Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or One Piece.

A/N: The new story and the new poll are up. The story is a Naruto Star: The Clone Wars. The new poll is up with the top 19 plus an extra 6 of 3 I was asked to do and 3 that I would like to do. Why not the top 20? Well, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was #5 and I just picked this as not to tick anyone off by choosing a story that didn't get any votes.

Beta: Memodo Shiki.

Chapter LXXVI.

Last Time.

As Cracker's massive fleet was set out to take down Urouge, Big Mom's storm resulted in Urouge's ship being quickly shipwrecked. However, despite this threat, Luffy is still intent on rescuing Sanji, knowing they do not have too long before the wedding begins and hearing that Sanji is set to come to Big Mom's castle.

He orders Kingbaum to carry him, Naruto, and Nami out of the Seducing Woods, and the homie is forced to comply once again due to Nami's Vivre Card. He wonders how they have that, saying that not even Big Mom's children are allowed to have one due to its power.


Brûlée continues pursuing Chopper and Carrot, who has managed to hide in a corner. As they sit too exhausted to think clearly, Carrot suddenly sees Sanji standing in the mirror in front of her. Chopper and Carrot go up to it and try calling out to Sanji, but before he can notice them, Reiju steps in front of the mirror.

"Are you ready to go to Whole Cake Chateau?" Reiju asks, giving Chopper and Carrot their upcoming location.

The duo prepares to go and tell Luffy and Nami, but Brûlée suddenly reaches them, causing them to scream.


Outside, Sanji and Reiju head outside the castle, where Sanji is greeted with raucous cheering from the Germa 66 soldiers. Sanji solemnly makes his way to the carriage on the road, where his father and brothers wait. Ichiji gives him a red cape, which Sanji puts on as he takes his seat in the carriage.

As the carriage sets off, Judge tells Sanji to wave at the soldiers, but Sanji instead looks up at the ceiling, where he thinks about his crewmates and imagines he is with them again for a brief moment.


Luffy, Naruto, And Nami.

Luffy, Naruto, and Nami ride Kingbaum out of the Seducing Woods, as Nami talks to Chopper and Carrot through a mirror shard. They report that Sanji is heading for the Whole Cake Chateau and assure that they are OK, although the communication cuts out intermittently before the mirror shard suddenly breaks.

"It broke!" Nami yelled as Naruto had his head on her lap. "It turned back into a normal mirror, are they OK?"


In the Mirro-World, Brûlée has lost track of Chopper and Carrot again, but she gets an idea and pulls Randolph, his crane, and the Noble Croc into the Mirro-World to help her hunt the duo down. Although Chopper and Carrot are frightened, Chopper gets the idea to use Brûlée's powers for their own benefit.

Luffy, Naruto, And Nami.

Kingbaum then points out that Sanji's family is on the road right in front of them, which wakes Luffy up. Luffy sees Sanji and excitedly bounds toward the carriage, where he grabs onto the door and faces Sanji directly. The Germa 66 soldiers circle around to attack, but as Luffy talks to Sanji, the cook suddenly kicks him away.

Sanji then tells Luffy that he has embraced his royal heritage and family name, so Luffy should get going, and he calls Luffy and the other Straw Hats low-class pirates. Luffy refuses to believe Sanji, and Yonji offers his help in getting rid of Luffy, but Sanji proclaims that he will do it himself.

Naruto woke and sat up as Nami yelled. He sighed as he remembered when Usopp left the crew back in Water 7 as Nami turned to him. "I can't do anything. This is similar to when Usopp left because of Merry. Luffy needs to handle this." Naruto turned to see Sanji walk out of the carriage and went into Diaburu Janbu (Diable Jambe.)

"Luffy doesn't have much Haki after helping me." He continued remembering Luffy going into Fōsu Gia (Gear Fourth.) to help him with Cracker.

They saw Sanji strikes Luffy who gets up, and Nami pleads for Sanji to stop. However, Luffy silences Nami, saying this is a duel. Sanji then barrages Luffy with many kicks, but Luffy refuses to back down or fall, much to his chagrin. Sanji, finally having enough and prepares to deal a finishing blow. He spins to reignite Diable Jambe before taking to the air with Sukai Wōku (Sky Walk), spinning around in a fiery circle as he falls toward Luffy.

He plants his heel into the top of Luffy's head with deadly force, and Luffy initially tries resisting it, but eventually succumbs to the power and falls unconscious. Naruto and Nami jumped down as Nami walked to Sanji and slapped him before saying goodbye and turned to walk back as the carriage left. Luffy regains consciousness and calls out to Sanji.

