Fitz walked into the private dining room an hour and ten minutes late, and without Liv.

"Where the hell is she?" Cy asked, looking up from a conversation he was having with Harrison.

"She's on her way. She practically jumped out of the car and into a cab as soon as we hit the city. She said something about not being able to spend another second trapped in a car with me," Fitz said amused.

"And you let her go?"

"What's going to happen to her, Cy? You'd need a priest and a few gallons of holy water to take that woman down."

"Liv," Cy called, interrupting the conversation, and resulting in everyone in the room looking toward the door.

"Hi, Hello, How are you?" she said, wrapping her arms around Cyrus as he leaned in to kiss her cheek, and whisper something into her ear.

"James," she said warmly as she outstretched her arms for their customary greeting.

James caught Fitz's disapproving glare just before he lifted her off the ground, opting to dip her and kiss her on the cheek instead.

"Breathtaking as always Liv," James began, before he whispered something into Liv's ear that made her throw her head back with laughter.

Abby, Harrison, Quinn and Huck watched Olivia greeting her old friends as if they were watching the birth of a baby unicorn. Although they had all known her for years, they had never witnessed Olivia willingly hug someone, or be openly affectionate for that matter. It was common knowledge that Olivia did not like being touched. They all respected it, and kept their distance.

"Mr. Grant," she said icily.

"Livvie," he said, opening his arms to her just before Olivia moved out of his reach.

"No hug? I thought we shared something special on our car ride," he joked.

Liv just rolled her eyes and continued. "I'd like for you to meet my team."

"This is Abby, Harrison, Quinn and Huck."

Olivia watched as Fitz seemed to take a particular interest in Huck.

"Everyone, this is Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III."

"Call me Fitz," he said, flashing his signature smile toward Abby and Quinn. Olivia couldn't believe the way her team was reacting to Fitz. She expected Abby's outrageous flirting and even Quinn's blushing and giggling. What she hadn't expected was Harrison's man crush.

"Of course Harrison would idolize him. People think of Fitz as the poster boy for players," she thought to herself.

The only member of her team not throwing themself at Fitz was Huck, who was standing beside her taking it all in.

"Homeland security removed Edison from the No Fly list a few hours ago," Huck said quietly without wasting time with a greeting. "It's too risky to add him again."

"Thanks Huck. Is everything ready for tonight?"


Olivia nodded before they both made their way to the table. The others had all claimed their seats around the table earlier, leaving Olivia to choose from one of the two free seats next to Cyrus.

Olivia knew that Fitz was watching her. She was able to feel the heat from his gaze as she moved throughout the room. Olivia wasn't particularly surprised when she looked up to find Fitz sitting to her left, with a satisfied grin plastered across his face.

"Behave," she said, just loudly enough for him to hear.

"Always," he whispered back. "I'm not the one who showed up without underwear," he teased as he began running his fingertips up and down her bare leg.

Fitz was like a little boy who loved to push the limits and Olivia knew that tonight's seating arrangement was a recipe for disaster.

"Cold air is blowing right on me. Would someone switch seats with me?" she asked, hoping that someone would volunteer.

"Nice try Livvie," he thought to himself, refusing to let her get away that easily.

"It's not like I wanted to sit next to you," Fitz complained. "It was the only open seat."

"Excuse me?" Olivia shot back.

"Here we go again," Cyrus groaned.

"I'm just pointing out that I wasn't thrilled to sit next to you either. Do you think that I was looking forward to an evening of dull conversation? I, however, had enough manners to tough it out."

"You're unbelievable. The world doesn't revolve around Fitzgerald Grant. I was fucking cold," she spat, narrowing her eyes.

"That's funny, because there isn't a vent anywhere in sight."

"Fine. I'll just sit here and freeze to death so that I don't bruise your obviously fragile ego."

"The ice queen – freeze to death? Ha! Don't get my hopes up," Fitz shot back.

"Children, please," Cyrus spoke up.

