Disclaimer: I, Darkpetal16, do not own Naruto.

Warning: Spoilers for one of the DB endings, at the very least.

This was a question asked on my tumblr account that I answered, but decided to elaborate on and post in FM, too.

Question: What was the dating process like between Yagura and Nao? And how did everyone else (Kakashi, Tsunade, Mei, Sasuke, Naruto, Ino, Inoichi) react to it? (in explicit detail) - Anonymous


I honestly am a little stumped to how I would draw this out, so I'll write it out. Forgive any typos, por favor. 3

I feel like you're also wanting an analysis-thing-a-majig, yeah? If not, then sorry for the excess detail.

How it began: When Nao was finally old enough, Yagura was a very happy man. Not that he would ever admit that anyone (save Nao if she really asked). After being with her for so many years, as her… 'sensei'… Yagura had a fairly good grasp on how to go about courting her properly.

He had to take a couple steps before he was allowed to even begin properly courting her.

He began with Inoichi. Thankfully, after years of being around the man (and the fact that Inoichi was specialized in reading people, and knew full-well about Nao's, and Yagura's feelings for each other) knew exactly what to do for him. He went directly to his office, the morning of Nao's birthday, and flat out asked him for his approval.

Inoichi had stared at the man for a while in utter silence. Inoichi knew this day would come, as much as he dreaded it, but he also knew fighting it would only cause needless stress. So, with much reluctance, Inoichi gave a grudging nod.

(He spent about a good hour afterwards complaining drunkenly to Ibiki and Anko about it.)

After Yagura's approval from Inoichi, he was feeling a bit more confident. He headed off to the Memorial Stone, in search of Kakashi. Thankfully, the man was already there, and was expecting him.

"I know over a thousand ways to kill a man in a rather brutal fashion," Kakashi had commented when Yagura approached him.

"I'm quite certain you do," Yagura responded dryly.

A silence fell between the two.

"Break her heart, and I'll show you one of the ways," Kakashi finally said simply.

"Then I guess I'll never know."

(Kakashi totally hung out with Inoichi and joined in on the complaints and alcohol afterwards.)

With that done, Yagura just had three more people to approach. Luckily for him, two of them were already on their ways to hunt him down.

"Naruto, Sasuke," Yagura greeted coolly.

"If we get godkids before she's married I'll shove a Rasengan up your ass," Naruto said bluntly.

"And I know the perfect spot to hide a body," Sasuke added.

"Dutifully noted," Yagura said. "I will take care of her."

"Damn straight you will. Or we'll take care of you."

(Naruto bemoaned his friend's innocence to Hinata, while Sasuke grumbled about it to Itachi afterwards.)

The last person Yagura needed to see actually met him halfway.

"I love my sister," Ino told him perfectly seriously. "And I know you make her happy, so I'm happy for you guys. But, if you so much as make her shed a single tear - and it's not because she's laughing so hard - I will cut off your dick and shove it down your throat."

Yagura sighed. "I am aware of such. I will endeavour not to make her cry."

Ino nodded, then perked up. "I also have the right to be your guys' wedding planner."

Yagura flushed. "Nao has yet to agree to marry me, Ino - "

Ino snorted. "Fine. If you guys get married (which you so will) I have the right to have total control over the wedding."

Yagura hesitated. "If Nao is alright with it."

Ino beamed. "Oh… she will be. She will be."

He inwardly shuddered at that maniacal grin on her face, and then promptly excused himself.

(She spent the rest of the day gushing about the new couple with Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten, and pretty much anyone who would listen)

He made a couple more side-stops before he headed to her.

Nao was sitting outside of her compound, watching her dear friend, Obito, fold some origami. She tilted her head curiously when he made another swan. "You're so good at that."

Obito smiled easily. "It just takes practice, Nao-chan."

Obito straightened, then, and glanced over at Yagura, who flickered into the yard. Yagura kept his hands behind his back. His smile became a bit more crooked, and he excused himself from Nao, turning his back to her to face Yagura. He mouthed, Hurt her. I will kill you, slowly.

"I'm going to go see if your mother needs help with the cake, Nao-chan," Obito said, heading inside the compound.

