Hey people, hope you like the rewrite, its kinda on the romance side for now but it will get better and involve lots of killing later on, you'll find out why, enjoy to new reader and those who read my original, special thanks to RoxyConan-Kun for doing the beta.

For a disclaimer check out my profile. Enjoy~

Conan, Detective of Death Rewrite

Chapter 1

At an amusement park called tropical land, two teenagers were walking side by side after witnessing an apparent murder suicide on the mystery coaster. The girl wore a blue jumper with a white top and a denim skirt; she had blue eyes, long black hair and a fair completion. The boy wore a green jumper with a plain top underneath and jeans; he had lean and handsome features, blue eyes and black hair. These people are Ran Mouri and Shinichi Kudo

Shinichi POV

'Well, that was fun.' I thought, as I gave a sympathetic look to my innocent childhood friend and love interest Ran Mouri, who was currently crying buckets whilst we walked at a slow pace back towards the park entrance.

"It's okay Ran, nothing to cry about." I exclaimed cheerfully in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"It's not okay Shinichi, how can you say that? Two people are dead!" she exclaimed in pain and anger with tears still rolling down her face.

At my failed attempt to cheer her up, I inwardly groaned 'Right, this is how normal people react to dead bodies.'

"Well, we came here to celebrate, right?" I persevered, still trying to get her to stop crying.


"Well, we came here to celebrate, right?" Shinichi exclaimed suddenly with an unnaturally cheery face considering what we just experienced.

I looked up at him as I kept crying and saw no happiness in his eyes despite the expression.

'Seeing dead bodies can only remind him of his parents, and here I am crying like a baby.' I cringed inwardly at my own weakness.

"I'm sorry Shinichi" I sniffled with a small smile, whilst putting my arm around him.

"It's okay Ran" he whispered back returning the gesture.

'Yup, that's the boy I fell in love with.' I thought trying to keep the red from my face.

As we embraced I became aware of stares from passers-by and apparently Shinichi did as well as he broke up the embrace.

I smiled up at Shinichi and his red face as I thought to myself with a giggle, 'He looks so cute.'

Shinichi POV

I broke up the embrace with Ran as we were getting stares from passer-by and my cheeks were slowly burning.

'So cute.' I thought, as I saw that Ran's cheeks were also bright red.

The moment of embarrassment and joy was quickly halted as I felt a familiar chill down my back from so many years on my 'night job',it was a murderous glare.

"Are you alright, Shinichi?" Ran asked with worry on her face.

'I can't let her get involved in the 'business'. I thought with a sigh as I started running from her.

"I'll be right back." I shouted quickly as I turned to see a disastrous look of dread dance across her features.

I managed to successfully get her foreboding face out of my mind as I followed a man who was short and wide, wearing a black suit, black hat and black sunglasses to conceal his face.


"I'll be right back" Shinichi shouted over his shoulder back at me.

I felt cold as I watched him run away. I had a strange feeling that I would never see him again. Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought. I wanted to give chase but I couldn't move from the spot.

'Shinichi, please don't leave me.' I whispered inwardly.

After a quick glance over in the direction he ran to I decided to head home. 'Dad needs feeding and I don't want to be useless.'

"Shinichi, please be safe." I whispered quietly to the air.

Shinichi POV

The man headed behind a ride that was under construction. He certainly had a murderous glare but it felt stronger earlier.

The man in black met up with a sweaty looking porky man who was nervously darting his eyes around. He was carrying a case with a high security lock on it.

The man in black and the porky businessman exchanged words which I didn't particularly care for as it just seemed like a simple extortion.

My spine shot up again as I felt the stronger murderous glare from earlier behind me. I came into action immediately on reflex, rolling out of the way of the metal pipe and drawing the knife concealed on my leg in an automatic fighting position.

The man that was sneaking up on me was a tall and slender man with long blond hair wearing a black overcoat and hat. His eyes were cold and his lips were smirking. The porky businessman had fled from my sudden movement and was nowhere to be seen.

Gins POV

I spotted the kid looking at our transaction, 'That idiot Vodka allowed himself to be trailed, by a stupid looking kid, no less', I sometimes wonder if they let every idiot who knows how to shot a gun into the organisation. Honestly, sometimes I'd rather have to deal with Vermouth.

'Time to get rid of the witness.' I thought with an exasperated sigh whilst keeping the same expression on my face.

I grabbed a metal pipe and was approaching him knock him out, can't have the victim struggling with all the police about.

As I approached the kid did something I wouldn't expect from anyone but a seasoned killer. He dodged out of the way, pulled out a concealed knife and got in a fighting position. Even in the organisation, not many people can pull that off.

"Not bad for a brat." I sneered at him and watched as he had a cold glare to match my own and was in a professional position ready to slit the throat of anyone that got near him.

"Still a brat though." I continued as he held up his glare to mine, he would cause problems for the organisation if he was left alive, especially after today.

"Who are you?" the kid spat back. I'm officially impressed with this kid, and not many can keep that venom under my glare.

"None of your business, Mr Amateur-Assassin." Vodka suddenly joked with menace causing the kid to be distracted for just enough time for me to step into action and dispose of the kid.

Shinichi POV

"None of your business, Mr Amateur-Assassin." The short man in black said.


Without warning the taller man immediately swung the metal pipe and made contact with my head causing me to drop my knife and fall to my knees. I felt hot liquid travel down my head.

Under my concussion I heard the men talking and paid as much attention to them as I could muster.

"Should we shoot him, aniki?" the shorter man said whilst getting his gun handy.

"No, too many police, we should use the new poison from our wonderful organisation, he'll be the first human test subject." the taller man grinned.

I suddenly could feel my head being pulled back by the strands of my hair roughly as something that felt like a capsule was forced down my throat, along with some sort of liquid.

My vision bleared as both men fled into the darkness of the night leaving me to die a slow and painful death. After a few minutes of torture my skin began to tingle, gradually getting hotter until I felt like I was melting. My bones started ache and shrink and I wished for deaths sweet embrace as the pain was excruciating. I wanted to scream but it was caught in my throat. Thankfully the black veil slowly enclosed my vision and the pain began to subside as my heart started to act up. I then left the world as Shinichi Kudo with one last thought on my mind.


The end of chapter 1