A figure in a trench coat stands off to the side of an interstate next to a grizzled man wearing two jackets even though it isn't cold.

"Dean," the voice is gruff and gravely, as if it hasn't been used in a long time, "What are you doing?" the figure asks his face contorted in confusion.

"Doing something I should've done a long time ago," Dean takes out the phone he was searching his pockets for and punches in the number he's learned by heart. He places the phone next to his ear and waits. The phone rings once, twice, three times, "C'mon Sammy, pick up," he mumbles desperately four rings, five...

Click. Dean's heart drops. "I'm sorry the number you have tried to contact is out of service. If you think this is a-"

"Damnit," Dean snaps the phone shut and grips it hard, barely stopping himself from chucking the phone onto the pavement below him.

"Dean," Castiel takes a step forward and places his hand on the elder Winchester's shoulder in an awkward attempt to comfort him, "I'm sure Sam's fine…"

Dean whips around, "NO, He's not!", Dean curses himself as soon as he sees Castiel's face, "It's just-

Dean takes a deep breath and shrugs off Castiel's hand, "I'll call Bobby in a few hours, then… well then, we'll go looking for Sam,"

Castiel nods sullenly and looks away, "In the meantime, I'll try to find some more information on the Colt,"

"Ca-" before Dean can finish Castiel is gone with a flutter of wings.


Sam has to clutch Lucifer's arm to keep himself from falling over. He really did not like this whole flying thing, it makes him dizzy. Another wave of nausea washes over him as the world seems to swim and a slight groan flutters from his lips as Lucifer grumbles, "Welcome to Detroit, Sam,"

Sam steadies himself and looks over at the sign that read 'Welcome to Detroit', his vision still a tad blurry.

Then he realizes that they were in the middle of an interstate and gathers his strength enough to look around, "Uh, where are all the cars?"

Lucifer smirks, "There's a, uh, "detour" for Detroit. No one gets in or out without me knowing about it, and most people are out, whether they know it or not,"

Sam looks at Lucifer curious as to what he means but the angel has already changed the topic, "So Sam we have a whole city to ourselves what do you want to do first?"

Dean had driven all day, non-stop so that he could make it to Bobby's house before nightfall. He walked through the door bleary eyed and exhausted. He felt like shit and as if on cue Bobby voices his feelings.

"Boy, you look like someone just put you through the wringer, what's going on?"

Dean turned gathering himself, and had to remind himself to look down as to not lose his balance, flop on the floor, and fall asleep.

"I tried to call Sam and he didn't answer," He states plainly, blinking a few times to keep his eyes from shutting on him.

"Well, no shit genius, he probably doesn't know your number and just decided not to answer it," Bobby rolls over to the library that now looks like all of hell went through it.

Well seeing as Bobby was working on trying to find a solution to the Apocalypse, it probably had. Wait, focus, Sam.

"Bobby," Dean starts," it said his phone was disconnected, now does that not sound the least bit fishy to you?"

That perked Bobby's interest, "What do you mean, it was 'disconnected'," he scoffs at the last word.

"It means exactly that Bobby, his phone isn't connected, so if you could point me in the right direction I'll get to work on tracking him down,"

"Yeah, okay, I'll tell you where he is," Bobby pauses from shuffling around in his stack of papers, "Before I tell you though," Dean sighs, he was expecting this, Bobby continues, ignoring Dean's dramatic sigh, "Why do you want to find your brother all of a sudden? Don't' get me wrong, I'm happy you want to go see your brother and all, but why?"

"I," Dean pauses to gather his thoughts, "Zachariah showed up and did some time warp… thing, and he sent me to the future and…."
Sam- no Lucifer's damn smirk flashes through his mind again. Apparently he had stopped talking because when he snaps out of the flash back Bobby is staring at him expectantly.

"Well?" Bobby prompts, "Out with it boy!"

"In the future, Sam-Sam said yes to Lucifer,"

"What?!" Bobby stresses, his eyes wide, "Sam is Lucifer's vessel?"

"Apparently," Dean walks and grabs a chair to sit down in.

"Well, what if this is what sends Sam over the edge? I mean last time you went to go and find him-" Dean cuts him off.

"This won't be like last time Bobby,"

Bobby nods still unconvinced, "Okay," he grabs the piece of paper from the draw that had 'Sam's address' scrawled across it. "This was the last address Sam gave me,"

Dean nods and looks it over, "How old is it?"

"Maybe a few weeks, he said he was staying there for a while, trying to get out of this life and all," Bobby pauses, "Dean, I'm trustin' you here. If we lose Sam from this…." Dean nods, and Bobby seems to accept that as an answer for a question never asked, "Just, don't do anything stupid,"

Dean smiles, it feels forced and thin across his face as he tries to make light of the situation, "Please Bobby, when have I ever been known to do something stupid?"

Bobby snorts as Dean glances at the address and makes a move towards the door.

"Hold up boy," Dean stops and looks back at the grizzled man, "You shouldn't be driving in your condition. Take some time, sleep, eat, refresh yourself, whatever,"

"Bobby…" Dean sighs wearily.

"Don't you 'Bobby' me, Dean, you won't find Sam if you're too tired to see the damn road. Sleep here tonight and head out in the morning."

