This is what I love about writing, everyone who reads this story has a different interpretation of it and I love that, it means I did my job. I ended where I did because that journey was over and it seemed appropriate for Elliott's character, but it has blown the door open for a sequel to take them on their own journey to rediscovery and reinventing their relationship. To be honest I am an avid reader and if a story is too long I seem to lose interest, and for me, Elliott and Olivia have too big a story to tell in one journey - for me the length would have taken away the important of their relationship. To give justice to them, as a couple, and you, as a reader and reviewer, it needs to be broken into two stories. I will be doing the sequel shortly...

A/N: This is the final chapter of this story. If anyone is interested I will write the sequel. As for this journey, Thank you to all of you who read and reviewed – I really appreciated the time you took to do this.

It had been a month since Elliott's attempted rape, and Sarah had been committed to Bellevue for psychiatric treatment. Dr. Skoda had agreed to take her on as a patient when Sabrina asked him. Dr. George Huang, had lost his medical license for life and Babs, although happy to know that no real penis had entered her still pressed rape and assault charges against George.

Elliott's test results came back and he had no STDs or AIDS he could stop taking the meds, which he was glad about since they made him sick as hell just like the last time. He was wanted so much to talk to Olivia about what had happened and he couldn't. Not yet. He went back to teaching at the Academy as a changed man.

Olivia stood by Elliott, he would not sleep alone at night, she held him. They would kiss but he would not let her touch his in any way sexual because he said he felt dirty. He asked her for time, she knew how he felt she had been there.

John and Fin kept in touch with Elliott, they asked him out for a beer but he wasn't ready, but promised he would when he was ready.