Olivia zeroed in on Fitz's neck, irritated that he forgot to cover up the marks she had left.

"I thought I told you to cover up those mid-life crisis marks anytime you're in public."

Her team was riveted by the show unfolding before them. In all the years that they had known Olivia, they had never seen this side of her. She had worked for countless unsavory characters, and had never acted less than professional.

Fitz proudly ran his fingertips over the marks that Liv had left on his neck.

"Just because I'm not a prude like you, doesn't mean I'm having a mid-life crisis."

"I'm not a prude," she argued back indignantly, holding her wine glass in one hand and dropping the other beneath the table.

Olivia moved her hand toward him until it was resting just above his knee, her fingers rubbing small circles into the fabric of his pants. She took a large gulp of liquid courage as her index finger traveled deliberately up the inseam of his pants until she reached her intended destination. She was able to feel his muscles tightening beneath her fingertips, and she wondered if anyone else had noticed his breath hitch. She could feel his eyes burning into her, trying to bait her into looking at him. She avoided eye contact, opting to drain her glass of its contents instead. Her finger lightly traced the outline of his cock, using her body and the table-cloth to shield their little game from Cyrus' view.

"Then how would you explain that dress? I've seen more skin on women wearing burkas."

Olivia tried her hardest to suppress a giggle, and forced herself to scowl at him.

"I'm not one of your whores Grant. I don't feel the need to put everything on display. It doesn't make me a prude, it makes me respectable."

Olivia began stroking him beneath the table, and she could tell that he was having trouble focusing on their pretend argument, as he hardened beneath her touch.

Fitz made a show of looking her up and down. "Maybe you're right. Or, maybe there is something you're trying to hide under the tent that you're wearing," he grinned, making a show of looking her up and down before he continued.

"What are you hiding Ms. Pope? I bet your panties are naughty little numbers, aren't they? Or maybe you aren't wearing any."

Olivia turned to glare at him, realizing that all eyes were on her, waiting for a response.

Fitz knew perfectly well what she was hiding under her dress. He had sat on the bed, watching her dress and undress as if it were a feature film. It had taken her over an hour to find a dress to hide all the marks that Fitz had left on her body with his mouth, and another 5 minutes to convince him not to leave anymore when he saw how the dress hugged her ass.

"You're disgusting! No wonder you have to pay for sex," she spat before Cyrus cut in.

"How did you two make it through dinner last night without killing each other?"

"I had the waiters remove the knives from the table," Fitz deadpanned. "I didn't want to be tempted."

And that was exactly the opportunity that she had waited for. All eyes were on Olivia as she stood up from the table, glared at Fitz and announced, "If you'll all excuse me," before storming out of the private dining area. She knew that Cyrus would be sending Fitz out any minute to apologize, so she stood right outside the door, just out of view. The door opened, and Fitz stepped out into the hallway looking confused as Tom trailed behind him. Olivia grabbed him by the wrist, and yanked him toward her, pulling him into a small private bathroom. The last thing that she saw before she door closed was Tom grinning in their direction.

The door was barely closed before her lips were attacking his. Her hands cradled his head as she kissed him hard, savoring the taste of scotch that lingered on his tongue.

"Take off your pants," she commanded, as she began slipping out of her dress.

Fitz stared at her confused for a few seconds before he did exactly what she asked. He arched an eyebrow at her as she carefully folded her dress, and placed in on the counter top. She placed her hands on her hips, standing in front of him dressed only in a black lace bra, as the matching panties were in his pocket.

"What's so funny?" she asked when she heard him chuckle.

"You drag me in here to have your way with me, but you take the time to fold your dress?" he questioned as she spread several sheets of paper towel onto the floor.

"I'm not the type of girl to get her dress wrinkled giving her boss a blow job in a restaurant bathroom. I told you, I'm respectable. Now, do you have anymore questions or could we get to the part where my tongue is running all over this?" she asked with a sly grin, as she wrapped her hand around his base. His cock was already getting hard, but she couldn't resist the feeling of him in growing in her hand as she pumped him.