Bobby's voice leaves no room for question and Dean nods, not wanting to press the old hunter any more than he already had.

"Fine," he tucks the paper into his inside coat pocket, "I'll stay the night, but I'm leaving in the morning,"

"Fair enough," Dean nods and leisurely makes his way up towards his, and he uses the term lightly, room. It was right across from Sam's room. Dean's heart pangs with grief. It shouldn't have taken him this long to realize that he needed to watch after his brother, that he needed to keep his brother safe. Sam always did flirt with that line... Dean flops down on the bed and stares at the white popcorned ceiling trying to stop thinking about it and failing. What if Lucifer was already wearing Sam's skin? What if Sam didn't want to see him? What if Sam would see him and say yes just because? Dean sighs audibly into the empty room. Tomorrow, he was going to find Sam and he'd convince him to come back with him. Eventually, Dean is claimed by a shallow fitful slumber.

Sam was walking stride for stride next to Lucifer in the streets of Detroit. With all of the traveling and hunting for monsters he did as a child, Sam couldn't ever remember visiting Detroit. Usually, much to a younger Sam's protest, they tried to stay out of big cities since it was easier to get caught. Sam glanced up at the sky and noticed that the sun was setting but it wasn't getting any darker, at least, not around them. When Sam glances over at Lucifer, the angel seemed to be glowing as they stride down another street nearing their impossible destination.

"Lucifer are you, glowing?"

Lucifer chuckles and glances at Sam, "Well, I am the light-bringer, am I not?"

Sam smiles at the angel's attempt at humor and two continue on their seemingly pointless path through the concrete jungle.

Occasionally Sam would comment about the sights and things, but eventually he fell into a comfortable silence with Lucifer. It had taken them a while to make it into the innermost parts of the city, and this late in the year, Sam had expected it to be colder. They were in Detroit at night after all, though, Sam wasn't sure if it had anything to do with Lucifer or the fact he was wearing all of his jackets. As they passed a winter store he felt Lucifer's question wondering if he was warm enough and he quickly told him that he was fine and that there was nothing wrong. Maybe he was thinking too loud. A few more steps of Sam wondering how to quiet his thoughts so that Lucifer won't worry about every little thing that passes through his mind, and suddenly Sam stops to yawn.

Lucifer turns to him, concern molding his face, "Sam, are you tired?" He thinks he nods his head, everything felt a tad fuzzy. He felt like he was going to pass out but… in a good way? He wasn't sure. Is there a good way to pass out? Hmm? He giggles, he must've been thinking a little too loudly since Lucifer picks up the pace almost dragging him to their destination.

Currently, they were in the nicer part of the city, the part that wasn't run down completely, and Sam realized that Lucifer was leading him to the only place that still had electricity in the seemingly abandoned city: the MGM Grand Hotel.

It looked nice and fancy, defiantly not somewhere he'd pick if he came here on a job.

Sam noticed that Lucifer was holding his hand like he might run away if he let him go. How long had he been doing that? Sam thought about tugging his hand away but when Lucifer gave it a quick squeeze and starts forward towards the entrance, and Sam was so tired he couldn't bring himself to do anything but pad after him into the hotel. They took a way-too-big-for-just-two-people- elevator up to the luxury suite. Sam can't help but note that Lucifer seems anxious; he must have really looked tired, or something. Sam watches as Lucifer raises his hand for the door to unlock.

With a click, they enter the extremely well finished room, and the first thing Sam notices is that there is only one bed. He pauses as Lucifer lets go of his hand and takes the lead walking, a tad too stiffly, into the room. He looked like he was uncomfortable. Sam hesitantly walks over to the plush bed and plops while Lucifer settles for the off green-yellow couch. Sam lies in the bed his face covered in the pillow before pulling himself up into a sitting position and pulling off his shoes and socks and placing them in a nice pile by the desk. He follows with his jacket and slips out of his jeans, leaving only his dark grey boxers behind. Sam then slips under the covers and stretches out the sheets freeing them from the confines of the bed. Eventually, Sam lies still for a few seconds. The silence fills the room and then Sam feels Lucifer's gaze watching his every breath and he squirms slightly.
He shifts again, this time turning to face Lucifer and propping his head up with his arm.

"Uh, Lucifer, if you want to you can, uh," Sam's face tinges pink at the insane idea of what he's asking, "you can sleep on the other side of the bed if you want," Sam smiles sheepishly, trying his hardest to not make the situation anymore awkward then it already is. He probably shouldn't have said anything. What if Lucifer didn't even want to be here? What if he just felt obligated to because he's an angel and he walked in at the wrong time. What if-?

Lucifer's smile dispel the thoughts snowballing through Sam's mind, "Sure, Sam, I'd love too,"

Sam swears his heart did notjust skip a beat when he heard Lucifer say yes. Nope nope nope.

Sam feels Lucifer get under the covers and try to get comfortable, somehow losing his shoes and jacket on the walk over, and wrap his arm under his head. Sam instinctively cuddled up to the angel and his glowie-ness. Soon, Sam was asleep on Lucifer's chest and Lucifer was once again happily combing his fingers through the Winchester's hair.

Everything was good.
