A/N: Oh my gods! It's been so long and I'm so sorry! I had to get used to school again (senior year yikes) and with all the stupid homework (freaking ap classes) I had no time to write but now I find I can in third period so I should be able to start updating more regularly again hopefully!

: It'll be revealed in due time :) thanks! I'm so sorry it took so long!

Charlie the Crazy: well here it is... very late sorry!

PercicoForLife14: Thank you!

ZoloxLuffy: Well it wasn't soon... but it was updated!

Korra: thanks :)

H3artOfS0ul: awesome, thanks!

"Hello?" Bianca answered her phone, reluctantly.

"Who's that?" Percy asked.

"I actually have no idea," Nico said puzzled.

"No," Bianca said frowning.

"Whoever it is doesn't seem to be pleasing her at all," Annabeth said.

"Not really, no," Nico agreed.

"Fine, see you later then," Bianca said angrily at the phone and jabbed the off button, sliding it back into her pocket, before running her hands through her hair.

"Who was that B?" Nico questioned her.

"Nobody important, don't worry about it Neeks," she said, with a small smile.

"Mhmm," he said suspiciously.

"Well to break the tension. Bianca, what was Nico like before coming here?" Annabeth asked.

"Do you want me to tell them?" Bianca looked to Nico for permission. Upon his shrug of indifference, she started, "He was really introverted, and he would not talk to anyone outside of our family. It seemed like he would never get any friends, I was truly worried which is why I'm so glad that he meet you two. You have helped him so much already and you don't even realize it."

"Was he really like that?" Annabeth asked shocked.

"Yeah," Bianca said nodding the affirmative.

"Well then I'm glad I bumped into him," Percy said.

"Why is that?" Nico asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well it obviously knocked some sense into you. Then again I'm so awesome that maybe even I hadn't bumped into you we might have still ended up talking," Percy replied with a smirk and Bianca chuckled a little.

"Nico!" somebody shouted.

Not recognizing the voice, Nico turned to look at the source and saw Hazel walking up to them dragging a small Latino boy behind her. "Hey Hazel," he replied.

Once the two reached the already formed group Hazel looked at them all and smiled, "Hey everyone."

The boy she had drug along whispered something in her ear and she replied, "Well this is my friend, Nico di Angelo, and his friends, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, and I'm actually not sure who she is."

"I'm Bianca, Nico's older sister," Bianca supplied for her. "Who are you two though?"

"I'm Hazel Levesque and this is my boyfriend, Leo Valdez," Hazel replied.

"Levesque?" Bianca asked shocked.

"Yes, why?" Hazel questioned her.

"No reason, just that you're the daughter of one of the biggest movie producers in Hollywood, right?" Bianca replied hastily, and only Nico could tell that there was something she wasn't telling.

"That I am. Wanna meet daddy?" Hazel asked.

"No it's quite alright."

"It'll be okay don't be nervous, I insist."

"If you insist," Bianca agreed reluctantly.

"Okay, you wanna come too, Nico?"

"Sure," he shrugged. "Let me just go grab my aunt."


"See you guys later then," Nico said to Percy and Annabeth.

"Later," Annabeth said, hugging him.

"Bye," Percy said with a small wave.

With that Nico went to grab his aunt and then they followed Hazel, and Leo, to meet her dad.

"Dad," she said once they had walked up to her father.

"Yes Hazel?" he asked turning around. When he saw the di Angelos his eyes widened.

"I wanted you to meet my friend and his family," she replied.

"Okay," he smiled at his daughter. He looked back to the di Angelo family and said, "Hello, I'm Hades Levesque nice to meet you."

"Nico di Angelo, nice to meet you as well," Nico said sticking his hand out to the man who shook it.

"Bianca di Angelo," his sister said, glaring at the man. He paid no mind to that fact, that she was getting so hostile, and nodded his head smiling at her.

"Eleni di Angelo," his aunt said forcing a smile and reaching her hand out to shake his daintily.

"So how did you two meet?" Hades asked Hazel and Nico.

"She ditched her friends to sit with me on the first day, because one of them had decided to pick on me," Nico told him.

"That was nice of you dear," Hades said at the same that Eleni said, "People were picking on you?"

"Don't worry Aunt, it was just a petty girl," Nico assured Eleni.

"Which one was it?" Hades inquired.

"Drew Tanaka," Hazel said.

"Oh her," Hades said and left it that, not needing to elaborate any further.

"What did I miss, darling? Oh hello Hazel, Leo," a petite woman, black haired woman walked up to them.

"Hello Persephone," Leo and Hazel said at the same time.

"Well dear this is the di Angelo family, Bianca, Nico, and Eleni," he told her and she looked at him, with a look of almost shock, as he gestured to all of them in turn.

"Lovely to meet all of you, I'm Hazel's stepmom Persephone," she said.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Nico and Eleni replied as Bianca stared openly at the woman.

"I'll be right," Hades announced.

"Okay, dear," Persephone replied and kissed him on the cheek.

A few minutes after he left Bianca said, "I have to go to the restroom, be right back."

"Are you going to join any sports Nico?" Leo asked, surprising Nico because he had forgotten that the boy was standing with them.

"I'm not sure yet, but I probably won't, are you in any sports?" Nico replied.

"No I'm in the auto club," Leo said.

"Oh that's cool, so you like building cars then?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, my dad and mom are both really talented mechanics, and they've been teaching me things ever since I was old enough to learn."

"Wow, so you're probably really good then, aren't you?"

"Well I'm at the top of the class and the president of the club," Leo said blushing.

"Nice," Nico said.

"Well we have to go dear," Hades said rejoining them.

"It was lovely to meet you all," Persephone said with a smile

"It was nice to meet you as well," Nico and Eleni said.

"See you later Nico. Good bye it was nice to Ms. di Angelo," Hazel said and Leo nodded.

"Later Haze," Nico said.

"Well I think that Bianca and I have to go as well dear," Eleni said.

"Okay I'll walk you guys out," he said.

"I'll call her really quick to see where she is," his aunt said, pulling out her phone.

"No need," Bianca said walking up behind them.

"Well I guess we're ready then," Eleni said turning towards the parking lot.

"Alright," Nico said turning and walking with the two of them to the car.

"Bye Nico, I love you," his aunt said with a smile giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Auntie, I love you too," Nico said hugging her back, and then she got in the car. He turned to his sister who was looking at him with a sad smile.

"See you later Neeks," she said ruffling his hair.

"Yeah see you later B," he said giving her a bear hug.

"Call me if you need anything, right?" Bianca said looking at him seriously.

"Yeah of course sis, same for you," Nico said, opening the car door for her.

"I love you, Nico," Bianca said with a slight smile.

"I love you too Bianca," Nico said giving her one last small hug when she was in.

As the car started up and the two started driving, Nico stood there waving until he could no longer see them. After that he sighed and turned around made his way back to his dorm room and got ready for school the next day, then he got in bed and fell asleep with no trouble.

A/N: So if the end was terrible! I really had no idea how to end this chapter :P Anyways I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to review! And I'm sorry again for taking so long! See you next chapter