Fitz let out a low groan as her tongue ran up the underside of his cock, swirling and teasing him when she finally reached his tip.

"This is going to be quick, Baby. Just enjoy," she said, lifting her head to meet his gaze before returning her attention to his cock. She immediately went to work, her tongue spreading his pre-cum over his head as her fingers massaged his sac.

"Shit Livvie," he growled as she simultaneously worked his tip and his balls.

Olivia sealed her lips around her member, circling her tongue around his top before taking him fully into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, quickening the pace as her warm mouth slid over his thickness.

"Fuucck," he groaned again, feeling his balls tightening as his tip hit the back of her throat.

Olivia didn't want to just give Fitz a blow job in the bathroom, she wanted to make an impression. She had always given great blow jobs, and had no reason to doubt her skills now. Olivia looked up, tilted her head and took him ball deep. Fitz's cock was large, and no one had ever been able to take that much of him that deep before. The feeling was unbelievable and he knew that he couldn't fight his release much longer.

To Fitz's relief, she slid her lips back up his shaft, quickly swirling her tongue over his tip before taking him mind blowingly deep again.

"Fuck, I'm going to," he panted.

She hummed her appreciation against his cock, the vibrating sensation stimulating his tip.

A serious of strangled grunts and growls filled the room as the first stream shot down her throat. She swallowed as he filled her mouth again, bobbing her head and sucking hard until she felt him begin to soften in her mouth. She slid him out of her mouth, using her tongue to clean the remaining stickiness from his cock before placing a kiss on the tip, and standing up.

She grabbed his face, and smiled up at him as he attempted to catch his breath. His large hands gripped her hips as he lifted her effortlessly and placed her onto the counter top. Fitz teased along her bottom lip with his tongue, his hands sliding down her naked flesh until he was gently parting her thighs.

"That was just for you, Baby," she said, kissing him sweetly before sliding off the counter top and turning to put her dress back on.

He watched as she touched up her make up, her large brown eyes meeting his occasionally in the mirror.

Olivia never failed to surprise him. Her tiny frame was in sharp contrast the her fierce personality. Her doe eyes made her the picture of innocence, and he may have believed that if she hadn't just given him the best blow job of his life in a restaurant bathroom, with their closest friends 20 feet away.

"You're going to need to get your pants on and go out there first," she said matter of factly. "We'll tell them that we both apologized and everything is fine."

Fitz steadied his breathing and buckled his pants. He gave her a chaste kiss on the lips before returning to the dinner.

"Stay with her," Fitz instructed Tom, as he opened the door into the private dining room.

The conversation stopped and all eyes were on Fitz as he walked back into the room. He didn't mind being the center of attention, but one set of ominous eyes particularly unnerved him. He needed to remember to ask Liv what Huck's deal was.

"Where is she?" Cyrus demanded. "So help me if she left, Fitzgerald."

"Relax, Cy. She's finishing her cigarette and she'll be back."

"Liv doesn't smoke," Abby retorted.

"That's right. Didn't you hear she quit?" Cyrus said with a cynical chuckle, and as if on cue, Olivia walked into the room.

She made her way to the table and Fitz stood to pull out the chair for her. She arched an eyebrow, and the corners of her lips curved upward.

He leaned in close and whispered, "I don't want your team thinking I'm a dick. I want them to like me."

She nodded and sat down. "We've decided to start behaving like adults," Olivia began, "We've called a truce, so to speak."

"I apologized for being a pompous ass," Fitz announced to the table.

"And I apologized for being an uptight bitch," Olivia added.

"Call the Vatican! We've just witnessed a miracle ladies and gentlemen. The two most headstrong people who I've ever met are admitting their flaws," Cyrus announced jovially.

Olivia rolled her eyes, and then took charge of the conversation. She told Fitz, Cyrus and James a little more about each member of her team, ending with Huck.

