Italics: Harry's thoughts

Normal Font: Harry's P.O.V.

Bold: Author's Note

They say I'm not alone, and I believed them. They say they'll always be there for him, and I believed in them. Now, my loyalty to them has practically turned from 100% to nil.

"Hey Harry," said Hermione. She snapped her fingers at him. I ignored her.

Oh well, at least I still have Ron and Hermione, I mean, they're the best friends ever. I still can't believe the Weasleys cut out Ron only befriended me for money. That sucks, and plus, they wanted the glory. Haha, who would want to be me? Suffering, "heroic and noble" me? I mean, you're joking right?

"Mate, you're in a different world, hey, Harry, snap out of it!" said Ron. He snapped his fingers in my face, and I ignored him.

I shouldn't be doing that, ignoring them and all. Oh well, time to tell them the truth. I wonder how Ron will react?

I turned to face Ron and Hermione. They looked concerned and worried. I suddenly pulled them to a hug. I held them tight, I don't want to lose them. The hug was so sudden, Ron and Hermione flinched. But they hugged back.

The meaning of friendship is like a Horcrux. It's valuable to you, but it's with a price. The price for a Horcrux is murder, but the price of friendship is trust, loyalty, attitude and most of all, love.

"I hate the wizarding world," I murmered.

Ron and Hermione shared looks. "Why?" Ron asked.

I ended the hug. "You'll see, and as soon as you see, Hermione, video call me via Skype, name's Evans Black."

Hermione looked at him in surprise. "Where will you go?"

I shrugged. "To the muggle world, I thought that if you knew, you'd eventually go with me."

"What's the problem, mate? Me and 'mione will go with you," said Ron reassuringly.

I looked up. "Well, Hermione, especially Ron, you would not like this. Well, the Weasleys scratch you Ron has only befriended me for fame and money."

Ron went red with rage and Hermione gasped. Then, Hermione and Ron shared looks and nodded.

"We'll go with you to the Muggle world," said Hermione. She stowed her wand in her left boot and Ron and I followed.

"Wait, what's Skype?" asked Ron confused,

Harry and Hermione laughed. "We're gonna have to teach Ron how to do things the muggle way."

Friendship means trust, loyalty and understanding. That's how to be the best best friend ever. And so far, Ron and Hermione are equal candidates. Maybe I'm a candidate, but I owe my life to Ron and Hermione. I love them and they love me. I want to marry some muggle while Ron and Hermione get their thing going. We'll buy a flat and live together until we wither and die. I will refuse my post as the Master of Death, I want to die in the end.

Now that that one shot is finished, anyone want me to write another story of your taste? PM me with the details and I'll try.






Rated M






Harry/Muggle (OC)


(more pairings insert here)

Rating K-T

Thanks for reading.