AN: Hi! I'm Kai, and this is my second -Man (Yullen) fic. I am actually writing this during history class because I am beyond bored of this ancient egypt stuff...I just plotted this down, but I am thinking of the story as I go! Suggestions are always welcome. This is probably a typical cliche university story, but I hope you like it! - Kai

Disclaimer: Hoshino owns -Man, and I only own Allen's homo pants.

The wind blew at his pale face as he walked into the campus, he looked up at the tall buildings and the university grounds that seemed to go on forever from where he was standing. He was wearing his usual white blouse, black vest and pants plus his favourite red ribbon. He had a dark blue duffle bag hanging on his shoulder, holding everything he brought to move into his dorm.

Allen had received a scholarship into this private university, Rose Cross University. It was known for it's elite campus and dorms and students achieving high things in life graduating here. He looked at the school map which he held in his left hand, and started walking towards his dorm.

The dorm building was huge! It was about the size of three apartments put next to each other. The building was covered in a dark bluey-grey paint. He walked into the entrance and pressed the button for the elevator. Just as he got on the lift and the door was about to close, a hand closed up on the door to stop it from closing. Behind that hand was a tall man, slim and well muscled, with long, black hair tied into a flawlessly neat pony tail. Even his face was a little femenine, but you could tell he was male. He seemed to be of an Asian background.

He walked into the lift calmy and was about to press the button to floor 12 to find that the other guy in the lift had already pressed it. He che'd and stood silently in the lift as it started going up.

Allen fidgeted under the awkward silence. The guy who walked in seemed to be another student in the university, and happens to also be living on the same floor as him! He seemed to be his senior, he definitely didn't look like a freshman, maybe a sophister.

When the lift reached floor 12, they both stepped out of the elevator. The corridor was floored with red carpet and white walls, with cream coloured doors to match. Allen looked down at his student guidance sheets, and pulled out the information paper. His dorm room number was 255. He walked towards his room to find that the other guy from the lift in front of him was also walking in that direction. Allen's eyes widened as the other man stood in front of room 255.

When he noticed that the albino was behind him, he turned around. "Don't tell me you're my new roomate," he said, scowling.

"Uh... yeah, I am."


Allen slipped into the room following his raven haired roomate, to find an equisitely tidy dorm room, with cream walls and carpet, and luxurious kitchen applications and furniture. It wasn't too big, but it was spacy for a university dorm room. There was a bunk bed in the corner, the bottom bunk evidently already occupied by Allen's roomate.

Kanda put his keys down on the kitchen counter and then made his way to his desk.

"My name's Allen Walker by the way, nice to meet you." Allen held out his ungloved hand and smiled brightly.

"Che...the name's Kanda." Kanda replied, brushing past him. He sat down at his desk, pulling out a book to read.

'Well he's a friendly one.' Allen thought dully.

Allen put his duffle bag down and started unpacking his belongings. He put his clothes neatly into the closet, and set down his books on his desk. He put up a picture of his past adoptive father, Mana, on the wall next to his bunk bed. He didn't bring much stuff, well, he didn't have much to bring, in the first place.

Kanda's part of the room was very plain but tidy. He had a few books on his desk, a booklight attached to his bottom bunk, his draw in the closet was filled with very toned down clothes, he obviously rarely wore much colour. He also seemed to have a sword sitting by his bed, which Allen found extremely creepy.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, and before they knew it they were in bed, ready to sleep.


"Allen, get out of the building! Everything is falling apart!" Mana shouted at a 8 year old Allen.

They were inside a building that was on fire, and the ceiling was breaking down.

"But Mana! You'll die in there!" Allen shouted, sobbing.

"Hurry Allen! Run!" Mana yelled through the smoke and flames.

Crying, Allen ran through the crubling building, avoiding the raging fire. Just as he was nearly outside, a brick of hard concrete hit his head and was immediately knocked out.


Allen woke up with a jolt, in a layer of sweat. He looked at his alarm clock, it read 2AM. He suddenly got up and climbed down from his bed, causing him to suddenly feel dizzy. He had a sever case of *BPPV, which he got from that incident 10 years ago. He stumbled dangerously and was about to hit the floor as he was held up by a strong arm. He opened his eyes and looked up to find his roomate, Kanda, looking down at him.

"What the hell, Moyashi!"

"Moyashi? I'm not a beansprout!" Allen fumed.

"Whatever." Kanda was slightly taken back that Allen knew his language.

"Sorry." Allen mumbled and quickly got up. "Did I wake you?"

"No shit, you sleep right on top of me and your bed creaks horribly."

"Oh... sorry about that." Allen muttered another apology.

"What was that about, anyway?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Allen quickly said. He didn't want to hinder his roomate. And besides, Kanda's personality seemed bad enough already.

Kanda didn't buy any of that, but he just che'd and went back to bed.

Allen walked into the bathroom, and shut the door behind him. 'I should have recovered by now! Don't tell me it still comes back...' he thought. He washed his face under the tap and breathed heavily, wishing the spinning to go away. He had a box of medicine with him, but it was only for when he felt severly nauseous. Plus, the medicine slowed down his recovery.

He walked slowly back to his bed and went back to sleep. He had his first day of university ahead of him next morning.

*BPPV: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, a disorder in your ear which you get from a hard blow to your head.

AN: Whee! People seem to like stories when Allen gets injured, or has some sickness hahah. Poor Allen! I had a lot of fun writing this, I'll probably update it when I have the time to write in class! (Which is basically everyday bluh) Review please! They motivate me :^) - Kai