Chapter 1
They were going to hit water the next morning. Lee was hopping this was finally the end. Thins could get better he thought. He woke up in his bed with Clementine lying beside him. She still had tears on her cheeks from last night. Lee felt bad they couldn't see if her parents had made it out alive or not but t was to risky. The boat was the better option.
He crawled out of bed trying not to alarm Clementine and got dressed and went down stairs to see Kenny and the others.
"So will head south?" Christa asked
"I think it's worth a shot." Kenny answered grabbing some supplies into a bag. "Hey look who's up?"
Lee half smiled and walked to grab a glass of water when he was stopped by Christa.
"Where's Clementine? She usually comes down stairs when you do?"
Clementine then appeared in the door way. "Good morning." She yawned.
"How did ya sleep sweet pea?"
"Okay, I guess..." She said. "I'm gonna go sit in the living room." She walked away. Lee felt a bit heart broken.
"Is she mad at you?" Kenny asked
"I told her it was safer not to go look for her parents and to just go straight to the river today."
"She'll get over it." Kenny reassured but Christa didn't seem pleased.
"She wants to find them. You should at least stop on the way there it couldn't do that much harm."
"But the guy on the radio."
Christa shrugged. "Do you even know he's there? What if he isn't and she never gets to know if her parents made it?"
Lee looked down. She should know the fate of her family.
"How about we pass by and if the area looks alright will go check it out?" Lee asked
"Fine but we better make it quick. And if we do find her parents there not coming on the boat. We're full enough already."
Lee nodded and went to the living room to tell Clem the good news.
"Clementine I have some good news. We can go see if the marsh house is as infested as everywhere else and then maybe go look for your parents!"
"Really!" She jumped up in excitement. "Thank you Lee." She hugged his legs tight. "Your the best. I'm gonna go get ready." She ran of up the stairs. Lee was happy she was happy again but still wasn't sure about the idea.
They left around 11am and started towards the river. Kenny, Omid and Christa dealt with the boat while Lee and Clementine kept a look out for the Marsh House an zombies.
"Lee I think this is the block-" Clementine stopped mid sentence and Lee looked up. The whole block was infested.
"Should we keep going?" Omid asked. Lee couldn't tell if they should stop now or head on the boat. If they went to the dock Clementine would be upset for the rest of the trip and never know if her family was okay but it they went they could possibly die or get bitten.
"Clementine stay close to Kenny." Lee ran off towards the hotel.
"You're insane!" Christa shouted. The four of them stood there waiting for him. It seemed like forever. Meanwhile Lee was busting through Zombies until he came across a couple who looks just like someone. He pulled out the picture of Clementine and her parents he found in her house and it had to be them. They had turned.
His heart broke knowing Clementine's would too. He had to get out of there though. He headed back disappointed. When he arrived at the boat Kenny and Clem came running up to him.
"What happened?" She asked. Lee shock his head and she knew. They were gone.