"And Huck is our tech guru. He can do anything," she said proudly, beaming at Huck.

Fitz couldn't miss the warmth in Liv's eyes when she spoke to him. He also noticed that Huck never took his eyes off of Liv, except for when Huck stared ominously at him. Fitz couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something about the way Huck looked at him that made him extremely uncomfortable.

"I want to thank you all head of time for all of your hard work on my behalf," Fitz said, addressing the gladiators.

"With Liv's brilliant plan, this should all be behind you by Monday," Abby gushed.

The only thing that registered in Fitz's mind was Monday. He felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Fitz had offered her a full-time position at his company, which would eventually turn into a full-time job on his campaign. Although she seemed intrigued, he really didn't know if she would accept the job or not. If she didn't accept his job offer, his time with his Livvie had an expiration date of Monday.

Fitz's mind went into overdrive. Would their relationship affect her decision? If it did, he hoped that she would stay because she wanted more time with him.

"What if she doesn't want more time with me? What if this is only an affair to her?" he thought, his mind forcing him to explore his deepest fears.

Fitz began thinking about how the intensity of their connection scares her and how her first instinct is always to put distance between them. "What if she turns down the job because she's afraid of what we have together?" he wondered.

Olivia turned to face Fitz just in time to see his jaw stiffen. She was able to feel the tension radiating from his body, and realized that this was something that they should have discussed before dinner. She casually dropped her hand below the table, and placed her hand on top of his, rubbing gently his clenched fist with her thumb.

"We're hoping that the majority of the problem will be behind us by Monday. Then we'll need to work on rebuilding your imagine and your brand. It could take a few more weeks," Olivia offered, giving him a reassuring smile, hoping to ease his mind.

Fitz turned to meet Olivia's gaze, offering her a tight smile, even though the hurt was still evident in his eyes. Although he was painfully aware that their time could be limited, he wasn't expecting it to end so soon.

"What's the brilliant plan?" Fitz asked, hoping to take his mind off of the possibility of a life without Liv.

Olivia cut Abby off before she had time to respond.

"Nothing that you need to worry about. We need you to maintain plausible deniability if things don't go as planned," she said sharply, ending any further discussion of the subject.

Olivia continued to lovingly caress his hand, even though she would've preferred to lean over and give him a long reassuring kiss.

The conversation flowed easily, as if the group had known each other forever. Abby was telling Fitz about her latest dating disaster, while Olivia, Cyrus and Harrison were discussing politics. At the far end of the table, Quinn was cooing over pictures of Ella with James, and Huck observed quietly.

"Sometimes, you meet the love of your life when you least expect it. If you told me a few weeks ago that I'd be head over heels in love with an incredible woman, I would've told you that you're insane. But the second I saw her, I knew that she's the girl that I'm going to marry," Fitz tried reassuring Abby as he speared a shrimp from Olivia's plate and began chewing.

"What's she like?" Abby asked, trying to find out more about Fitz's so-called "soul-mate."

Olivia's interest in her own conversation waned, and she was completely tuned into the conversation that Fitz was having with Abby.

"She's stunning. The kind of girl that you can't keep your eyes off of, but she has no idea how beautiful she is. She's the most intelligent woman I've ever met; absolutely brilliant. She's so strong, but when she's vulnerable, I'm putty in her hands," Fitz said, pausing before continuing to list her other attributes.

Olivia didn't look in Fitz's direction, but she was hanging on every word. She nodded, trying to feign interest in whatever Cyrus was saying, but she couldn't hear anything other than Fitz's description of her.

Fitz knew he had her attention when he felt her fingers absent-mindedly trailing along his inseam. He loved when he was able to catch her off-guard and couldn't help but to have some fun with her.

"She a tiger in bed. She's challenging, but in the best way possible. And she tastes like summer raspberries sprinkled with sugar," he added for good measure.

