Me: Yeah! Back with a One Piece story! And no, Zoro will not be part of the Supernovas that get transported... Sorry :( He is my second-favorite character, but I don't know why HE would be reaching for the key to the One Piece, since he's not really a captain. Killer, too. Well, if you guys really want them, I could try to find some way for them to teleport as well, I guess. But for now, it's just the captains.
Nami: How much do I get paid for this?
Me: I know- Wait what?
Nami: Get paid! Us characters are paid to act in fanfiction, you know.
Me: Uh... Nami, you barely appear in this.
Nami: ... Make me appear, then.
Me: Alright, alright! No promises! Now, let me say that I tragically don't own One Piece, nor any of the names I took from some RPG horror games, just some of the future OCs.
"I'm going to be the Pirate King!" Monkey D. Luffy screamed, jumping and reaching for the supposed key to the One Piece. At the exact same time, however, all of the other supernovas attempted to grab the golden key at the same time.
"Sorry, Straw Hat, but the treasure's mine!" Kidd smirked, having to run to the key due to the strange reason that he couldn't seem to attract the key to him with his powers.
All 11 Supernovas touched the key at the same time, and oblivious to their crewmates' yells, disappeared in a flash of blinding light. Just like that.
? Later...
"And then... It was said they just disappeared! Just like that!" The man said, his eyes wide. All of his companions laughed.
"This is like the fifth time you told that story, Chris! And although it's just as interesting as always, don't you think something else would be nice?" Another man said, temporarily pausing from his drink.
"But.. really! Don't you think they still might be out there somewhere?" 'Chris' exclaimed, picking up a pickle.
This time, his listeners stopped and looked at him seriously. "We've been through this, dude. No one can survive 138 years after they disappeared, not even the Supernova Elevon."
"Urgh... Where are we?" This remark was made by Apoo, who sat up and rubbed his head. The pirates had landed themselves in a dark alley, which was quiet, except for the footsteps and distant chatter a few dozen yards away.
"How am I supposed to know?" Bonney grumbled, along with her bottomless stomach.
"Rude girl..." Capone muttered, shaking his head.
"Last thing I remember, I was about to become the Pirate King..." Luffy remarked, looking around. This comment caused some heads to turn.
"Excuse me? I believe I was going to become the Pirate King!" Kidd growled,narrowing his eyes.
"You guys? Ha! I was, or am, going to claim the One Piece!" Apoo barked out, starting to get up.
The trio glared at each other, their heads so close they were practically touching. Trafalgar Law rolled his eyes at this.
"I'm not sure if you heard this the first time, but I'm going to become the next Pirate King!" Kidd hissed out, some tin cans starting to rattle.
"No way! I'm going to become the Pirate King!" Luffy exclaimed, slamming his fist into his palm.
A few clarinet holes were starting to appear on Apoo's left arm, although the man himself made sure not to get too close in with the other too while they were arguing.
"Hey! What're you guys doing there?" A female voice shouted out, and all of the supernovas turned to look at the source. At the opening of the alley stood a woman with fiery-red hair and hazel eyes, a shopping bag in her arms.
"Why d'you need to know?" Law said, leaning against the wall. The woman raised her eyebrows.
"You're arguing in a dark alley, and quite loudly I might add. The curfew time's nearly here, you all better get inside."
"Wait.. Curfew? What curfew?" X Drake asked, slightly wary of the stranger.
"Oh, c'mon, don't act stupid. Most towns nowadays have curfews, considering there's plenty more pirates around, and that includes this one. Being out after 9 o' clock P.M. will land you into big trouble with the local Marines who patrol the streets at night, unless you all have good reasons."
The supernovas inwardly rolled their eyes. Marines? Yeah, like they would be afraid of regular Marine soldiers after all that they've been through.
"Well, um... We're... Kinda newcomers to this town..." Apoo said awkwardly, scratching his head. The woman's eyes widened.
"Oh! No wonder you had no idea what was going on, I thought you all lost your memories or something. Follow me; I'll introduce you to our mayor. My name's Aki, incase you need to ask me something. I'm pretty well-known around here, so you won't have any trouble finding me. Well, follow me!" Aki said, waving her left arm as she turned to go.
The supernovas looked at each other, confused.
"Hey, Aki, I don't think us going to Marines is a good idea. I mean,- wait, don't you recognize us?" Urouge said, ready to fight and escape at any moment.
Aki regarded them strangely. "Why would I know you? Sure, you look like the supernovas who lived around 138 years ago, but why would I-"
Luffy cut her off, his eyes wide. "Hey, that's us-"
He was cut off by X Drake, who continued. "138 years ago? What do you mean?"
"The supernovas all disappeared more than a century ago! Geez, have you been living under a rock your whole life?! Everyone knows about the 'Worst Generation' that lived decades ago. Since they went and disappeared, pirates numbers have been seriously increasing."
Kidd twitched a bit at the insult, and not being the kind of guy to take remarks like that, some steel containers rattle. Aki, however, didn't seem to notice, and was already walking off.
