Just something to pass the time.

Disclaimer I do not own bleach or the characters.

Warning Yaoi

"Ah!" A breathy moan escaped the orange haired teens mouth as the squad 6 Captain slapped his already red bum cheeks. Ichigo was bent over the desk with his shihakusho pooled around his feet and none other than Byakuya Kuchiki standing over him slapping his behind.

"What did I tell you?" Byakuya demanded.

"N-not to -ah- enter your -aha- office without your -ah!- permition," The teen forced out.

"And how will you apologise for your insolence?" The Kuchiki whispered in his ear, causing shivers to run through the teen.

"H-however y-y-you want me -ah- to" Ichigo breathed through all the moans poring out his mouth.

"Good." With that the Captain spun the boy around and grasped his erection, pumping him swiftly. The younger boy didn't last long and came strongly in the Captains hand, his com soaking that hand and wrenching a long groan from his lips.

"Oh what a mess you have made, clean it up." The Kuchiki said lustfully, placing his hand dripping in com in front of the teens face. Without hesitation the teen began sucking and licking the Captains hand until it was clean, then the Captain took his hand and trailed it down the teens front only to disappear behind him. When the Kuchiki found the orange heads entrance he slowly pushed one finger in, feeling the muscles clench around the finger before relaxing, he moved that figure around before finding that spot inside the teen, pressing down and bringing a scream of bliss from the boy. Quickly he added a second and third finger but paused when the teen groaned in discomfort, before taking his fingers out, much to the happiness of the boy. Removing his shihakusho to reveal his own throbbing erection, the older man relished in the hungry and slightly scared look on the teens face. Pumping himself slightly he spun the teen around again before entering the delectable heat of the substitute, it took all the captain had not to com right there.

"I am going to start now, try to stay conscious this time." Byakuya growled in his ear.

With that the Captain pulled out of the teen, then slid back down to the hilt and started up a fast pace that had the teen at his climax again.

"This is what happens when you don't do as you are told, boy." The Kuchiki said slamming into the teen with each word. And with that the older man emptied his load into the boy. They collapsed onto the desk in a heap of moaning and groaning, then Ichigo turned around so he could see the Captains face.

"If I get treatment like that, I will be bursting in here every day, Bya-chan" The teen declared using his favourite nick name for the Kuchiki.

"Oh really?" The captain smirked, "I can't let you get away with making a comment like that, Ichi-chan." The older man threw back with a nick name of his own for the boy, as he pulled him up for another round...

Sorry it's so short.

Reviews if you have time, no flames please.