AN: I'm sad to say that this is the last chapter.

so pass the story on, and enjoy. CR's body will not be burned; that is a mystery that all of you can figure out.

So I'm going to leave this on a good note saying thank you! And if you are new readers still favorite and review!

I also just figured out that I am the first Kate and CR fanfic, and I have also noticed that someone else came out with a Kate and CR fanfic. So look it up. It is good and is based on Kate and CR (In the same age range) as Ghost hunters. Sounds interesting? Go check it out!

So people I'll be making more CR fanfics. and Kate and Lauren, so stay tuned for those.

In the mean time.


Love you all.


There Once Was a Young Man:

Kate sprinted to the outside of the Radio Tower. She frantically searched for her friend. Kate called CR's name a few times; hoping to get a response.

After searching for what felt like hours, she finally discovered her crippled friend lying on his back; staring at the dark sky. He was dead; she was adamant. Kate jogged toward his immobile body, and screamed his real name once more. As soon as Kate reached his side, she shot down to his level. Dirt and blood was everywhere; on his body and on the environment surrounding her. His blood got on her clothes, but she didn't care. She hovered over CR, and looked down upon his seemingly dead face. The gunshot wound that his throat obtained was mercilessly bleeding. Kate glanced towards the bullet wounds on his stomach and leg. She also noticed that his right leg was broken; she snapped her neck upward glancing at the top of the Radio Tower. After the hefty fall, he was most likely paralyzed and dead; his body lay still. CR looked dead, very dead. Kate started to weep; she couldn't believe that he was gone.

Suddenly a slight cough escaped the bloody lips of CR. Kate focused on her friend. He blinked several times as he attempted to widen his eyes. Kate placed a hand on his chest; it was slowly rising and falling. Kate could hardly make out his words, but she knew that he was calling for her aid.

"K…at…e?" CR called.

Kate's eyes widened in absolute terror. Oh god…

He's still alive.

"CR," Kate softly whispered to her friend. "CR, yes it's Kate." She slightly slapped his cheek; refraining him from closing his eyes. Though his eyes; they were no longer an icy blue. His once alive eyes were now a dull and pale shade of grey. Kate lightly touched CR's cheek with her slim fingers. Crystal tears fell onto his pale face. She glanced back at the wound on his neck. The blood wouldn't stop spurting; it was beginning to paint her face a poppy red. It was depressing. CR was paralyzed; he couldn't even place his own hand on his gaping injury. Upon reviewing CR's status, Kate broke down into silent tears; she covered her mouth, trying not to scream. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry CR. This wouldn't have happened if..." –

After a struggle, CR managed to raise an arm. He weakly covered Kate's mouth with the palm of his hand. "S…seve…th…te…tears." CR said, creating a choking sound as he spoke. Kate glanced downward. With every raspy word he spoke, red bubbled inside his gunshot wound. Kate wanted to vomit. "S…sev…em." CR's eyelids drooped. Kate tapped both sides of his cheeks, forcing him to open his eyes.

She frowned. "Stop talking" –

"N…no." CR interrupted with a smirk. "L…let…me…finesh." CR rolled his eyes upward, toward the night sky and gazed at the stars. He grinned.

Without a second thought, Kate stripped the once white hoodie she wore from her body. She placed the filthy piece of clothing over CR's neck, and applied pressure. It was an attempt to minimize the amount of blood he was losing. Kate noticed continuous trickles of blood escaping the corners of CR's mouth.

CR attempted to speak. He gasped for air between each sentence. "I…it's…net…yor…fault."

She cried. It was disturbing; to see one of her best friends suffering in an unimaginable way. "No, it is my fault." Kate started to hyperventilate. For some reason, she couldn't quite catch her breath.

No more did CR have the strength to keep Kate at ease. "Kate…I…" CR stopped talking when a coughing fit occurred. Clumps of old blood flew toward Kate; landing on her green shirt that was hidden beneath her hoodie. Kate could feel the blood soaking the hoodie; and it had only been a matter of minutes. "I…can…t…fell…ma…legs. Ma…body." CR gasped for air once again.

She wiped her tears with a bloody hand.

"Kate…" CR spoke her name once again.

"Yes Candon?" Kate replied; using his real name.

He swallowed. "I'm…so…sc…scared."

