A/N: 2 May 2015- The next installment of Rewritten in Time is up! Here is a preview of the next installment, Some Kind of Resolution.


"Draco, you do not need to shout."

"What are you looking at in there? They don't print anything worth while these days," Sirius Black complained, stabbing his plate of eggs with his fork.

"Harry was attacked by dementors," Draco reported, folding the paper so the story about the Unstable-Attention-Hungry-Boy appeared front and center.

"He what?" Sirius asked, eyes going impossibly wide in his thin face.

"And they think he's lying?" Narcissa demanded, her shrewd eyes scanning the paper.

"Of course they do," Draco grumbled as Sirius snatched the paper up. "Fudge has spent all summer telling the public Harry's an attention hungry liar. And what better way to prove your point than to have Harry cast magic in front of a Muggle?!"

Narcissa pressed her lips together and swept out of the room. Sirius stared at the paper, a dumbfounded look on his face till he was sure Draco's mother was out of earshot. The look dropped off Sirius' face and Draco was pinned with stormy grey eyes.

"This happened last time," Sirius stated flatly.

Draco nodded. "Potter got off. Last time around, Father hadn't cleared the damage Dobby did. Potter got in trouble for before second year, if I remember the papers correctly. Levitation charm performed in front of his family and their guests."

"It was all over the papers?"

Draco nodded. "Yes. Anything that painted either Harry or Dumbledore in an unfavorable light was published that summer."

Sirius pressed his lips together, looking alarmingly like Narcissa.

"Potter had a full trial."

Sirius raised his eyebrows and his mouth dropped open.

"Fudge tried his best to get Potter thrown out of school. It didn't work," Draco reminded Sirius. "I doubt Harry'll be thrown out. Technically this is his first offense, so unless Fudge does something drastic law changing, it's just a warning."

"Why wasn't I informed my godson performed magic?" Sirius asked.

Draco's mouth dropped open.

"And if there were really dementors in Little Wheeling, why didn't someone tell me? The Order should have been alerted. As you well know they weren't."

Unlike most people Draco's age, he was privy to exactly what the Order of the Phoenix was up to, thanks to Sirius. Narcissa had no clue her cousin was telling Draco things that he ought not to be told due to his age, but Sirius figured Draco already knew most of it and he was actually older than he appeared thanks to time travel.

The Order didn't know much. Voldemort was MIA. So far, it appeared as if Fudge was right and Dumbledore and Harry were mental. The only way they knew for sure the Insane Lord was up and about was thanks to Snape and Atlanta Lupin, who had gone from cool, calm, and collected to a jumpy bundle of nerves. She startled at nothing and everything— even though she had spent most of the summer locked away in her room.

"Dumbledore better be here shortly."

The doorbell rang.

"Speak and he shall appear," Draco snarked.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "I'll let you know the four-one-one."

Sirius stood up and swept out of the room as Draco shouted, "We still do not say that!"