He explains that he knows Sanji is putting on an act, and that Sanji was the one who was truly hurt by all the kicks he unleashed. Luffy proclaims that he cannot go on his journey and become Pirate King without Sanji, so he will wait in this spot and not eat anything until Sanji returns. Luffy's words cause Sanji to break down in tears, and his brothers laugh at him as they head out of sight of Luffy.

Naruto sighed before pulling his pistols out and checked to make sure they're loaded before spinning them, flip to hold them by the barrels, and dropped them back into their holsters. He then sat down beside Luffy. "You sure about waiting here? Big Mom probably already has her army looking for us after beating Cracker."

"I'll wait here," Luffy said falling on his back as Kingbaum was looking at his trimmed head.

Suddenly, dark clouds covered the area as Kingbaum explained that was Big Mom's doing due to having weather elements accompanying her and the dark clouds meant she was very angry. The wind picked up as lightning cracked and they saw a cloud with a ball cap and a frown flying around with a madly grinning small sun. Kingbaum explained those are Big Mom's homies Zeus and Prometheus.

Up in the town, the Vinsmoke Family's carriage draws closer to the Whole Cake Chateau, the building's massive gates open, and a massive army of Big Mom's forces emerges from it of various species from over the world. Sanji's brothers note that these forces are likely headed to bring down Luffy, and they boast several infamous pirates with high bounties.

The brothers then state with glee that Luffy's only hope of survival is to not stay in that spot like he told Sanji, as the cook looks extremely conflicted. It then started to rain syrup as the carriage stopped. They are then greeted by Baron Tamago as some umbrella homies come to cover the family when they step into the rain. The Vinsmokes note with gladness that they are soon to ally with the unbelievably strong forces they just passed by as they step into the Chateau.

Inside, Big Mom walks through the halls still in a fuming rage but snaps out of it when one of her kid daughter's comes up to her. After talking to her youngest children, she then steps into the dining room where the Vinsmokes are, and their lunch begins. Big Mom and Judge have a toast to the formation of their alliance tomorrow, and Pudding comes in to eat.

Tons of food homies then come to the table dancing and singing, and the Vinsmokes are perturbed at having to eat the living morsels. As everyone eats, Pudding slips Sanji a note asking him to meet with her privately later.

Back with the Crew rain comes pouring down from the clouds, and they saw it was syrup instead. Luffy turns around to lie with his face toward the ground, saying that he did not even want syrup in his mouth while he waited for Sanji's cooking. Naruto suddenly looked forward and stood up as he saw an army marching to them. "Nami, hide, the army's coming!"


Lightning cracked as Naruto helped Luffy up before pulling his guns out. "Run!" Naruto yelled at Nami who got on Kingbaum and reluctantly ran off.

The two Straw Hats ran at the army, Naruto shooting his pistols at them before jumping up and activated his gates as Luffy activated Gia Sekendo (Gear Second). They plowed through soldiers dressed like chess pieces before Luffy was grabbed by two of them having Naruto tackled them away just as a group tried jumping on the two pirates.

Naruto was then grabbed from behind before elbowing the person and grabbed him to flip him over. Naruto then grabbed his knife and brought it down just as lightning flashed showing several shocked members as Naruto killed one of their siblings before Naruto pulled both knives out and started to dash through the army sending people flying into the air.

Whole Cake Chateau.

In Pudding's room, she confesses to Sanji that she had arranged to get the Straw Hats to the coast of Whole Cake Island and bring him there to reunite with them, but was unable to uphold her word. However, Sanji replies that he would not have come to the coast anyway, as doing so would put the lives of his friends in jeopardy and get his hands destroyed.

Pudding reveals that all people arranged to marry into the Charlotte Family have those exploding cuffs put on, and Sanji then takes his mask off, revealing his beaten face. He tells Pudding that this is the kind of treatment he receives from his family, which caused him to run away from them 13 years ago. Now, however, they are threatening the people that treated him like family, and with no way out of this situation, he has given in.

Naruto And Luffy Vs Big Mom's Army.

Back in the outskirts of Sweet City, Luffy and Naruto continue fighting the Chess Soldiers. Opera then attacks by grabbing Luffy with tentacles of cream. The cream's sweetness causes it to burn Luffy, but Naruto slices the cream, freeing Luffy. Suddenly, Nami and Kingbaum come to the rescue. The enraged army members say that Kingbaum has committed mutiny against the Big Mom Pirates, although the homie did not willingly go back as he was forced to return by Nami's Vivre Card.