Kate bit her cheek. "You are scared?" It was Kate's chance to be motherly toward her dying friend. "Well, it's okay to be scared, but in the end it will all be okay. You will be in a better place."

CR grinned, and nodded his head.

Sighing with pity, Kate decided to move herself into a more comfortable sitting position. She positioned herself behind CR's head; in the cold, wet grass. She crossed her legs, and shuffled her body closer to his. Kate slowly lifted his head, and gently placed it onto her warm lap. She stroked his wavy, black hair. CR was dying; she wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. She had a good bedside manner.

CR glanced upward, seeing the face of his friend. "Kate?"

Kate placed a free hand on CR's chest. It was slow, and was dwindling by the seconds that passed by.

Kate licked her lips. "Yes?"

"Rem…ember…wen…we…f…irst…met?" CR's words were slurred.

Kate smiled. She chuckled slightly, hoping to light up their spirits. "Yes, yes I do remember. We were in my backyard devising a sneaky plan. We both had hopes and dreams" –

"Th…that…nevr…com…tru." CR coughed hysterically.

Kate shook her head. "No, they did. They did come true." She plastered a soft smile across her face, assuring CR that everything was going to be alright. "Now, you won't be bothered by the monster anymore." She tapped his nose.

CR frowned, and breathed deeply. CR slid his hand into Kate's, and choked up. "I…I…want…tooocom…out…of….this…aleve."

"Yes!" Kate exclaimed. "Yes, I know you did!" She continued to play with his hair.

"What…bout…you?" CR weakly questioned.

"What about me?"

"Where…y…you…goin?" CR questioned Kate again. What would become of Kate once he passes? Will she continue running from the creature, or will she end her life as well? It was all a mystery to CR.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Kate reassured CR.

Kate covered CR's mouth as he coughed up chunks of blood. After, Kate wiped the blood and saliva from his face with her sleeve. "As…long…as…y…you…are…safe."

"Oh, Candon," Kate bent over and kissed the top of CR's forehead. "I'm safe already, you protective bastard."

Kate gazed into CR's dull eyes. A lone tear escaped his left eye; Kate didn't hesitate to wipe the tears.

The stars in the night sky were nothing Kate or CR had ever seen before. They were beautiful. Different colors of stars; dead ones from many light years ago; they danced in the darkness. A shooting star flew across the sky.

Kate pointed her finger directly to where the shooting star was last located. "Look! Did you see it Candon; A shooting star!"

CR slightly nodded. His eyes were half closed, and his mouth was gaped open; he struggled with each breath. Kate bit the bottom of her lip. The whole situation that was unfolding was heartbreaking; she couldn't stand seeing her friend suffer through this hell. It had been approximately half an hour since his fall, and surprisingly, he was still kicking. Unfortunately, both Kate and CR knew that he wasn't going to come out of this alive. Kate just wanted to keep him as comfortable as possible, so he could die in peace. Kate counted down the minutes before CR would eventually close his eyes and draw his last breath. Kate focused on the wounds. She raised the sweater from CR's neck and took a quick glance at the grotesque injury. It was still bleeding, but not as rapidly. Kate firmly placed the bloody sweater back onto his neck.

Another ten minutes, maybe.

Kate continued to stoke CR's hair. She massaged his temples at certain times; attempting to keep his body and mind fully relaxed.

"CR?" She spoke.

CR grunted. He couldn't speak anymore; only simple gestures were his way of communicating with Kate. He could only listen.

"The stars are beautiful tonight," Kate commented.

CR nodded. He titled his head back slightly.

"You always talked about your sister. You talked about her in your emails, your letters and even in your truck before we hit the tree." Kate chuckled, "Would you like to hear a story?"

CR locked his eyes with the brightest star in the sky; he smiled.

"Okay," she started. "There was a young man. He had dreams, dreams of becoming great. The young man was sick though. He started seeing things, bad things, things that no one else could see. Everyone made fun of him for that. The doctors and nurses didn't have the slightest amount of sympathy for the man; they would spit at his feet. This sounds somewhat familiar, doesn't it Candon?"

CR raised an eyebrow wondering where the story was going.

