Crystal's making a comeback! If you want to know the same information is on I'll Never Let You See My Dark Side fanfic.
This my NightlightxOC fanfic I've been dying to make.
Nightlight, GoC, RotG does not belong to me!
Crystal's POV
I gave a quick glance behind me as I snuck out to the back door of the garage. I made sure that the door stayed unlocked when I come back, and bolted towards the forest. I live in a decent neighborhood and this was the only house that was surrounded by a forest. This house was the last house in this safe neighborhood and it fit perfectly well with our budget. Leaves and twigs scrunched under my feet as I ran for my life.
I finally got far away from the house and to my secret hideout. It was a large tree with it's branches spread out. I even got my own 'step stool,' or broken branch, that helps me climb up the tree. I sat on my usual branch, not too high because I'm afraid of heights. South from my tree was a little lake where I call it my second secret hideout. I let out a stressed sigh and leaned on the tree.
I've been having family problems recently. They're all shouting at each other when I left them, and I hate loud places. I could only endure it for so long, but their voices were really annoying. It'll take some time for them to stop screaming, calm down, and finally notice I'm gone. In which, they call me on my phone and, ha! What do you know? More screaming! We just moved to a new town, forcing me to part from my best friends. They're actually the only people I consider family, other than my siblings.
I bet I looked miserable. Finally, a tear escaped my eyes. It's been harder to cry now since I've been crying two to three times a week. I've never been allowed to get mad or cry because my parents would always get mad at me. Whether I tripped or not, they'd get mad! That isn't how you're supposed to comfort someone who's in pain! I got bored so I climbed down and trudged to the lake. I stared at my reflection, expecting my reflection to give me an evil smile or grab me and pull me down. I guess I read too much horror stories but they are just so interesting!
I looked ahead, deeper into the forest. I was cautious but... I bit my lip. I had an internal war with myself until I finally went with one side and hastily ran back towards my tree. I grabbed at the leaves at the trunk of my tree below and moved a piece of bark. Inside, I hid some of my secrets and necessities. I stored my journal, a flashlight, a tiny first-aid kit, my favorite knife (Knifey strikes again! :), some fairytale books, and a tent and sleeping bag just in case the family tension got too bad.
I wrote some things in my journal like my own quotes, moon phases, types of constellations, gemstones, runes, and other weird things that have secret meanings. My head was always in wonderland, thinking of things that are hardly seen by any human. Like, fairies. I had my fairytale book which has Santa, Tooth Fairy, etc. There was one book who had someone rare, a spectral boy named Nightlight. I have never known about him until I bought the book. I couldn't even find him online! All I saw were nightlights that you put in a socket and they light up the room.
I sheathed my knife and stuffed it in my knee high boots and grabbed the flashlight. I placed the bark back and covered my evidence with leaves. I ran back to the lake and readied myself. I carefully walked deeper than I have ever gone. I shined my flashlight everywhere but all I saw were trees, nothing peculiar. After a while, it started getting dark and I was about to give up until I spotted a dark... House? I ran towards it and inspected. It looked like it's been abandoned. Vines grew onto windows but that was the only thing. I guess it must've been abandoned not too long ago. I'd say a year or a few months.
It looked kind of creepy, being night time and dark. I decided against going in and ventured back home. The only thing was, I forgot where I had gone from. "Great, dark and I'm lost!" I sarcastically said aloud to myself. I huffed and decided to walk straight. Only after a couple of kilometers, my flashlight died. Oh no! I looked around and I could barely see anything! Good thing it was a full moon, making some light. But a flash of light in the corners of my eye caught my attention. It looked like it was swaying. I stared at it, not daring to go towards.
The light suddenly blinked a few times and made a circle in the air. I think it was telling me to follow it... I cautiously followed the light and made sure to look around for any jump scares. It took a few more minutes until the light suddenly disappeared. I tilted my head in confusion and ran in the direction it vanished. I soon found myself at my tree! I scanned the area for any evidence of the source of the light, but found nothing. I decided to brush it off for a bit and stored my knife and flashlight back. I decided to take my journal and my fairytale book and stuffed it in an extra sling bag I got from a thrift shop. (I'm gonna pop some tags, only got $20 in mah pocket, okay sorry back to the story!)
I snuck back in the back door and made sure to lock it. When I walked in, just as I expected, my mother shouted at me. "Where were you?!" She started nagging and I muted her out. I quietly ran upstairs and into my room. I locked the door and fell onto my bed. 'I think I want some sleep...' My stomach growled, completely objecting. I reluctantly got back up and washed myself. I got in my summer PJs which was a sleeveless and shorts.
I grabbed my phone and headphones, trudging downstairs. Fortunately, dinner was quiet. When we were all getting ready for bed, I climbed on my bed and opened my window. I always picked a room where there is enough space for me to sleep next to a window without taking up too much space. I flipped to an empty page in my journal and wrote down a few observations about the house I found and the strange light. After I wrote them down, I read it over and felt something familiar about the story. I hastily flipped through my fairytale book to Nightlight's page. I scanned it until I found the information I was looking for.
Nightlight is a strange boy who glowed and he would sometimes play with a moon beam. Strange enough, the moon beam looked similar to the moon beam that lead my back home. I gazed outside to see the moon shining brightly in the clear night sky. 'Could it be possible? No...' Nightlight isn't real. Right? I shook my head and decided to go to sleep.
Nightlight's POV
I watched the girl climb under the blankets and close her eyes. I smiled as I sat on my staff, floating near the direction of MiM and above the forest. I've been watching her ever since she got here. She is the type of girl to be shy and kind. But she can be adventurous and a thrill seeker. Not too girly, not too boyish. She balanced herself out! She was average height, and a bit tan. Long black hair, and dark eyes. Her eyes were the very reason why I got so infatuated with watching over her. It was another door to another unknown world. It was filled with darkness but there was also that tiny light.
I love seeing the wonder and imagination fill the forest by just her eyes whenever she ventured. Even to the same tree, she still held admiration for nature. I smiled back at MiM, who was calling for me. I sprinkled some sleeping dust towards the girl, just like I did with MiM when he was a baby. Just to make sure she slept peacefully.
Nightlight, bright light,
Sweet dreams I bestow.
Sleep tight, all night,
Forever I will glow.
I gave her one last glance before flying back to MiM.