Fitz coughed as Olivia dug her nails into his thigh. She felt her cheeks beginning to heat, and hoped that no one sensed how uncomfortable she was. She couldn't believe that he just said that to anyone, let alone her best friend.

Abby wasn't phased by Fitz's description of his new girl, and added that one of her exes told her that she tasted like a strawberry popsicle, just in case Fitz wanted to try another delicious summertime treat.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Fitz's fork making its way toward her plate and she speared the shrimp in question before he could pilfer another.

"Same rules as last night," he whispered so that only she could hear.

Olivia's mind raced back to little game that they played the night before, as she felt his hand inching under the hem of her dress.

"You do have food on that great big plate of yours. You don't need to steal mine," she said playfully nudging his fork away from her plate as she felt his fingertips inch up her thigh.

"But yours tastes sooo good." His voice was low and dripping with sex, and she immediately felt the wetness between her legs.

Olivia looked at Fitz considering his proposition before pushing one of her shrimp toward his fork. Fitz leaned into her hair, allowing his warm breath to tease her as he whispered into her ear.

"I guess I have to wait until we get home to have my dessert," he pouted.

Olivia's chest began to rise and fall rapidly, as a shiver of anticipation shot through her body. Fitz grinned realizing that she was as eager to start their evening as much as he was.

Olivia looked at Fitz's plate, and speared a few pieces of pasta. He laughed as she scrunched up her face as she chewed. She immediately reached for her wine glass to get the taste out of her mouth before realizing that it was empty.

"Here," Fitz said, handing her his scotch.

Olivia gulped down the brown liquid, handing him back the empty tumbler when she was finished.

"What the hell was that?" she asked, scrunching her nose again at the thought of the pasta.

"Pasta Ascoli," he said with a hint of humor etched across his features.

"Which is?"

"Pasta with tuna. That's why you shouldn't steal other people's food Livvie."

"Jerk," she teased, playfully slapping his arm.

Although the rest of the table was too absorbed in their own conversations, Olivia looked up to find to find Abby watching their exchange intently. "Damn it. She never misses anything," she thought to herself.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, and although Fitz's hand never broke contact with the bare skin of Olivia's thigh, they were both more careful about how they interacted with each other.

Fitz was the first to stand from the table, expressing how much he enjoyed everyone's company, and how he hoped that the team would make his company their home base for the foreseeable future.

To say that the gladiators were surprised was an understatement. Fitz had assumed that Olivia had mentioned the job offer to her staff, since he would be hiring them as well as Olivia. When he realized that she had not discussed it with them, he expected her to jump in with an explanation, but instead he found her looking exhausted and fighting to stay awake. He quickly explained his future political aspirations, and how he hoped that they would all be willing to come on board for his future campaign, promising to discuss it in further detail the next morning.

As the group gathered their belongings, Fitz noticed that Olivia seemed to have gotten her second wind. She looked radiant, smiling as she kissed Cyrus and James goodnight. The quick glances and meaningful looks that she shot in his direction as she moved from person to person weren't lost on him. Her eyes sparkled and he could tell that she was looking forward to their evening as much as he was.

As the rest of the dinner party walked out in front of them, Fitz moved his body closer to hers, his hand grazing over her ass as he guided her through the crowded restaurant. His lips moved closer to her ear, and he was tempted to take her lobe between his teeth, but resisted because they were in public.

"Tom will drive you to my place. I want you in my bed tonight," he said, the low timber of his whisper making her clit ache.

"Anything you want, no exceptions," she whispered back, giving him the slightest smile as he held the door open for her to exit the restaurant.

"Livvie, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned when she stopped dead in her tracks.

She was frozen, her eyes screwed shut as she tried to wrap her head around the scene that had just played out before her. She vaguely remembered hearing someone say, "Surprise," and she was sure it was Abby. She remembered seeing Edison standing out on the sidewalk holding some type of red flowers in his hands.

