At rise, the TARDIS is located upstage.


THE DOCTOR: Hi! Welcome to "Bad Wolf." I'm the Doctor.

ROSE: And I'm Rose.

ACTOR: And I am everybody else.

ROSE: Wait, the play is called "Bad Wolf"? I thought we were going to call it "A Very Doctor Who"...something.

THE DOCTOR: This was my reasoning. We're doing that season where Rose and the Doctor see the words "Bad Wolf" everywhere-it's the name of a TV network, a nuclear power company...

ACTOR: It was spray-painted on the TARDIS.

THE DOCTOR: Right, so I was thinking, if the words could show up in all of those places-

ROSE: They could also be the name of the play.

THE DOCTOR: Yeah. Everybody ready? Okay, just like we practiced.

THE DOCTOR and ACTOR exit in opposite directions.