Despite Kingbaum's pleas, the Chess Soldiers climb on him to reach Nami. However, they are all suddenly disabled due to the power of her Vivre Card, to Galette's shock. Meanwhile, Luffy and Naruto attack a group of men and Opera who covered the ground in cream, burning the two pirates. Nami strikes some Chess Soldiers with lightning, but more keep coming, and she gets the idea to use the storm clouds in the air.

Unleashing another Weather Egg, she attracts a massive amount of storm energy into her cloud, allowing her to unleash a large quantity of purple lightning that takes out every Chess Soldier insight.


Everyone in the area is awed by this sight, as Naruto opened the seventh gate and attacked. "Hirudora! (Daytime Tiger!)" Naruto his gathered air pressure at the army in the shape of a giant tiger.

They continued fighting off the army as Nami helps by unleashing another massive round of thunderbolts, but before she can use Big Mom's storm clouds again, Galette binds her arms with a gelatinous substance. Covering Nami's body in a sparkly liquid substance, Galette forces her off of Kingbaum and onto her knees on the ground.

Amande, the snake neck woman then walks up Kingbaum until she reaches his face, and unsheathes her sword.

"It's not what you think-ju! We didn't mean to change sides!" Kingbaum again tries to plead that he has no control over his actions, but Amande does not listen as she slowly brings her sword down into his body. She very slowly cuts him vertically, and the anguished homie begs her to kill him quickly, but she responds that it is only worthwhile to kill an enemy slowly and painfully.


Randolph begins attacking Chopper and Carrot. He manages to overwhelm Carrot, who cannot dodge due to her shackles, but Chopper intercepts Randolph's strike in his human form and tells Carrot that they are done fighting as he throws the rabbit homie towards the ceiling. Chopper immediately goes on the offensive as he pummels the Noble Croc before intercepting Randolph's attack.

Diesel races at a high speed to attack Carrot, but she dodges him even faster and he quickly has to turn around and parry her Electro strike. However, Brûlée emerges from a mirror behind Carrot, and Chopper barely manages to pull her out of the way of Brûlée's scythe. Brûlée's attack frees Chopper and Carrot from their chains, and she quickly enters another mirror.

Suddenly, three reflection duplicates each of Chopper and Carrot come into the Mirro-World and subdue the two of them.

Naruto, Luffy, And Nami Vs Big Mom's Army.

Luffy tries to attack Opera with Elephant Gun, but Mont-d'Or blocks his strike with a book, which seems to suck him in. Luffy is placed under the illusion that he is in the book's world, and when various threats in it come to attack him, he reacts to it in the real world despite no one attacking him, which confuses Nami.

Naruto dashed past the army before he went out of his gates and was shot in the shoulder before a group of men piled onto him causing Nami to yell. "Naruto!"

The Big Mom Pirates then take turns attacking Luffy while he is blinded, and Luffy is assaulted by both their real attacks and the fake attacks inside the book. Charlotte Counter and Cadenza bring it home by punching Luffy from both sides with massive Haki-imbued fists, and after their second attack, Luffy finally collapses.


Sanji walks down a corridor in the Whole Cake Chateau until he reaches Big Mom's throne room, where she sits eating desserts. Sanji tells her that he will marry Pudding without resisting, and in return, he requests that Big Mom spare his friends. Big Mom agrees to this deal, though points out that the Straw Hats have already committed egregious offenses against her.

However, she says she will let them go because the wedding ceremony tomorrow is more important to her, and Sanji is overjoyed.

Straw Hats.

Meanwhile, the enraged army rejoices in their victory and surveys the damage of the battle. Amande then approaches Nami and reaches into her dress, pulling out the Vivre Card she got from Lola. The army is shocked and thinks Nami killed Lola, although Nami attempts to explain that they are friends. The army then takes her and Naruto away, and Counter tries to pull Luffy off the ground, but to his surprise, Luffy is still conscious and gripping onto the grass.

Counter stomps Luffy multiple times and eventually succeeds in knocking Luffy out and successfully pulling him away from the spot.

Later; Prison Library, Whole Cake Chateau.

The three Straw Hats are in a large book that's a jail cell with their hands nailed to the wall with a paper nail. And their name and information about them are on the page beside them. Naruto just looked ahead at the Big Mom Pirates that are looking at them as Mont-d'Or closed the book on them.


