They Say That Love is Forever/

Chapter 1: You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams

Gwen swore that Duncan and Courtney spent more time being broken up than together. Their relationship was more dysfunctional than Izzy's brain and she told him that. Duncan just laughed, not denying because it was true. Gwen didn't understand how they managed to fit. She guessed that they just did. Maybe it was one of those things that didn't make sense and couldn't be made sense of. It was frustrating though because the two were worlds apart. Courtney was "that" girl. She was a straight-A student; bossy and often condescending. She was a part of every club available in school, involved in the community, and on top of all of that juggled being a camp counselor during the summer.

Duncan was the exact opposite and, for a lack of better words, was a delinquent with no apparent future and no real motivation to do anything. He'd even been to juvie once and had been on probation. Yet somehow the two of the most unlikely people were together and had been for two years, on and off though. It frustrated the Goth to no end.

"So what'd you do this time?" Gwen asked, crossing her arms behind her head. It was dark enough to see the stars twinkle clearly in the sky. From where they were in the open field behind the old, abandoned farm it was beautiful. They'd both hit the jackpot when they found this spot and it was their spot, Gwen and Duncan's. Whenever they needed to meet this was their go-to.

Duncan scowled. "What makes you think I'm the one at fault?"

Gwen chuckled and shrugged lightly. "Does it matter? You know Courtney always blames you. I don't understand why you let her." She sounded a bit put off and Duncan shrugged, frowning slightly.

"To be honest, I don't know either…"

There was a pregnant pause and then the sound of a cricket.

"You two will probably end up getting together when she returns back from camp." Gwen tried to sound cheery, but couldn't help the bitterness that ended up slipping out. It was amazing after all their years of friendship Duncan never figured out that Gwen was in love with him. Sometimes she felt like it was so damn obvious… not that she wanted him to know.

Besides he didn't even like her like that. He said so when Courtney accused them of sleeping together behind her back last year. Gwen had wished it were true. She didn't know when she fell for him. It was probably in between him cutting off her pig-tail in the first grade and last year when he punched Ace, her ex-boyfriend, for breaking her heart. For some that'd be a horrifying experience, but to Gwen it had been oddly romantic.

Duncan scoffed, "Hmph, if she wants to get back together she'll have to beg on her knees and then while she's down there she can—"

"Duncan!" Gwen flushed at Duncan's innuendo and quickly jerked her leg to kick him in his side. He groaned, but ended up laughing. Gwen rolled her eyes but ended up grinning anyways.

"But all joking aside I won't be the one doing the crawling back to. Not this time." He mumbled the last part, but Gwen heard it. She wanted to believe that, for her own selfish purposes, but she knew how manipulative Courtney could be.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe." She teased.

Duncan raised an eyebrow. "Don't believe me, sweetheart?"

Gwen's heart; her stupid, stupid, heart, skipped a beat when he called her that. She knew he called every girl that, yet when he called her that with those steely teal eyes and that infuriating, yet sexy smirk of his on his lips she couldn't help but go weak. Good thing she was laying down.

Gwen smirked back, "I believe that is what I just said, Dunky."

Dunky groaned when she called him that infuriating nick name Courtney insisted on calling him. He wasn't a man for pet-names. "Don't." He warned Gwen, who ignored him.

"Why not, Dunky-poo, schmooki-wookums?" Gwen pushed the limit and reached over to pinch his cheeks. He counter attacked by capturing her wrists with his hands.


He looked so proud as he took advantage of her hands being held down to roll them over. In moments he was straddling her hips and pinning her hands over her head. Duncan's eyebrow piercing reflected from the moon light and his teal eyes seemed brighter from her position under him. Gwen cursed her lily white skin because she was sure it was flaming, but she couldn't look away from him. It wasn't like Duncan was trying to break eye contact either.

"I told you not to mess with me." He finally said.

"Yeah, well…" She couldn't think of anything else to say. Witty and sarcastic Gwendolyn Winters was at a loss of words for once in her life. Duncan took notice.

"Nice." He smirked.

"Sorry it's hard to talk when you're crushing me! I can't breathe you jerk!" She was blushing even harder now, and panting too, but it wasn't because his weight was interfering with her breathing. Duncan further pressed harder in to her, smirking, but when their hips ended up aligning he froze when she shivered.

A silence fell between them and normally it was comfortable because Gwen and Duncan could do that, have comfortable silences, but this time the air felt heavy. Gwen couldn't explain it and Duncan was even further from an explanation than her. They didn't think, they didn't speak, they just did.

Their lips just sort of met together mutually. It was tentative at first before quickly deepening with a passionate frenzy. Duncan buried his fingers through Gwen's dark hair while hers gripped at his favorite skull shirt. The grass beneath their skin tickled as they began to undress. His hands felt so good on her skin. They caressed her everywhere and she sighed in between their kisses. She wrapped her thighs around his waist, wanting him closer, needing him closer. There was an ache between her that only he could relieve.

She was a little nervous; trembling even because she'd never done this before, but she was glad it would be with Duncan. He guided himself within her warmth and she gasped within his ear, gripping at his bicep because shit it hurt. He kissed and suckled her neck as he waited for her to adjust before beginning his slow and shallow thrusts. It still hurt, but the pain began to melt in to pleasure and her soft moans and gasps echoed in Duncan's ear.

Her toes curled from their position around his waist as he glided in deeper from a change in position. They kissed hungrily as he began to speed up, moving closer and closer to the edge. A pressure was building up deep inside Gwen and she swore she was about to explode. She'd never felt this way before. She bit her lip and shuddered violently as she reached her release, and in a few strokes later Duncan followed after her gasping for air like a starving man.

Gwen's legs were stuck to Duncan's skin from sweat but she managed to peel them off weakly, exhausted from their activity. Her mind was still numb as he laid there between her legs. It was awhile before he pulled out, both of them having caught their breaths and realizing what they'd done.

Duncan wouldn't look at her as he got dressed, or at least that's what Gwen guessed because she couldn't look at him. She didn't regret what they did, but he undeniably did. He loved Courtney, he was with Courtney. She could see the conflict in his eyes from where she sat with her knees drawn to her chest.

When Duncan finally pulled his shirt over his head, which was ruined by a grass stain, he muttered a quick goodbye and scurried off leaving Gwen alone and with the feeling that things would never be the same between them.

That was a month ago. Gwen waited for Duncan at the barn the next night, but he never showed up. Nor the next night, or the next night, or the night after that. After the fifth day Gwen figured she'd go to his house and see what was up. It was dark as she climbed over the fence that led in to his backyard. She looked up and saw that his room light was on. She grabbed a few small pebbles and tossed them at the window. She saw the curtains shift a little before the lights went out. She stood there for a moment speechless before chucking the rest of the pebbles at the window in anger. She should have tossed a fucking boulder at the glass, but she didn't want the cops involved knowing somehow Duncan would be blamed.

She clearly flipped off the window before storming off and for the rest of the summer she left Duncan only. It wouldn't be until the first day of school that she'd catch glimpse of his green Mohawk again.

Chapter title is from Lady Gaga's speechless. Don't own the song, obviously. Do I look like Gaga?

Well, here was chapter one! What'd ya think? Penny for your thoughts? c: Chapter two will be coming soon! I will always post when I expect updates to come out on my profile, so if you're curious you can always check there.

Thanks for reading guys! Don't forget to review.