Six months.

That's how long the residents of Howl's castle have on the run after they fled from the kingdom's capital.

Despite the danger, Sophie and Howl do their best to keep their makeshift family calm and happy.

Today was warm and sunny, everyone was enjoying a picnic in the meadow.

Sophie smiles as she looks up from her book to watch Michael playing with Thomas and Luna.

Poor Thomas. That alley cat was dragged along for the ride. He seems really happy now.

Even with the rough start. The orange tabby was on the receiving end of Luna's claws for a full three months before she calmed down and allowed him within three feet of her.

Then one thing lead to another and now the two cats are inseparable.

Sophie giggled a little bit when she wondered how close they were as she watched Thomas gives Luna a few affectionate licks along her cheek.

Sophie looked over to Howl who was tending to the newest member of their growing family.

He never did dye his hair again after the slime incident and today it seemed to glisten in the sun like a shining onyx crystal.

He wore deliciously tight black pants and a white shirt that clinged to his muscles in all the right places.

'Where the hell did that thought come from!' Sophie shook her head to try and rid herself of such traitorous thoughts.

She was not going to turn into one of those idiot fan girls that made complete fools of themselves over some guy.

She tried to think of something else to keep her attention away from Howl's cute… No! Bad girl! Don't think about that.

Sophie turned her eyes to the new member of their family, Skysong. And thought about the day she first appeared at the castle.

Sophie was cooking coconut curried shrimp for dinner when the dial on the door turned black and a huge creature crashed through the door…. make that two huge creatures.

Feathers flew in every direction as cries of pain filled the air.

Sophie was about to move to defend herself when she noticed that one of the creatures had a human face that looked just like…

"Howl? Is that you? Are you alright? Howl!"

It was Howl. His features were covered by blue feathers that made him appear as a great bird of prey.

Before Sophie could make out any more details the second creature let out a loud cry as it continued to crash through the living room.

When she turned to see what it was, Sophie could not believe her eyes!

She pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming, though she knew she didn't need to sleep, before leaping into action to stop the poor creature before it hurt itself.

She stood before it trying to soothe it but it would have none of it.

So Sophie resorted to using her ultimate secret weapon.

Taking a deep breath she began to sing, pouring strong feelings of calm and safety into her song.

"When the storm draws nigh

Dreams will shatter before your eyes

Know that you're not alone

When the battle starts

I will comfort your restless heart

You'll know that you are home

When the stars stop shining

Endless vines around you winding

Know that you're not alone

I will give my all

So your tears will no longer fall

Down, down on sorrow's stone.

Shout into the night

Show the darkness you will fight

Hopeless you may feel,

But inside I know you are strong."

Slowly but surely, the great beast settled down.

With everything calm. Sophie could look at the… She still couldn't believe that she was seeing this!

It looked like an absolutely beautiful black and white horse. Except it had huge wings like eagle and a white star on it's dark forehead with a horn like a unicorn in it's center.

It was a.. a…

"Alicorn. And yes you are seeing this Sophie. She is quite real."

Sophie turned to Howl who had answered her unspoken thoughts.

He had regained his human form while she was tending their guest.

She will have to remember to ask him about the feathers later.

'It's later now.' Sophie thought as she got up and began to walk towards Howl.

Howl had just finished brushing Skysong when he noticed Sophie coming to his side.

"She's so beautiful. Isn't she?" He glanced over his shoulder to look at Sophie.

"She is, and so sweet and 's going to be a great mother. I can't wait till the baby comes." Replied Sophie as she looked at Skysong's large belly.

When Howl had checked her over to ensure she was healthy 2 months ago he discovered that she was eight to nine months pregnant.

Everyone was so excited. The foal is due any day now.

Sophie and Michael were betting it was going to be a boy.

While Howl and Calcifer kept saying it was going to be a girl.

It was anyone's guess though.

"Forgive me Sophie, but I wasn't talking to you."

"Oh? Then who were you.."

Howl looked at her. A single eyebrow raised and a smug, somewhat flirtatious look on his face as smiled at her.

Though to Sophie it looked more like a smirk.

"You just don't know when to give up. Do you?"

"Oh come now Sophie. Admit it. You find me as attractive as I find you beautiful."

"Okay are you high on magic dust or something cause you are completely delusional!" Sophie scoffed.

Howl just looked at her appearing even more smug.

"Am I? I saw the way you were looking at me before. You were blushing, eyes lingering."

"Yeah. You have definitely lost your mind!"

"You were. You were staring. Admit it!"

"Will you just. You know what. Yes I was staring."

Howl really smirked for a moment. Before Sophie threw a cheat shot.

"I was staring at you remembering that day Skysong came and you were covered in feathers. What was that about?"

Howl didn't look so smug now. Now he looked like he swallowed something rotten, because he was definitely looking green around the gills.


"... That is something I can't talk about."

"Can't? or won't?"


Sophie looked long and hard at Howl.

He looked back. His expression indifferent but stubborn at the same time.

Why couldn't he talk about it? If he did it himself then it should be fine…. Unless.

"Howl.. Are you….?"

Before Sophie could say anything more Skysong let out a pained whine as her legs folded beneath her.

Howl kneeled down beside to see what was wrong. When he realised what was happening he blanched.

"She's gone into labor. Sophie take Michael inside, I'll take care of this."

All Sophie could do was nod and head towards the picnic blanket where Michael was and lead him inside.

Four hours later the newest member of the family took their his breath of air.

Early evening found everyone in the castle lounging around the living room gazing at the young alicorn colt that was curled up with his mother on the rug in front of the fireplace.

He was beautiful. All white with black markings and a black star surrounding his horn.

"He is so cool!" exclaimed Michael.

"Yeah he is cool. We still have to name him. Any ideas?" said Sophie.

"Hmmm. How about.. Wildheart?"

Sophie looked at Howl startled by his suggestion.

"That's actually a good idea. Wildheart. I like it."

"Are you saying that I don't have ideas?"

"I didn't say that. You have ideas just not any good ones." Sophie replied with a smirk.

Howl rolled his eyes as he got up to head off to his bedroom.

"Well if that's all settled. I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone."

"Night Howl." Everyone chorused.

Sophie smiled as she gazed at her new found family.

Michael was starting to doze on the couch with Thomas and Luna curled up around him.

Calcifer was staring at Skysong cuddling her foal.

'Things just keep getting more and more interesting.' Sophie thought.

If only she knew, things were about to become much much more interesting.

The song is Your Not Alone by Erutan. Sorry for the long wait but writers block is terrible. I am hoping that I get some inspiration from my vacation. Be back soon.