"Well, I dunno about you guys, but I'm following her!" Luffy announced, and began to walk out of the alley.
"Hey, Straw Hat! We don't know if she's trustworthy or not!" Law exclaimed, while the other supernovas couldn't help but (grudgingly) agree.
Luffy either didn't hear them or ignored them, but he completely disappeared from sight. Looking at each other, the others rolled their eyes followed after the two.
"So... your names are Bonnet" -the man pointed at Bonney- "Traft" -he looked at Law- "Loopey" -he gave Luffy a clear 'What the heck' look- "Bege" (He didn't bother to make up a name) "Kidd" (Same here) "Uro"-He raised an eyebrow at Urouge's grin- "Drake" -He nodded at X Drake- "and Hawk" -the man didn't give Hawkins a second glance, probably because he didn't want to. "Am I correct?" The man, who was the mayor, silently sweatdropped. They all had... quite weird names.
The pirates nodded, wondering why they couldn't just blast this guy to smithereens. It would attract attention, though... Not that they cared.
"Alright, you may call me Mr. Drevis. You will be able to get your citizenship passports-"
"Actually, that's not necessary. We would just like to get a large ship and into the ocean...?" Law interrupted him, startling the mayor a bit.
Mr. Drevis looked a bit nervous, and Aki's eyes flickered around, as if expecting something to pop out at her. "Well... You know... These days, there's a lot of pirates around..."
Kidd was starting to look extremely annoyed and impatient. "I don't fucking care about some tiny rookies, just where can we get a fucking ship?!" He snapped.
Mr. Drevis looked scandalized. "Now, sir, I don't take insults like that... I will have to fine you, you know..."
Aki spoke up again, surprising some of them. "Near the shore a few miles west of here. An old man lives there, and he probably used to be a pirate or marine, we don't know, but he has a pretty large ship that he doesn't use anymore."
"Thanks, Aki!" Luffy cried, smiling and hugging her unnecessarily. She raised her eyebrow, then gently pushed him off.
"Ya'll better get going, now, because the old man's probably going to sleep anytime soon."
And with a "Bye!" from Luffy, the pirates rushed out of the mayor's office and headed west.
"So... This is that old guy's house?" Bonney said, squinting her eyes through the darkness. In front of them was a run-down log cabin, set on the beach.
"There's the ship." Apoo noted, looking at the huge ship. "It looks kinda-"
Luffy's eyes widened, and then a huge smile stretched onto his face. "It's the Thousand Sunny!"
"Are you saying this is your ship? Why do we have to go on your ship?!" Kidd complained, eyes narrowing.
"I wonder if the old guy's asleep..." Law said, glancing at the cabin.
"Of course I'm awake! I might be old, but I'm not getting any weaker!" A croaking voice exclaimed. The supernovas looked at the speaker. He was a man with a cane and a white beard. Through the wrinkled skin, however, fierce brown eyes showed determined spirit.
"Hey! Old guy! Let us have your ship!" Luffy called out, direct as always.
The old man's eyes narrowed and he jabbed his cane at Luffy's chest. "Many have asked that before! Prove to me that you deserve it!"
"And how are we supposed to do that?" Bonney questioned.
"Steer it."
Apoo looked slightly confused. "Thats... it?"
The old man smiled, showing yellow teeth. "This ship, after its previous owners left it, had a curse put on it. Only someone who has ridden on the ship before may control it.."
Luffy grinned at that. "I can do that!" He stretched out an arm, grabbed the mast, and flung himself onto the Thousand Sunny.
"Oi! Straw hat! Don't-" Law began to call out, but was interrupted by the old man's barking laugh.
"Well! Seems like your friend there passed the test!"
The pirates looked at Luffy who was grinning on the ship, seemingly moving by itself, had started to pull away from port.
"C'mon, guys!" Luffy yelled at the rest of them.
The supernovas immediately ran for the ship,and managed to board it as soon as it left the dock completely.
"Thanks, old man!" Luffy called out, causing the old man to grin. As the ship started to get smaller and smaller into the distance, the old man muttered to himself, "Yes, indeed, find your way back and change this, Supernova Elevon."
Me: :) Ooo... How did he know them?
Old man: You made me know. -.-
Me: Stop ruining the suspense...
Bonney and Luffy: I'm/We're hungry!
Me: ... (Waves hand and makes a bunch of food appear) There.
Law: How did you do that?
Me: I'm the author. I can make whatever I want happen in this story.
Me: No. I want to play Minecraft.
Law: Minecraft?
Me: Yes. I'm in love with it. And my MC name's Ender_Flash, for any Minecraft players out there! I like to play on SkyDoesMinecraft's server, in the survival world. I'm a VIP, hopefully becoming a VIP+ or ++ soon.
Law: This is a One Piece story. Don't drag something else into it.
Me: Fine... Since you have hopefully already read this, review, guys! Tell me your Minecraft name if you play it! I might help you if you review a lot... ;) I have extra god and items. Honestly.