Olivia felt the warmth of arms wrapping around her, allowed herself to relax into them. "Fitz," she thought to herself, hoping that when she opened her eyes, she'd be snuggled against him and that Edison was a silly nightmare.

She felt his hands slide down her back, over the roundness of her ass and grip her hard. She flinched as his fingers dug into her bruised skin, and she didn't need to open her eyes to realize that she wasn't in Fitz's arms.

"I don't appreciate having to drive for hours to remind you that you're my fucking wife. Have you forgotten our arrangement Olivia?" he spat into her ear.

She felt claustrophobic in his arms, the familiar urge to get out of his grasp bubbling to the surface.

She couldn't remember moving, let alone crossing the sidewalk. She couldn't remember walking away from Fitz and into Edison's arms. Her arms were at her side as he continued to grip her and she continued to ache for Fitz.

Olivia struggled to control her reaction. She wanted to slap Edison, to push him away, to do anything to get back into Fitz's arms, but she knew that wasn't realistic. The reality was that her evening would not be spent indulging in various pleasurable activities with a man who adored her. Instead, she would probably spend her evening receiving a lecture on how to be a better wife from her obviously very angry husband.

"Are you surprised?" she heard Abby question. "I told him you'd be surprised if he came here instead of the hotel," she continued.

"Fuck yeah, I'm surprised," she thought to herself when Edison finally released her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked Edison, intentionally keeping her voice devoid of any emotion.

"Visiting my beautiful wife," he answered, and she couldn't help but notice how well rehearsed it sounded.

"How nice of you to find the time," she said quietly, giving him a tight smile before turning around to search for Fitz.

Edison wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her hair back to expose her ear. He leaned in close, making it appear that he was sharing a loving moment with his wife.

"I find the time when I hear that my wife can't keep her legs closed. Your boyfriend doesn't seem to be enjoying the show," he growled into her ear, while she tried not to wince at his words.

When Olivia started walking toward Edison, Fitz instinctively tried reaching out to stop her. She had walked away, and he was forced to watch the love of his life wrapped in another man's arms. Fitz tried hard to fight the urge to kill Edison, but when he realized that Edison's grip on her ass was hurting her, he couldn't stop himself from moving forward in an effort to get that asshole's hands off his Livvie. Tom, anticipating his reaction, had positioned himself in front of Fitz, thwarting his advance.

"Get out of my fucking way," Fitz growled through gritted teeth.

"You don't want to do this here," Tom said evenly. "She doesn't need you making things worse."

Tom was right. As much as Fitz wanted to kick the shit out of Edison, he knew that he couldn't. He had promised her that he would be able to accept the fact that she was married. He knew that there was something more to her relationship with Edison that she wasn't telling him, and he hoped that she would open up to him soon. The one thing that he did know, was that if he went after Edison now, he would lose Liv forever.

Olivia had an irrational need to see him, to search his eyes for understanding and to use that connection to beg for his forgiveness. Her eyes darted from person to person, searching for one familiar set of blue eyes. The tightness in her chest gave way to a sinking feeling her in stomach when she caught sight of them partly shielded by Tom.

She instantly felt sick, a wave of nausea overtaking her body. Everything that she felt inside mirrored in his eyes.

Olivia pasted a fake smile across her face and retreated behind her walls. She hid herself in the dark empty space of her mind where she was able to numb herself to the outside world. She had managed to get through saying goodbye to her team and the Novak-Beenes. She was turning to leave when she heard a familiar female voice begin to speak.

"I know you're anxious to get on with your evening Ms. Pope, but I was hoping to confirm your schedule for tomorrow before you leave."

"It should only take a few minutes," she offered to an irritated Edison.

Olivia realized that it was Kate, and that she was looking slightly flustered. Olivia nodded, afraid that her voice would betray her if she tried to speak.

Olivia walked with Kate a bit further down the sidewalk.

"It looked like maybe you needed a minute," Kate said kindly when they were finally out of earshot.

Olivia nodded again, still not trusting herself to try to form a sentence.

