I do not own Twilight

I awoke with a groan, reaching across slapping my alarm harshly making the shrill noise switch off.

Too early, too early to be awake. Rolling lazily from bed I stalked to the shower, ignoring the cheerful hello Rachel gave me as I passed her in the small hallway of my small family home.

I showered for half an hour before my brothers pounding on the door began. I sighed, wrapping my towel around me tightly before wrenching the door open and landing the mother of all glares on his oversized self. The boy was obviously on steroids.

I ran to my room, shivering from the cold air that beat through my cold drafty house. I danced around trying to keep warm as I chucked on maroon leggings, a white top, grey hooded jumper and my light black leather jacket over the top, with my messy grey converse. My straight brown hair fell to the bottom of my back, the bangs formed naturally around my forehead and facial structure and I chucked light mascara and blusher on.

Looking in the mirror at my outfit for the day I nodded in approval and grabbed my school bag from my bed post.

My brothers gruff voice echoed through the house, I followed it to the kitchen, where he was obviously sat eating more food. The boy never stopped lately. I scoffed in disgust as he threw another large spoonful of Fruit Loops down his neck, spilling milk down his bare chest.

"Can you try and eat less like an animal for once Jacob?" I chucked my bag down, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Can you try being less rude and bitchy for one day Jade?" He glared at me; well he's got me there. I was rude and I was a bitch.

"Whatever" My blunt voice shot like daggers each time I spoke to someone. Rachel was cooking bacon on the stove and I saw her head shake slightly at my tone of voice.

I sat and watched my siblings as they joked with one another, my face not cracking into a smile once at their idiotic jokes. Jacob kept glancing at me and shaking his head in annoyance at my lack of emotion.

The familiar sound of my dad's wheelchair rolling down the hallway met my ears and I turned toward him as he rolled into the kitchen, his big friendly smile plastered on his old but still handsome face.

"Morning kids, morning my little baby" He addressed me directly with the second morning greeting; he always called me his little baby.

I was officially the youngest in our family thanks to Jacob popping out 20 minutes before me. I was lazy back then and let him go first, I still am lazy though. We were twins, with two older sisters, Rebecca the oldest who lived in Hawaii with her fiancé and Rachel, who had been travelling for a few years and decided to waltz back into our lives suddenly when it suited her.

I nodded in acknowledgement to my dad as the other two greeted him with cheery hellos. He smiled at me; I smiled lightly back but didn't speak. I could see the disappointment in his eyes as he looked at me. His little girl was gone, replaced by a heartless girl who never bothered to speak to him.

"You want breakfast?" Rachel's earlier cheery voice had gone as she watched me ignore our dad. Disappointment shone through her brown eyes.

"Nope" I snapped back, popping the P for effect.

She annoyed me; she waltzed back here after leaving us and acted as if everything was fine. It wasn't fine, nor would I pretend it was.

Jacob glanced back at me, trying to catch my eye. I successfully dodged each glance and chomped the last bit of my apple as the loud horn of my best and only real friend's car hooted outside.

I jumped from the stool I was perched on and ran from the house, not even saying goodbye to my family as I went.

Jason was smiling at me from the driver's seat of his cherry red Jeep Wrangler. I climbed in and leant in to hug him lightly.

"So, how is my little flowerpot of happiness today?" Jason's playful voice ribbed me over the drumming of his music as he pulled out of the messy yard.

"She's her usual happy self obviously" I spoke dryly back, he just laughed. He was the only person who found my sulkiness funny. Everyone else thought I was a manic depressive. Which I wasn't, I just had no time for certain people. Not any more anyway.

I buried my head in my hands as I realised the only two people left that Miss Walker hadn't put into pairs. Maybe she made a mistake; it could still be someone else. Anyone but her.

