What I Wish I Could Tell You

I wish I could tell you, "Good morning," but it seems that I can't.

Hearing his twin walk down the stairs, Sawada Tsunayoshi sat up in his bed and stared at the door. Tatsuya talked to their mom, wondering what was for breakfast and Tsuna forced himself to get out of bed. Quickly pulling on his school uniform, he soon followed after his brother and arrived in the kitchen only to find that all his food wasn't there. Bearing his usual smirk, Tatsuya glanced over to Tsuna before taking another bite of scrambled egg. Pulling out his phone, he typed a quick message.

"I'll be going now." Tatsuya called out after his brother's retreating figure,

"Don't bother coming back, you stupid mute." Tsuna made no remark at his brother's cold words, and only left. Walking the usual, lonely road to school, Tsuna sighed through his nose. It was like this every day. He would wake up, Tatsuya would deliver some harsh words (harsh to others, but Tsuna had grown used to them), steal his food, and Tsuna would leave for school. School was always the same routine too. Bullies would come after him for reasons unknown, the Disciplinary Committee prefect would growl at those "crowding", his lunch would be taken by whomever (usually Tatsuya), and the school day would end with him putting bandages on his own wounds. No words said, all the harm taken, another day ended.

Nothing will ever change, will it? Tsuna closed his eyes and sighed again before passing through the school gates. Upon seeing him, the laughter and now-meaningless words began.

"Look, it's No-Good Tsuna!"

"Haha, failed another test, you idiot?" Making no move to retort or cower (because there was nothing to be afraid of yet), Tsuna continued to his class in which he would spend until lunch, half attentive, half off somewhere in his own world. After the bell had rang, signaling the class to start talking and to bring out their lunch, very familiar hands slammed down onto the desk Tsuna was staring at.

"Hey idiot, give me your lunch. You're weak and it won't give you any strength, so hand it over." Nervously looking up at the kid (who frequently hurt him), Tsuna brought out his lunch to be taken. Luckily, the student was in a good mood, so the food was taken without a word and nothing more happened. Unluckily, a little later, he was taken to the roof to be bullied because, apparently, he was too close to Sasagawa Kyoko one time despite of his true statements of how he didn't care much for her.

Ugh, really….. Tsuna fell onto his bruised back and winced. They're scary when they surround me and hit me, but when they're gone I feel absolutely no fear whatsoever. It's like, the lack of human presence rids me of any nervous and scared feelings and all I feel is negative, almost as like a bad after-taste of something. Narrowing his eyes, he realized he couldn't get up (the feeling of just not feeling like doing so contributed to this problem). His legs, feeling sore and bruised from being kicked, had no strength in them at all, and his feet became numb (the pins and needles like TV static kind of numb) after all that not-moving. It looks like I'm going to skip class then.

It was as if the cheery blue sky riddled with clouds was mocking him. It was just like everyone else after all. Tsuna could almost hear its jeers now.

"Skipping out on class again, No-Good Tsuna? No wonder you're so stupid! You're useless at everything, so this makes no difference!" Laughter burst forwards as it delivered its final lines in Tatsuya's voice. "You're out of brains and any time to grow them!"

Shut up. Propping himself up, Tsuna glared at the sun meaninglessly before finding his shadow and almost happily putting his hand upon it. You understand, right? Of course you do, you're my shadow. You always understand. Well, that's probably because you're not a living organism, but oh well. Having revived the feeling in his legs, Tsuna stood and stretched. Any minute the bell would ring and he'd get the heck out of there before anyone found him and hurt him again for slacking or some weird excuse. Though, nowadays, you didn't have to beat up No-Good Tsuna to become cool. It was more like, if you were caught protecting him and you didn't have any real influence on others' thoughts (like you were scary or an overall good, popular person), you would be caught up in the pain of being bullied along with Tsuna.

It was an unsaid law of Namimori Middle.

Well, along with all those weird no-loitering laws made up by Hibari Kyoya, the most fearsome man (kid) in the school. He ran the Disciplinary Committee, and may God have mercy on your soul if he was in a bad mood and deemed you to be crowding in his school. In fact, Tsuna was in awe of how he hadn't been caught on the roof already. Sure, he got a fair share of his bruises and pain from Hibari, but he had been in good luck lately (that was new, and it caused him worry) and hadn't run into the monster.

And there went the bell. Grabbing his bag, Tsuna tried leaving the school invisibly, and surprisingly, all went well. He had only been bullied twice today which was odd, and this leaving easily thing made him upset. On the way home, he was tripped three times (two of the times was due to his own clumsiness), ran into a person once, and was consequently punched twice. As he held his bruising stomach and approached the door, his stomach rolled over once and he heard Tatsuya call from inside,

"Mom! Who's this kid?!" Tsuna decided he wanted to run away now, board a train going to anywhere and just get out of there. But still, he pulled out his key and unlocked the door, completely aware that something was going to happen suddenly. Something big was going to hit.

And like a train crash (the very train he wished to leave on this moment), his life would be changed forever.

A/N:Yeah, I'm going to try for a multi-chapter. Let's hope I don't fail horribly.