As the two are fighting against their reflections, Carrot wonders what they should do before Chopper gets an idea, which he whispers to her. Brûlée gets mad at their plotting and has their reflections attack them, but the animal copies wind up attacking Chopper and Carrot's reflections instead. The animals then pounce on the real Chopper and Carrot, and the Noble Croc comes racing in with chains in his arms to capture the duo.

Brook, Treasure Repository.

In the Room of Treasure in the Whole Cake Chateau, Brook's disembodied soul comes in through the wall and surveys the room, noting the amount of security in it and spotting the three Poneglyphs contained inside: two normal and one Road Poneglyph. Tamago talks to a woman who was sitting down.

She is a statuesque woman with tan skin, blue eyes, and prominent lips with lavender lipstick. She is exceptionally tall, standing at 15'3". Additionally, she has disproportionately large hands. She has long and wavy white hair that covers her right eye and stretches down her back. She's wearing a pink striped leotard, a large yellow scarf that flows nearly to the ground, sleeves around her elbows, a huge floppy cap resembling an oversized beret, and a pair of long dark boots, which reach up to her knees, with decorative adornments at the top.

She also has a tattoo of a rose on her upper right leg.

This is Charlotte Smoothie, the 14th daughter and 35th child of the Charlotte Family, and one of the Sweet 3 Generals, and the Minister of Juice with a 932 million berry bounty.

Tamago explains to her the importance of the Poneglyphs, one of which they had just received from Jinbe upon his and Wadatsumi's arrival at Whole Cake Island yesterday. As he talks, Smoothie wrings a liquid out of a woman like she is a cloth, and asks Tamago why they need extra security now. Tamago reveals that Pedro has been reported to be on the island, and the mink captain had attempted to steal their Poneglyphs five years ago.

Brook is shocked at what he has seen and heard and goes back to the wine cellar where he and Pedro are hiding. He tells Pedro about the level of security in the room, and they know they will not be able to get past all of it. However, since Tamago seems to be specifically keeping an eye out for Pedro, the duo gets the idea to use the mink as bait.


In Brûlée's house in the Mirro-World, she and her henchmen gather around a giant pot homie filled with boiling water. Carrot is tied on a rope above it, and Brûlée's group looks forward to cooking and eating her. Chopper tries to claim that she will not taste good, but he is ignored and told that he will be added to Big Mom's collection of rare creatures.

However, this situation is just what Chopper has planned, and he made sure to get captured in Heavy Point so that he could escape from his chains. Enough time has passed for him to be able to activate Monster Point as well, and he waits to execute his plan.

Prison Library.

The Big Mom Pirates, now joined by Perospero, open a book to the page Naruto, Luffy, and Nami are in and position Big Mom's Den Den Mushi in front of them. "It's been awhile Straw Hat Luffy! You've finally made it this far." Big Mom spoke to Luffy.

"Is that Big Mom?" Luffy asked before leaning forward. "Let me out! I gotta go back! I'm going to get out of here even if I have to destroy everything!"

"Mama-mama! Whoa-whoa, you've still got that kind of spirit. Since you didn't bring your whole crew, I thought you'd forgotten what you said to me in Fishman Island."

"Yeah, I'll kick your ass someday! But we just came to get Sanji back this time!"

"Enough with the bluffing! You're just gonna rot away helplessly in there. Straw Hat, you're already doomed!" Big Mom taunted with a laugh.

"Urusai! (Shut up!) If you wanna fight, show yourself, Big Mom! I'm gonna fight you right here, right now!" Luffy yelled glaring at the Den Den Mushi having it take a slight surprise look.

To Be Continued.

A/N: Thanks for reading and let me know of any mistakes.

Beta: Memodo Shiki.

I apologize for the Exposition/no dialogue parts... Just got to the part of every arc that focuses on flashbacks/parts where Naruto isn't at. And because I'm keeping the Ch.'s at 3k now I kinda need the word count but know that canon/long parts where Naruto/people who aren't canon on the crew isn't aren't what you come on this site for.

The new story and the new poll are up. The story is a Naruto Star: The Clone Wars. The new poll is up with the top 19 plus an extra 6 of 3 I was asked to do and 3 that I would like to do. Why not the top 20? Well, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was #5 and I just picked this as not to tick anyone off by choosing a story that didn't get any votes.

Nothing else to say.

Talk To You Later,

Lone Wolf Out.