"And Jade Black partnered with Kim Cameron, the projects are in for next Friday, that is just over a week from now, class dismissed"

I groaned as Miss Walker confirmed my snaking thought; I was partnered with Kim. I looked across at the table by the window; Kim was huffing to herself as she packed her books away, the girl who was sat next to her, Carla, gave her a sympathetic look before walking from class. Yep, Kim pulled the short straw and got me, manic depressive me. But I knew that wasn't why she was huffing. She was huffing and I was groaning because Kim was one of the people I had no time for any more. One of the people I blamed for my bitterness and incapability to form any solid relationship with anyone beside Jason.

I slammed my book into my bag and kicked my chair under the table, dragging my feet over to her desk where she was still huffing to herself.

"Kim" My voice was blank and sharp as I walked closer to her; she snapped her head up and winced slightly.

"Jade" Her voice was a little scared as she looked at me.

"I guess we have to meet to do this, your house or mine?" I looked around, bored of the conversation already.

"Umm, my house is fine" She stuttered a little, she was always awkward and shy around me now. Weird since I used to be the only person she wasn't awkward and shy around.

"Sure, when?" I still wasn't looking at her, instead I focused my eyes on my nails. Hopefully expressing how uninterested I was in the conversation.

"Tomorrow at 6?"

"Yep" Popping the P I walked away, Jason was waiting for me by the door.

"You are so cold Jade Black" He smirked slightly and pulled me into the crowded corridor of our small school.

"You love it" I replied, he shrugged a little before pulling me to the little crowd of people we forced me to hang around with.

The lunch bell rang as we approached them, Suzie looked up at smiled, she liked me, which is more than I can say about I felt about her. I found her, annoying and too happy. I gave my best smile back but I am sure it was more of a grimace. Maya smiled at me now, I liked her more than Suzie, and she didn't push herself on me too much which I always liked in a person.

As we walked to the cafeteria Kim ran past me, shooting me a nervous glance as she ran past and straight into Jared's arms.

I snorted a small laugh. Jared, the reason we are no longer the close friends we used to be, the reason Kim now quivers around me. She had abandoned me, for a boy a year older than us who she had a crush on for years but he had paid no attention to her what so ever. Then one day, she literally ran into him and poof he's madly in love with her and I am nothing to her, just an occasional hi in the hallway or cafeteria line.

I pushed the anger down, the anger I kept in me from all the abandonment I had faced over the past few years. All the unshed tears from each stab to the heart I took when another person I loved let me down and left me all alone.

Tearing my glare from Kim I walked to sit at my usual table with Jason, Maya, Jonah and Suzie. They were talking excitedly about the weekend, we had a bonfire planned at the beach with the rest of our group, and they went to school in Forks so we saw them on weekends. I listened absent mindedly but the forefront of my thoughts were on the niggling annoyance that I had to go to Kim's house tomorrow. Why had I not said my house? At least I could be in control and kick her out when she annoyed me too much.

My eyes flickered to the table Kim was at with Jared as my brother stalked past me, ignoring me completely. He sat with Kim and she smiled at him kindly before they started chatting with the other boys at the table. A twang of jealous hit me as I watched my former best friend chatting with Jacob; she used to light up like that when she talked to me. Now she just shook nervously around me. Embry and Quil, they were the other boys at the table with Kim, Jared and Jacob. They had been sucked in to Sam Uley's gang of steroid taking boys, missing two weeks of school before returning all big and angry. The gang now consisted of my brother, the boys at the table, Saint Sam himself and Paul Lahote, who had recently become my sister's boyfriend. The latter two were older, early 20's and so they didn't come to this school.

Jacob glanced across and saw me looking, Embry followed his gaze but I snapped my head back to my table before Embry's eyes met me. I hadn't spoke or looked at him since he changed, he used to me a friend to me, but now I didn't want to know him. He like my brother could screw himself and his precious little cult.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch and the end of my internal depression and bitch fest. I stood and walked silently to my next class, scowling at each girl who glared at me on my way. Same shit, different day.

A/N This may be a little boring etc but it will get better I promise so keep reading and let me know your thoughts :)