This is something that's been in my head since I saw a few posts on tumblr, which my head took here. Enjoy! This is most likely a one-shot. =) (EDIT - So not a one shot'll see more Holidays. I'm glad y'all love this! - Next up - Thanksgiving!)

Thea had begged Oliver since mid-August to throw a Halloween party at Verdant. By early September, he agreed. Oliver was happy to see his sister happy, and he had even learned to tolerate Roy. Baby steps, as Felicity liked to remind him. No arrows had been put into Roy, yet. Oliver did make Felicity and Diggle agree that they would both be attending if he had to. Thea said that all three of them had to dress up. To say it would be an interesting night would be a major understatement, and no matter how much Oliver protested it, he was looking forward to it. They all needed a fun break.

The month leading up to the party, Felicity and Diggle were hiding something. Oliver could tell, but neither would fess up a thing. "You will see at the party," Felicity reminded him. All Oliver could wonder is he she would come dress as a character from one of the shows they had spent late nights watch. Probably something from Doctor Who. Oliver knew Diggle would be the Phantom of the Opera since Carly wanted to go as Christine. Thea and Roy had a plan as well. Oliver, the man who lived half his life in a costume, had no idea what to wear to a costume party.

Halloween night arrived. Verdant had been decorated for the event by Thea, and Oliver was really impressed. "Good job, Speedy."

Thea smiled back from behind her red mask. "Thank you for letting me use the club!" She grabbed the train of her red ball gown and ran off to find Roy.

Oliver saw a few people that he recognized as Thea's friends. Laurel was there as well. Oliver nodded and smiled at her. They had long since decided to just be friends, which was working better for everyone involved. Near the bar, Oliver spotted Diggle.

"Hey man, where's Carly?" Oliver asked.

"Helping Felicity finish getting ready in your office." Dig said with a smirk that spelled trouble.

"You still won't give me a hint to what she's coming as?" Oliver asked.

"Nope. I've been sworn to secrecy, and frankly, she scares me more than you do." Diggle said with a chuckle.

"I'll remember that," Oliver said as he playfully punched Dig's arm. "I hope she likes my costume."

Dig looked Oliver up and down. "Who are you supposed to be exactly?"

Oliver looked a little panicked, "Her favorite character from Doctor Who, I think." Oliver's usual dress shoes were replaced by Converse All-stars. Instead of his usual grey suits, he wore a loose fitting brown pin stripped one with a blue button up shirt and tie. The look was completed with a pair of black thick rimmed glasses. "I hope I got it correct."

"Are you two ever just going to kiss already?" Dig laughed.

Oliver cocked his head sideways at the question. Things had not gone there yet, though Oliver knew he wouldn't argue if they did. He was just enjoying the time he spent with Felicity. It was a nice break from Hood life. Oliver took the mature route to answering the question and just stuck his tongue out at Dig. Both men laughed.

"You've had that girl on your mind since she stood up to you right after she came here to work the first time." Dig reminded Oliver.

"You want a drink?" Oliver asked, changing the subject as he walked behind the bar.

"Nope, but I'm thinking you need one." Dig was having too much fun with this. "I think Felicity will shock you with her costume."

"I just don't understand the secrecy!" Oliver grumbled.

Dig chuckled, "No, you just don't like not knowing everything."

"She'll be out in a minute," Carly said as she sat down next to Dig at the bar. She wore a sparkly white ball gown like Christine in the movie versions. Oliver was glad to see her and Dig so happy.

Oliver kept his eyes on the stair case that led to his office, but Felicity never showed. He did not even see her on the balcony. It was empty since the party was blocked from going upstairs.

"Carly, don't mind him, he is just worrying his head off." Dig said with a smirk.

"Oh I can't wait until the next training day, Dig." Oliver gritted his teeth through a grin.

"Oliver, I'll say this. She wanted to do something to shock you and catch you off guard. Let her." Carly smiled.

"Fine." Oliver relented.

A few minutes later his cell phone vibrated. It was a text from Felicity. "I need your help downstairs please." Oliver took a deep breath and headed towards the foundry, wondering what prompted the change in plans. He really did not want to have to Hood up tonight.

Every single light was turned off in the foundry. Usually that would kick start Oliver's instincts, but he knew this was Felicity's surprise. As he stepped off the last step, he walked into the middle of the room. From behind him, he heard the sound of an arrow being nocked on a bow. Oliver grinned. "You didn't?"

"I so totally did." Felicity said, clicking on the lights.

Oliver turned around to see her holding the long bow he had made her when she wanted to learn archery. Her form was brilliant, and she took pride in wanting to get it just perfect. Felicity's blonde hair was French braided down either side of her head, and then covered with a green hood. Her bright blue eyes did not have her glasses to hide them. The top of her costume was a dark green leather coat that stopped at her knees. It clung to ever curve of her body. Oliver's eyes followed the details of her down to see that she wore knee high dark green leather boots that gave her enough height to be eye level with him. When Oliver's eyes came back level with her's, Felicity, dropped the bow to her side. "I wanted to dress as my favorite super hero." She smiled.

Oliver blushed, "Your favorite, huh?"

Felicity smirked, "You nailed your costume, mister! I love it."

Oliver flared out the long coat that covered his costume. "Did I surprise you atleast?"

"Totally. Best. Halloween. Ever." Felicity stepped closer. "I have one more surprise for you, Oliver." She dropped her bow on the ground.

"What?" Oliver whispered as Felicity stood right in front of him.

Felicity leaned in and tenderly kissed Oliver on the lips. He reacted by pushing the hood off her head and pulling her in tightly. Oliver returned her kiss passionately. "I've been waiting for that," he whispered in her ear.

"The kiss, me in leather or both?"

"Both," Oliver grinned.

Felicity playfully smacked the back of his head as she kissed him again.