Author's Note: I just can't...just can't get this song out of my head. I was at a friends party and this song continued to play over and over again. I sing it, it's still there, I play it...of course it's still there! So what to do? Write it. This is not a song fic thank the Lord, but I guess I just have the song in mind while I write. (And I can't believe it, I really hated this song before but it's in my head! "I hear your heartbeat to the sound of the drum (boom Boom) )In addition to this, I think as I write this, this is actually how I want the series to go (but it won't). While I love the series, some things just don't make sense so...I hope you like this. Oh, btw, I'm new to this archive, I hope you all love me and welcome me into your community!

Summary: Asami was a man of money and power, so it would only make sense that his true feelings lied with someone of that status. So when arrives home one night and finds both Asami and a business partners engaged in "nightly activities" he decides to keep his mouth shut and do the right thing, , as things unfold, Takaba finds himself falling into a deeper hole than he was when with Asami and altogether, his life comes to a staggering drop.


Takaba cursed his self for arriving late that night to the apartment. Usually, Asami would be the late one and Takaba would already have food prepared for him on the table but tonight things were reversed as Takaba tried his best to sneak in in quietly. Aside from arriving home late, something else seemed different to Takaba. Something felt different.

He knew that Asami was already home, probably fast asleep but something felt uneasy. A voice in his head told him to turn around and leave, but as usual he ignored that voice. In fact, many times he never even acknowledged the voice. If he did, then he wouldn't be stuck in this situation at all.

Sighing, he groped his way through the dark hallways and into the master bedroom to alert Asami that he was home.

He probably doesn't care. Takaba thought. He's probably sound_

Takaba hurt something that was all too common but at the same time, it was foreign. The noise came from Asami's room. Making sure not to make a sound, Takaba made his way to his lover's room and was happy to see that the door was partially cracked. Without even releasing a breath, Takaba peaked in.


His heart nearly stopped as he stared plainly at the site before him.

The darkness nearly obscured his vision, but he saw perfectly. There were suits on the floor, expensive suits. In addition to that, Tabaka smelt the scent of expensive cologne so automatically he knew that Asami's bed partner was just like him, rich and wealthy. Something that Takaba was not. It took strength for Takaba to look at the two in their act of pleasure, to actually listen to the noises they made. He didn't get a clear view of the man underneath Asami, but he only had to be clear that it wasn't him. No, it was someone better than him, much better.

I can't stay here. Takaba thought to himself, backing up. Not now...not after this...I just...

His eyes moistened and he slowly began to back up. He tried his best to be quiet and his best not to make that much noise as he rushed to his room and packed everything that was of importance to him.

My camera...

My wallet...

My phone...

He forced everything he needed into his backpack and once again, made his way through the dark house. He remained as quiet as ever as he passed Asami's room, however the noises had subsided. Takoba felt his heart pulse as he attempted to get to the door as fast as he could.

Where are they? I can't hear them_

"Akihito." The voice was Asami's, and it came directly from behind Takaba.

The young man made way to turn around, his heart was aching for him to do so but for once, he listened to that voice inside his brain.

Don't you dare let him play you. Don't you dare be his slut.

And that was all it took.

Takaba darted down the hallway and to the frontdoor. He opened it and without even thinking about it darted out.

I'm done with this. He thought to himself as he made his way to the first floor and then outside. I'm done being his toy, his house wife, whatever. I'm worth something! Why does he think he has the right to cheat on me? Could I cheat on him?

There were tears blazing in his eyes as he attempted to flag down a taxi. However, he stopped when suddenly he noticed men with suits far off behind them. Not really sure what else to think about that, he began to run again, but this time faster. On a better day, he would have stopped to take pictures of the beautiful scenery.

There were lights of many colors, people of all ages and statuses. All the late night shops were open, welcoming visitors and customers of all backgrounds. Even amongst his aching heart, Takaba still found the will to smile, but he still ran.

He didn't want to be caught again, he didn't want to go back to that place. He was determined to escape and get away from Asami. He hadn't seen his family in months in fear of getting them involved but now he was free. If he played his cards right, then Asami couldn't find_

In his train of thought, he had tripped over himself and he landed painfully on his backpack. Both his phone and wallet were ejected, luckily his camera remained inside.

As usual, people walked by as if nothing happened and honestly, Takaba was okay with that. He retrieved is wallet first and made sure everything was still inside of it, and then of course he retrieved his phone. However, he realized that the impact made from dropping had accidentally caused it to dial a random number in his Caller ID. He prayed that it wasn't Asami's number.

Knowing that he couldn't just hang up the phone, he held it to his ear and waited for the caller to pick up.

"Hello?" The voice came so suddenly and it was almost unrecognizable but it was a girls voice.

"Hello?" Takaba replied, just as confused but as the voice became clearer, and flashbacks began to flood his mind, a random name popped into his head. "Mary?" She was his best friend in high school.

"Akihito? Is it really you? I...I haven't heard from you in ages!" She sounded excited. "How are things going?"

"Um...fine_not the best. I don't want to lie. you live with your_" "No, I live alone. I'm living in Kyoto now."

Takaba felt his heart sink.

"But I'm in Tokyo for a night, I'm at a hotel. Why? Do you need a place to stay for a while?"

"Oh...oh yes!" He sounded happier than usual. "Do you have a car?"

"Got one last week. Where are you? I'll pick you up, just stay put."

"Okay...thanks Mary. Thanks a lot."

Depending on the reviews I get, I may post another chapter. If I know you like it, then I'll be sure to update so don't be afraid to review if you read it! And I do not own the View Finder series.