Yeap, I know that I usually don't put my comments at the beginning, but this is an exception of the rule:

This fic is 100% idea of brandnewmelody , she just asked me to write it, so you can all bow and give thanks to her XD*Headshot*

This chapter is short but I swear that the future chapeter will be longer, it's just to give you guys a taste heheh! But I promise fluff feelings for everyone!=^A^=

AH, and I decided, Cell Phones are my Universal Cockblockers :D


The day didn't start well.

He is the kind to wake up late, so that's why he always set his clock's alarm, and even with that he takes his sweet time to get up.

… And he forgot that his clock was broken.

"OH MY GOD, I'm really late today!", Otoya said checking his cell phone, "I need to take a shortcut!"

He jumped the broken wall of an abandoned property (it isn't illegal if it's abandoned right?), right into a large garden.

"...Mayoi konda RABIRINSU yoru no naka~

hontou no kimochi nani mo wakaranakute..."


He stopped when he heard a faint voice, closing his eyes to identify it.

"It sounds like someone's singing…", he murmured furrowing his brows in concentration, "It's a female voice, I wonder where it comes from?"

It was a cute voice, calm and very soothing too.

He completely forgot about being late or even about his school, he was too curious to know who was singing in such an abandoned place, so he followed the sound until he arrived at the entrance of the manor.

"The wind is howling… It will be hard to pinpoint the source of this voice…", he said opening the door, which made a noisy creaking sound.

The singing stopped.

He stood there, frozen like a statue, afraid to scare whoever was singing that beautiful melody.

It was silent for a while, so I almost thought that the person went away but to my surprise the singing started again, albeit a bit reluctant.

He breathed in relief, and he was going to enter the manor when the cell phone started to vibrate.

"Otoya, where are you? Did you forget that today we have classes about unit songs?


"Ack!I forgot about that!", Otoya panicked, closing his cell phone.

He walked in the opposite direction with a bit of reluctance, giving a last look before running to his original destination.

… Besides, he could return another day right?