushed him instantly and gripped his collar tightly, "K-kazuma!" she shouted in anger. "How can you do this…to me you pervert womanizer! I hate you! I hate you Kazuma Yagami!"

He cupped her cheek softly. "Why so angry today?" he said while trying to remember if he did something that was making her this angry.

She slapped his hand away and handed him the bill. "Y-you slept with…with some slut…I thought you turned good guy…," and she clutched her fist tightly.

Tears started streaming down her face, "You cheated me…I saw a love motel bill in your clothes…am…am I not enough for your needs?Am I not beautiful enough…or you only married me because of my father?" she said while looking down.

Tears started flowing more intensely suddenly he hugged her tightly. She started pushing him away…in anger…leave me stop it you pervert she said while pushing him I don't want you, I hate you she said while crying.

He smiled at her. "Hey sparky, I was there for mission that your father hired me to do. You are so bullheaded," he said playfully then she punched him in the stomach hard.

Ooooofff…. "What was that for?" he said while rubbing his stomach.

"That is for calling me sparky and bullheaded."

She set her hands on her hips while looking at the Window still upset. "How can I believe you that you are not lying?"

He came closer to her and hugged her gently. "Cuz, you are the only one for me," he said while cupping her cheek, a blush came across her face. "You are one of the most beautiful women in world for me. The reason I married you is because I love you so much and I don't want any man to touch you. You are mine for forever."

She looked him deeply in his eyes, "Really?"

A smirk came across his face "You are one of the most sexy women for Me in the whole world," he said slyly in her ear.

Her face turned as crimson as her hair and while she was busy blushing, her eyes noticed the clock. "Oh my, it is already 6:45pm! I have to make dinner," she said while freeing herself from Kazuma.

As she went towards the kitchen…to her surprise he caught Hold of her wrist and stopped her from going anywhere and pinned her to the wall.

"Hey, what are you doing idiot!" she said while blushing hard. "I don't have time for your idiotic time pass! Let me go already!" she saidwhile looking at him.

He came closer to her face. "Hey princess, why don't we tonight have some fun in thebedroom," he said while nibbling her earlobe lightly.

She blinked a hundred times while blushing. "W-we can't do something like that tonight…," she said while blushing really hard.

"Why can't we do "something like that tonight?" he said playfully.

"I don't want to do it tonight."

"Then it means you are still angry with me?" he said while looking at her.

"No, I am not angry…at you," she said while looking at the floor in embarrassment.

Now feeling really weird at her behavior, so what is the reason. "Am…ffhbbfv…," she said in a low voice that he couldn't even hear.


"I am pregnant!" she shouted while turning different shades of red.

I know I know it is not that much good but please even if you don't feel like reviewing do review! :)