(He joined in on the drunk and complaining fest with Kakashi and Inoichi immediately after he left.)

"Okay, Obito-ue," Nao responded, then she looked up at Yagura. Her cheeks dusted red. "Y-Yagura-sensei, hello."

"Happy birthday, Nao-chan," Yagura greeted, smiling warmly at her.

She blushed, and lowered her gaze. The goggles that rested squarely on the top of her head gleamed in the sunlight, occasionally catching its glare as she bobbed her head and said, "I-I thought you were going to stop by, um, later."

"I couldn't wait," Yagura admitted.

"I-I see."

"You know I'm not one to beat around the bush," Yagura said bluntly, "so I won't for this. Especially considering how… how important it is. Do you remember our promise, all those years ago?"

Nao stilled, and her head snapped up. Her single eye widened. "O-Of course."

"Do you still mean it?"


Yagura revealed his hands to Nao, holding a large bouquet of roses. "Then I shall speak plain, Nao. Will you… be with me?"

Her eyes lit up, and a large smile blossomed across her face. She threw her arms around Yagura's neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Y-Yes! Yes, please."

Yagura smiled into her hair, closing his eyes in content.

Who wakes up who up with kisses: Yagura loves teasing her. Without fail, he would always get some kind of reaction out of her with each kiss.

Who's big spoon/little spoon: Yagura's the big spoon, with Nao being the little spoon.

Who cooks for who: They share the cooking equally.

Who is the morning/night person: They're both morning people. Nao loves to get up early and meet Obito, and Kakashi at the stone. Yagura prefers waking up early and getting his training out of the way. If they could, they would both go to bed early, but their friends usually keep that from happening.

Who is the romantic one: Yagura does the actual romantic gestures on occasion, but Nao's the true romantic. She prefers subtly, and private gestures. Whereas Yagura loves doing them in public. In part to tease her, and in part because he genuinely enjoys showing off that she's with him.

Who is the cuddly one: Nao if she thinks no one else is around.

Who is the jealous one: Yagura. He knows he has nothing to actually worry about, but she did save the shinobi world from Madara, and as such… Well, he and Hinata didn't care too much for the constant fanboys/fangirls.

Who is the more protective / possessive one: Nao, actually. Seeing Yagura die in front of her once… it shook her up. Any time he has to go on another mission without her, she's always being eaten up with worry. And if he is ever hurt in front of her in a hostile situation… She's merciless.

Who proposed: Yagura did. He paid for a mission to have Nao as his body guard while he ran some errands outside of the village (Naturally, this was just because he just wanted to get her away from all those prying eyes in the village for a couple days). He brought her to the same spot where the two of them originally made the promise to wait for each other.

For a couple minutes the two had simply admired the view, as Yagura waited for the sun to set. He then dropped onto one of his knees, took Nao's hands in his own and proposed to her.

She had fainted almost immediately after squeaking out a yes.

How many kids: Two. The oldest is a girl with spiky pale hair, and pink eyes like her father. She has a temper like her father, too, and is very loud. She can never really seem to sit still for very long and aspires to become a Kage like her father. Her name's Inomi. The youngest is a boy with curling blonde hair like his mother, and pink eyes like his father. He's very quiet and shy, and wants to join the medical core. His name's Inojin.

Yagura likes to dote on them when he thinks no one's looking, while Nao loves to hug them every chance she gets.

Who are the godparents: Funny story, actually. Naruto, Sasuke, and Ino viciously competed to be the godparents of their first child, Inomi. Kakashi, and Obito swooped in at the last second to steal the victory in a tie, so Kakashi and Obito are the godfathers of Inomi (though both occasionally compete to earn that title solo). Same thing happened to Inojin, only that time, Itachi stole the victory.

To say the rest of team seven and Ino were annoyed was an understatement.

There's my headcanon for the Happy Ending.

Oh. Someone else asked how exactly the Happy Ending happened.

Simple: If Nao had not broken her hip in the war, just after Yagura's death, she would have been able to properly kick Madara into the portal without needing to body tackle him. She woulda died from chakra exhaustion afterwards, but Obito would have brought her and Yagura back to life, as Yagura would choose to come back to life with her. :)

That's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.

Reviews are love!