"I need to change our 10 o'clock meeting," Fitz said, as Olivia's head snapped up to see him walking toward them.

He didn't want to lay his heart on the line for the second time today in front of Kate, but there was no way around it. His time with Liv was limited, and this was his last hope.

"Stay," he said quietly, when he finally reached them. "We'll figure it out together. I'll get you the best lawyers. Anything you need is yours, but I need you to stay with me, Livvie," he begged, reaching for her as she took a step back. They were blocked from view by several large potted plants, but feeling Fitz's hands on her would shatter her.

She fought hard to remain detached, but she felt her walls beginning to crumble. He did this to her. He made her lose control of her body, in both the best and worst of ways. She shifted, hoping to ease the tightness that pulled in her chest, and the tingling sensation was taking hold in her arms.

The icy chill that had taken hold of her insides was spreading outward. Olivia's tiny frame began to shake as she attempted to answer him.

"I can't," she said, her voice void of any emotion.

He wasn't surprised. As much as he wanted to believe that his love for her would conquer all, she made it perfectly clear that she wasn't his. This was his fault. He lied to her when he told her he would be satisfied with whatever time he could spend with her. He couldn't handle this. He couldn't handle watching the woman he loved leave with another man. He couldn't stand to watch her being hurt, or to know that she wouldn't be treasured.

He knew that she was trying to catch his eye, to have one of their silent conversations, but he avoided her. It didn't matter anyway. There would be no connection, no playful twinkle and no silent conversation because his Livvie had retreated into herself at the first sight of Edison. He was trying to hold himself together and looking into her eyes would be his undoing.

Fitz wanted to say so much, but realized it wouldn't change anything. He struggled, trying to find the right words. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but he couldn't. Of course, he had told her countless times before, but he couldn't handle the rejection of her not saying it back, not now when he needed to hear it most.

He thought about saying goodbye, wondering if this would be the end of what they shared together. He quickly dismissed that idea. She might end things, but he would be hers until the day he dies. He would never say goodbye, because in his mind, they would never be over. He would live his life committed only to her, and loving her from afar.

"Please don't sleep with him," he pleaded, before he thought it through. He didn't want to think about his beautiful goddess, naked and pressed up against that fucker. The mere thought of it made his stomach turn and his blood boil. He knew that he didn't have to worry about them having sex because of her injury, but he didn't want Edison anywhere near his Livvie.

She finally managed to catch his gaze. Fitz wore a pained expression, looking like he was being tortured rather than leaving a friendly dinner.

"I won't," she said quietly, before being interrupted by Edison's irritated voice.

"I need to..." She stopped and turned to walk away, knowing that finishing the sentence wouldn't help either one of them.

"Take Tom," he begged, as she began to walk away.

Olivia turned to face him, and for the first time, he realized how hard this was on her.

"Fitz, I can't."

"Please Livvie. I need to know you're safe. Please."

Both Olivia and Fitz looked as though they had reached their breaking points, and it was hard for Kate to watch two people in such agony.

"I'll call ahead and arrange for you to have a new room at the Meridien. Stop by the front desk when you get there, and they'll have a key waiting," Kate said, hoping that reminding them of her presence would allow them both to walk away.

"Thanks, Kate," she said, smiling weakly before turning to walk back to Edison.

Edison made a show of checking his watch, and then said something that made Olivia scowl. Fitz was hardly able to watch Olivia get into the waiting car, with her husband following her into the backseat.

"Why the fuck are you reserving them a room?" he spat as soon as the car door closed.

"What's next Kate, are you sending champagne and arranging a couple's massage?"

Normally, Kate wouldn't let Fitz speak to her like that and get away with it, but she decided to turn the other cheek because she knew that he was hurting.

"Because your clothes are in her other room Fitz. And because if I reserve the room, I'll know the room number and you'll be able to send Tom."

Fitz grabbed Kate and hugged her until she couldn't breathe. "Thanks Katie."