This one was fun to write. =) Next up will be the end of the year holidays. I'm thinking New Year's might be it's own story though. I hope you enjoy!

The night after the Halloween party, Oliver had Hood business to take care of. Dig and Felicity were monitoring things from the foundry. It was an easy mission, and Oliver returned ahead of schedule. When he walked in, Felicity spun around in her computer chair. "You're hurt!"

"Huh?" Oliver's high pain tolerance hadn't let him know he was injured.

"Let me take a look at that, man." Dig said getting up from where he was sitting next to Felicity. "Doesn't look to bad. Who or what connected with your forehead?"

"A guy who got a bow shaft across his in return." Oliver said with a load of snark.

"While I have you two here, I have a question," Felicity asked, putting on her best innocent look. Dig and Oliver both had worried expressions as they turned to the blonde.

"I want to put together a Thanksgiving dinner for everyone." She pushed her glasses up and smiled.

"Uh, Who is everyone?" Oliver asked. He looked at Diggle for help.

"I'm not sure what Carly has planned for us…"

Felicity stood up in a huff. "If one thing this year has taught us is that family isn't always blood. We can have it at Oliver's house. Walter could come. Thea could invite Roy," Oliver glared at her, "Hush. The boy isn't that bad, and he makes your sister happy. Carly and her son could come with Dig. We can also invite Laurel and Detective Lance," Felicity said in her voice that meant no arguing.

"Do we have to invite the two people that have hated my guts on some level for the last 6 years?" Oliver said a little worried.

"You and Laurel have been working on being friends." Felicity blushed as she said, "Plus no matter how jealous I used to be of her, I would like to get to know her."

"I..gah..Felicity…" Oliver started. Dig was doing everything he could to not fall out on the floor laughing seeing Oliver flustered.

"Say yes, please. I love Thanksgiving. I think we all need just a fun day, yummy food, and wine." Felicity said with those eyes Oliver couldn't resist.

"Fine," he consented.

"Yes!" Felicity smirked. She grabbed her bag, "I'm going to go call Thea and talk to her about this."

When Felicity was safely out of the foundry, Oliver looked at Dig. "You are so right. She's scarier than I am."

"And that's hilarious hearing you say while in the Hood." Diggle chuckled.

"Her and Thea will be the death of my sanity, I swear."

"The things we do for the women in our lives." John added.

"And she wants to invite Laurel." Oliver sounded nervous. "The Hood might have to work on Thanksgiving."

"Do you really want to cross Felicity, especially since she knows your schedule better than you?" Dig warned.

"Dammit, you are right." Oliver sighed and then laughed.

By noon, everyone had arrived. Diggle was having a grand time watching Oliver fret over Felicity and Laurel talking. "You look worse than when you got shot," Dig whispered as he walked by Oliver, handing him a glass of wine.

"Those two have never really talked. Not to mention the stories Laurel could tell." Oliver turned away to regain his composure.

"I'll quote Felicity for a moment," Dig smirked, "The internet never forgets." He patted Oliver on the back, "Trust me, Felicity knows plenty of your idiot college years."

Across the den, Laurel chuckled, "Ollie looks like he is about to crawl out of his skin."

Felicity was nervous talking to Laurel, but she really did want to be friends. "I think he thinks I'm going to ramble or stick my foot in my mouth or go on about being nobody again when it compares to you." Felicity winced, "Kind of like that."

"Oliver and I had our chance." Laurel sipped her wine, "I don't know if I've ever seen him smile like he does around you, though."

Felicity choked on her wine. "Really? I know you and him had a long relationship. Plus the island longing."

"We did. But it was nowhere near perfect. I think Ollie and I both tried to ignore the bad." Laurel smiled, "Plus right now, I'm enjoying finding me, especially after this past year. I'm glad you invited my father and I, Felicity."

"You're welcome!" Felicity said happily. "Can we get to know each other better and maybe be friends?"

"I would like that." Laurel said with a smile. "I'm going to go find my father before lunch." She sat her empty wine glass down on the table before leaving to find the detective.

Oliver was right behind Felicity when she turned around, "Oh hi there!"

"Please tell me everything was okay with you talking to Laurel?" Oliver said, with a slight panic in his voice.

"Yes! We are going to try to be friends." Felicity admitted. "Thank you for this, by the way."

He smiled at her. The past month had seen them go on a few dates, spend lots of late nights talking, and learning to be more than friends. Their relationship wasn't out in the open yet, but people suspected. Thea reminded Oliver almost daily how much she loved Felicity, and that Felicity at least gave Roy a shot. On some level, Oliver was glad Felicity was getting to know Thea and now Laurel. "You so owe me for this." Oliver grinned at her.

"Oh, I do?" She looked at him over her glasses. Her hair was up in an elaborate twisted mess of blonde curls. Her dress was a dark blue one that Oliver bought her as a surprise. She just stopped fussing at him over how much it cost, but he swore she was worth it.

"Oh yes you do. I love Christmas. I know you are Jewish though, but maybe we can learn about each other's holidays?" Oliver flashed his playboy grin.

"Uh uh. Not that grin. Nope. Won't work." Felicity giggled.

"What about this?" Oliver kissed her gently on the lips.

Felicity felt her cheeks get warm. "You are evil."

"Why yes I am." He smirked. "One less secret for me to hide. Happy Thanksgiving."

The rest of the afternoon went off perfectly. Felicity was right. Over the last year, they had all become a large family. Some bound by blood. Some friendship. Some love. As the evening was winding down, Laurel came up to Oliver before she left with her father.

"Ollie, thank you for tonight," Laurel said, tapping him on the shoulder.

"I'm glad you could come."

"Don't hurt her, Ollie." Laurel said bluntly, and she knew she caught Oliver by surprise. "I'm not blind. Don't hurt her. She makes you smile this infectiously happy smile. You are lucky to have her."

"I'll try," Oliver smiled. "You heading out for the night?"

"Yup. Still lots of people that need help in the Glades, so I have to be up early to get some work done." Laurel gave Oliver a hug. "I'm finding myself. It's nice. Thank you again." She followed her father out of the door.

After everyone had left for the evening, Oliver and Felicity stood alone in the front room. "You survived," she grinned.

"You still owe me." He put down his wine glass and picked her up. Oliver had one arm under her knees and another around her back. Felicity laughed as she protested. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To my room," Oliver said proudly.

"And why would you want to do that?" Felicity played along.

"You'll see," Oliver lightly kissed her neck.

Felicity relented with a smile and a laugh.