"But no matter how much hell the young man went through, he never gave up. He wanted to end the madness that was haunting him for so long. He failed; he tried and tried and tried, but each plan failed! But what did he do? He never gave up." Kate choked up. Emotions overwhelmed her. Her voice cracked, and breathing had never been so challenging. Tears welled up in her eyes, and it wasn't long before they were uncontrollably running down her face. "And here is the young man, laying in my lap…the one…that never gave up." Kate hiccupped. She continued to speak through her cries. "So don't give up Candon! Please! Do not say that you are a failure, because you succeeded!" Kate bent over and gently touched his forehead with hers. "So as the man who wants to succeed, please die!"

CR coughed.

Kate held him down.

"Please pass! I can't bear to see you suffer! Please, please you are one of my best friends. My mother suffered for three years please…I never wanted her to suffer! And after seeing that hell, I don't want it to see it happen to you either."

But it has.

"So please pass, go into the light." Her words sounded corny, but Kate didn't care.

CR's head shifted upward. Kate looked down at CR who was gazing into her bright brown eyes. He was crying, silently. The words "I'm trying" coated his face.

Kate placed a hand on her forehead, and frowned. "I know you are trying."

Another forty-five minutes had passed; CR was still alive; she hated this. Why wouldn't he just die! It shouldn't be that hard. You just close your eyes and –

Instantly, Kate remembered CR's powerful words on the radio tower.

"If we are going to die…WE DIE TOGETHER!"

Kate smiled, "Candon?"


"Candon, you are wonderful!" Tears continued to flow. "You are funny at some times, and a complete idiot at others, but that makes you the wonderful person that you are today. I genuinely care about you as my friend. I never want to lose a friend like you; you're irreplaceable. I wanted to get out of this together, just like you; but that didn't happen." Kate brushed a free hand along CR's cheek; it tickled. The sensation was full of relaxation. "I'm sorry for not jumping."

CR made a grotesque noise. He was trying to speak, but no real words came out. She knew that he was telling her to not be sorry, and that everything that had happened was in the past now. Kate nodded in agreement. "I can't bear to see you suffer any longer."

Kate gently lifted CR's head, and removed her legs from underneath. She gently placed his stiff head onto the blood stained grass. Kate rose to her feet, and walked away from her friend. CR stared at the stars once again, he witnessed another shooting star. Once it was all over, he was sure that he was going to become one of them; a bright and healthy star in the sky.

A small click was heard. CR's droopy eyes ascended. He saw Kate behind him, with a pistol in hand, his head being the target. Kate's eyes were swollen. The continuous flow of tears rolled down the sides of her face, and she gasped between each breath. Never in her life had she wanted to do this, but she had to; there was no other way. "Candon," she started, getting his complete attention. "Please, look at me…one last time."

CR locked his eyes with Kate.

"Goodbye!" Kate shouted –


The bullet drove into CR's head. The impact caused his head to point in an awkward direction. His eyes were still open, but they were lost and would never be found. His mouth was shut tight, and for once in his lifetime, CR was in complete peace and tranquility.

He was dead.

And in that moment, Kate broke down. She instantly dropped the gun; it bounced at her feet. She slowly inched toward CR, and knelt beside his body once more. She cried hysterically. At this point, no one was there to console her. She was all alone. Giving in to the pain, Kate buried her head into her hands. She was pissed off, angry and filled with sadness.

Then the awful truth was revealed before her eyes. She had completed Slender's mission; with the gun. She wanted to believe in her right mind that Slenderman had killed her friend. After all, he caused the injuries; but no matter how much she sugar coated it, this feeling of guilt was going to haunt her for the rest of her life. She killed CR.

Kate placed her fingertips on CR's eyelids, and closed them.

It was all poison.

Goodbye CR.

I'll miss you.

Kate stopped in the middle of a field. She knew that Slenderman was in the general area. A new mentality sat in her mind. If you can't beat him, join him.

"SLENDY!" Kate screamed in a manic tone. "I'M HERE! I'M ALL YOURS!" She flailed her arms in the air.

Kate breathed heavily, and waited for the monster to jump from the bushes. But there was no reply.


"What are you?"

"Me?" Kate replied to the shrill voice.

"And who are you?"


Kate disappeared.

She was never seen of.

Or heard of.



There once was a young man...

His name was CR.

Who was he?

A clever man, with the hope of being a survivor.

A man who was sensitive.

A man who cared about the people he loved.

And would die for what he believed in.

He was a survivor.

He was a friend.

And he was Kate's friend.
