Waking up to an empty bed was one of the worst feelings in the world.
Having been roused from his sleep due to unknown reasons, Will couldn't help but feel slightly bitter as he patted the empty tousled sheets beside him.
He thought they had gotten past the stage of leaving at the first opportunity and he couldn't stop the anger and utter….cheapness that flitted through him as he stared at the ceiling.
He would have continued wallowing, had he not heard noises coming from the kitchen. Climbing out of bed he dragged his feet towards the door and winced at the onslaught of light that flooded his senses as he entered the kitchen.
"Alicia?" he asked in disbelief.
The woman in question was currently perched on his kitchen counter in his shirt, completely engrossed in eating what appeared to be an olive and peanut butter sandwich.
"What are you doing?" he asked incredulously, and wrinkled his nose "It's the middle of the night and that's going to make you sick!"
Alicia didn't even pause in chewing. "Sorry did I wake you up? I got this sudden and intense craving and I just couldn't go back to sleep". She swallowed the last bite of her sandwich and proceeded to lick her fingers. He hopped off the counter and immediately went to go rummage through his cupboards. "You know what would be amazing right now? Pancakes".
Will bit back a smile and moved forward to wrap his arms around her. The immense relief he felt at not being abandoned for the night prompted him to kiss her forehead.
"We can make some in the morning. Right now going to bed is what would be amazing".
Alicia shrugged him off and resuming perusing his cupboards.
"No I want them now; you can go back to bed".
Will leaned back on to the counter.
"Are these the famous pregnancy cravings in action?"
Alicia turned from her rigorous perusal to glare at him.
"I'm not the one to blame for that".
Will chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.
"It takes two to tango" he whispered in her ear. "You really should get some sleep. For tomorrow".
She stiffened in his arms. Will back tracked quickly in response.
"It doesn't have to be tomorrow. Not if you're not ready".
Alicia sighed and gently pried herself out of his arms.
"I'm going to start showing soon. I'd rather it came from me".
She turned slightly and looked up at him.
"And what about you? Are you ready?
Will took a deep breath before leveling his gaze with Alicia's.
"I'd rather it came from me".
In truth, he'd rather stay in this state of limbo for as long as possible. But he owed Diane this much. After the battles they had fought together, the constant struggles that came from managing a firm that they had endured together, he owed her this much. She had to hear it from him.
He considered putting in ear plugs before the talk.
He was at an absolute loss on how to broach the topic. He couldn't treat this as good news and didn't want to treat it as bad news. He couldn't pretend that this was as natural as any other couple having a baby, that the coming months would not be complete and utter hell, but wanted to with every fiber of his being.
One dilemma was spared at the very least. He didn't have to try and find a way to bring it up because it was Diane who broached the topic the next day.
She smirked as she held up the book from his desk, that he had bought in a fit of panic following the doctor's appointment, and idiotically left out in plain sight.
"What to expect when you're expecting? Really Will? Don't you think that's getting a little too emotionally invested in a case? Someone might get the wrong idea." Her smirk and incredulous tone had not wavered while she was speaking.
It was soon wiped off her face completely.
Will straightened himself and patted his suit down in an attempt to formulate some courage before speaking.
"Actually Diane it's exactly how it looks".
Alicia wasn't faring much better.
She wanted to tell Peter before she told the children. For some inexplicable reason she could not make sense of, this made sense to her.
He was Zach and Grace's father. The first two times she had done this, it had been with him. He deserved to know another man would be the father of her child before anyone else.
Funnily enough, she couldn't decide if this situation was more or less ideal.
Even stranger, was that that was all she felt that she owed Peter. There was no remorse. She didn't quite know when she had fallen out of love with him. But as far as she saw, their marriage was now a tangle of loose ends that she wanted to tie up, so she could begin the rest of her life.
What she had waited around a lifetime for with Peter, she had found in one moment with Will.
If only Peter could have been that accommodating.
She'd expected the hurt, she understood the hurt.
He had, with no over abundance of cynicism asked that he be informed if she intended to divorce him, but he still hadn't seen it coming, hadn't prepared for it.
The hurt was understandable.
It was the pure unadultered fury that had erupted in his eyes when she told him that she was pregnant with Will's baby that put her on edge.
She had never wanted to end things between them with bitterness and anger so palpable.
"I knew it. You and Will. There have been three people in this marriage since you started working for him. And now you're running off to have a new life and family with him because you don't like how you're old one turned out. Well good luck with that".
The words had been hissed after an intense shouting match which had culminated in Alicia all but kicking Peter out the door. The malice in them left her wondering if Peter would ever look at her again with anything less than contempt.
He hated himself and he hated her, for the ruin they'd made of each other.
Alicia also suspected that he hated how capable she was of moving on.
"Peter this is happening. There is no avoiding it, no forgetting. No running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding and no use screaming at each other. You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing the situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on. I don't want things to end like this; I don't want to regret our time together. But the past couple of years have changed us and I want to move on and be happy, and you have no right to fault me or make me feel ashamed of that".
Peter's glare never wavered as he turned to leave the apartment.
"You're pregnant with another man's child and asking me not to make you feel ashamed? How would you feel if the situation was reversed? If I'd gotten Amber Madison pregnant? Have a nice life Alicia, I'll send the divorce papers as soon as possible. I'd hate to inconvenience you and Will in any way".
The door slammed shut behind him before she could answer.
Alicia couldn't bring herself to care anymore.
Divorce wasn't a tragedy. A tragedy is staying in an unhappy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce.
Putting a hand over her stomach and suppressing the tears that were threatening to spill over, she tried to feel optimistic about the things to come.
At least this time she wouldn't go through them alone.