Chapter 5: Don't

When Gwen woke up the next morning her blanket was clinging to her body from sweat and her head felt like it was going to cave in. Everything hurt so bad and her mouth was so dry that her tongue was sticking to the roof of her mouth. She groaned softly feeling, for a lack of better words, like shit. She squinted her eyes open, praising weakly that her curtains were closed shut. She could tell that the sun was beaming strong in the outside world. With the hangover she had now she'd be hissing and hiding under the bed from the sunlight if her curtains had been drawn open.

Her muscles were beginning to cramp from laying awkwardly. She moved to stretch out her legs but found them to be entangled with another set of limbs. That's when she became hyper aware of the body behind her. It was pressed against her and there were arms wrapped quite possessively around her waist. It explained why she felt like she was baking. The body behind her was radiating heat like a furnace. She was positive she knew who was behind her, but she didn't want to face him just yet.

Instead she removed one leg from underneath the blankets, letting it hit the cool air. It was almost orgasmic how that subtle change cooled her down. She sighed in relief. She was never, ever, ever drinking again. It didn't feel worth it.

She could barely move her head without the world tilting, but she managed to peek out of the corner of her eye and over her shoulder. Just as she'd expected she saw the gentle, sleeping face of Duncan. He looked so peaceful when he slept; those cocky eyes of his were hidden behind eyelids and his mouth was cracked slightly as he drooled on her pillow. She rolled her eyes, annoyed but there was an underlying fondness that could be found.

So last night hadn't been a dream. He really had come through her window and apologized. Although it had been a shitty, half-assed apology in her opinion. If he thought that was going to fix everything then he had another thing coming. She didn't know how he could make it up to her, but he had a lot of work to do. She still disliked him very much, she was a woman scorned after all, but she couldn't find it in herself to wake him up, so she just laid there. Hating herself for not hating him enough.

As if he could sense her confliction, Duncan suddenly rolled closer to her and she then found herself deeper in to his arms. Her head was forcibly pressed against his chest where she could hear his strong heartbeat. "I swear Duncan if you are awake…" She said, looking up at him, thinking he was messing around with her. He wasn't. He was still asleep. Annoyed, she tried to slip out of his grasp but then he just moved with her, practically on top of her this time. The whole situation was just getting ridiculous. Gwen had no choice but to lay there until he got up.

"Cuddlewhore." She harrumphed. What time was it anyway? It had to be incredibly early. Earlier than she was used to getting up. It was peacefully quiet and the pain of being awake at the moment had her eyes drooping.

She must have fallen asleep again because she found herself waking up again, this time feeling lethargic from too much sleep. She cracked her eyes open. "Wuh-" She groggily tried to ask what was going on, but she was shut up by a kiss. She sighed softly, exasperated but passive. She wanted to blame it on being too tired to push him away, but was she really?

Moments like this made her question her ability to resist Duncan. Did she even have the ability? She had a strong will, but never with this boy. It should have frightened her that he had that much control over her. Her mind was goo, her muscles too lax to push him away.

"Duncan…" She mumbled against his lip. She didn't know whether she wanted to say to stop or keep going. Duncan just gave a cocky chuckle before coaxing her mouth open with his tongue. Her eyes slid shut.

"Gwen, honey! Time to get up! You've slept in enough." Gwen's mother called from downstairs, snapping Gwen out of her stupor. "Remember it's your day for chores."

Gwen froze, forgetting that her mom was home. In fact, she'd forgotten about everything related to space, place and time. Undoubtedly, chores had been the last thing on her mind. Without an immediate answer from Gwen, her mother must have thought she was still asleep and was on her way to wake her up. The floorboards began to creak as Gwen's mother made her way up the stairs. Alarms began to go off in Gwen's head. Her mother knew Duncan, but she definitely wouldn't be okay finding him in her daughter's bed.

"Get out." Gwen told him, finding energy she didn't know she had. She hopped out of bed and flew towards her dresser. She pulled out a pair of pajama pants and quickly stepped in to them, almost tripping because her equilibrium still felt off from drinking last night.

"What?" Duncan asked dumbly as he lounged there in her bed like it was his birthday and he was the king.

"Get out!" Gwen was quickly losing patience and running out of time. Her mom would be at the door at any moment. Her glances alternated between the door and Duncan who still wasn't moving!

"But-" He began but she cut him off.

"I said get out!"

Duncan threw his hands up in the air, but finally got out of her bed clad in only his boxers. He began tugging on his clothes. "And how the hell am I supposed to do that! Your mom's gonna see me."

Gwen bit her lip as she looked around. There was only one other option. "Go out the window."

Duncan's eyes widened. "Gwen you can't be serious."

"Duncan, really? You came in through the window like freakin' Spiderman last night! Find a way back down—"

Light rapping on her door interrupted her speech. "Knock. Knock. Who're you talking to this early?" Her mother asked through the door.

Gwen quickly gestured for Duncan to head towards the window. He was far too slow for her liking so she bounded over and pushed him towards it. She watched impatiently as he opened the window far too slowly and only placed one leg out. He paused as he straddle the window sill and then had the audacity to look back to her stubbornly.

"We never got to talk." He told her.

Gwen snapped. "Well you could have if you hadn't shoved your tongue down my throat!"

"I couldn't resist." He whined. It was clear this was all a joke to him.

"Whatever Duncan. Seriously. Whatever. You can't keep playing with my emotions."

"Wait Gwen I really am sorry." He did sound remorseful, but Gwen was done at the moment. She needed space.

She shook her head. "Goodbye Duncan." She dismissed him, closing her window. There was a thump from down below, but she wasn't concerned. The front porch's roof was directly beneath her window and it was only like a 7 foot drop. He'd be okay. Although a broken bone or something would serve him right.

"Gwen is someone in your room?" Her mother asked suspiciously, trying the door again. Gwen made it over just in time. She opened the door before her mother could, making sure to open it extra wide to let her mother's prying eyes a good look around. Gwen tried to look like innocence personified. She gave a large easy going smile, probably clenching her teeth a little too hard, but hoping her mother wouldn't notice. "No Mom. Just talking to myself. I'll be down in a minute okay?"

She'd said it in such a sickeningly sweet voice that it sounded off even to her ears. She didn't blame the odd look her mother gave her. "Okay…" Her mother said reluctantly before her footsteps were heard retreating. Gwen sighed in relief.

IMPORTANT A/N: First off I have to begin by apologizing profusely for taking over a year and a half to update. If any of you are even still with me I seriously seriously seriously am sorry. Life caught up to me and my writer's block literally strangled the life out of my muse. This chapter is not my best, and it's short, I promised longer chapters but at this point I'd just like to finish this story. I'm not even fully invested in this fandom anymore, but I made a promise that I wouldn't abandon a story and I won't. It just might take me some time, but I'm going to try to finish this soon. I'm thinking within the next 5 chapters, maybe less. I just have to tie up some loose ends. Is there anything you'd guys like to see? I have a general idea, but if you guys would like to see them I'll try to incorporate it.

Special thanks to Alice in a Hole! An author on this website and my best friend in real life who inspired me to finish this story and update today. If anyone's interested in Terror in Resonance/残響のテロル you guys should check out her fic Ì Eilífri Hring (In An Eternal Circle)! It's seriously a gem that's underrated. I also recommend her other works of art! Thanks girl for kicking me in to gear and giving me some advice.

Once again I'm sorry y'all. I don't know when the next update will be, but just know that this story will never be abandoned.