Hi! I'm so sorry... this story hasn't been abandoned, ive just been really busy with exams, work experience and such but its the summer break now so I'm going to try to do regular updates

Darcy sighed to herself as she looked at the surveillance tape of Eric's interrogation in front of her. Eric had been quiet now for two hours and refused to speak to SHEILD personnel, to top it off it didn't help her nerves that Bruce and Tony were watching the tape also over her shoulders. Eric was a shadow of who he once was, whatever Loki had done to him and ruined him. He sat in the mall metal chair in the small interrogation room staring at the Agents. The past wo years on the run had severely altered him, to Darcy it looked like he had lost a lot of weight and she couldn't help but notice the longer hair and the huge black bags under his eyes. Eric sighed once more as he rubbed his temples and covered his eyes.

"Loki really changed him didn't he?" Tony said as he leaned over Darcy trying to get a better view at the monitor.

"Yeah" Darcy sighed "But where has he been for the past two years? " she grumbled as she leaned back in her chair.

Shortly moment's later Fury walked in and tossed a folder on the table, causing Eric to jump and uncover his eyes.

"Eric" Fury spoke as he strode across the room and took a seat opposite the man.

"Fury" he addressed, speaking for the first time in a while.

"You've come back, where have you been?" Fury said staring at Eric.

"I had to, I couldn't come back, could I?" Eric stopped and looked at the man who was questioning him. "I had caused the death of those people… if… if…they hadn't been there then… then who knows what could have happened?" He asked dropping his eyes again, his hand's shaking leaving Director Fury speechless, this wasn't the same man that he hired for SHEILD years ago.

"You could of" Fury said, leaning across the table. "All of the evidence points to Loki, you were not to blame Doctor."

"Please just drop it, we all know its my fault" Eric said covering his eyes and pinching at his temples.

"Eric, it was not your fault. Just listen." Fury said. "And trust me you won't be in trouble for it, just tell me where you've been for two years"

Eric took a deep sigh and kept his eyes covered for a few more minutes before slamming his hands down on the metal table "I said drop it!" he yelled

"Calm down Eric" Fury said shaking his head. "We just want answers."

Fury couldn't help but notice the tremble in the older man's hands and the tears that were threatening to spill.

"You want answers? Well I bloody well haven't got them!" Eric spat angrily.

"Eric you must have answers. Two years are a long time to forget what you were doing"

"That's all you want? Answers?" Eric spoke on the verge of tears.

Fury was surprised at the sudden change "Yes, that's all, just answers."

Eric scoffed "That's all humans ever want answers." He said in a strange voice, his hands clenching into tight balls on the table, that he once again slammed on the table top and jumped up from his seat pushing the chair back with great force

"Eric?" Fury said in shock

"Humans they are not the cowardly wretches we were promised and they are unruly and they cannot be ruled. To challenge them is to court death" Eric snarled, his voice deep and not his own. His eyed glowed blue, sharper and brighter than they were when he was under Loki's control.

"Eric? Eric? What is going on?. " Fury questioned, genuinely scared for the first time in his long career at SHEILD. His hand reaching for the gun at his hip

"My name is not Eric (?) he snarled in the deep voice.

"What is your name then?" Fury spoke.

"I'm The Destroyer." Eric (?) stated with a smile and adding "You will die "

With his last words Eric darted across to Fury before he could react, picked him up by his coat collar and threw him through the interrogation window, before collapsing in a whimpering heap on the floor. The surveillance tape ended with a stutter

"What the F was that." Tony piped up after a few minutes of shock.

"I don't know I really don't know" Bruce spoke looking across to Darcy who just sat and stared at the screen.

Hello me again. I hope that was alright. I wasnt going to make Eric the bad guy in this but it just came suddenly when I was writing so I hope its ok and that it's not to rushed. Thank you for reading!