Title: "Never Bye"
Author: Kat Lee
Rating: G/K
Summary: It will never be goodbye.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, names, codenames, places, items, fandoms, titles, and etc. are always © & TM their respective owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Any and all original characters and everything else is © & TM the author and may not be reproduced in any way without the author's express, written permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Slamming doors were almost drowned out by fiercely shouting voices. Jesse immediately took refuge in the garage and solace in his motorcycle. He stroked his bike's hard, beautiful metal, remembering easier, better days, freedom, and the wind blowing through his thick, sensual mane. He straddled his bike, wanting, for a moment, nothing more than to go traveling again and never stop back in this town.
But a tiny hand touched his leg. He looked down into his niece's face and knew he wasn't going anywhere. "Unca Jesse go bye bye?"
"No, squirt, never," he promised, pulling her up into a hug.
He wouldn't admit he was crying as he held tightly to his niece. She pulled back and smiled at him through her own tears. She shook her head, causing the hair he'd brushed so many times over the years to bounce. "This isn't bye," she promised. "I'm going to visit all the time."
"You better," he said, squeezing her hard and then sending her off with her groom on her motorcycle.
Becky hugged him. "She's going to be fine."
Jesse nodded, acknowledging. Though he cried, he'd never been prouder. It was her turn to travel the world; Michelle was ready.
The End