Past Mistakes and Future Changes

Sesshy's Mistress

Summary: The past is changing and causing distortions in the present. With new changes come new questions, and Usagi and Rei have to figure out what is happening and why. With only Rei's visions to guide them, the two try to figure out what is happening. Instead of answers, their curiosity lands themselves into even more trouble and confusion. IY/SM

Note: This is my second attempt at writing this story.


Usagi had woken up that morning with a headache, and it caused her to be distracted for most of the day. School had been a blur and, if she was being honest with herself, she wasn't even in the mood for her favorite after-school activity—hanging out at the arcade. She walked in a daze down the same beaten path she had taken for the past four years.

"Usagi!" A voice managed to break through her concentration. Stopping to turn around, Usagi forced a smile to her face as Naru, one of her best friends, ran to catch up with her. "Jeeze," the red-head gasped as she fought to catch her breath. " You're getting fast, Usa-chan."

"What do you mean, Naru?" Usagi questioned with a confused look. She wasn't in any hurry, so she didn't understand what Naru could possibly mean.

"Are you serious?" Naru straightened once she had caught her breath. "I was talking to Umino one minute and when I turned around, you were gone! All those runs to school must have paid off after all. You should really consider joining the track team." Naru smiled as she looped her arm around Usagi's.

"Maybe you and Umino were talking longer than you think," Usagi suggested as she allowed Naru to guide her to the Crowne. "You two lovebirds are near inseperable now-in-days." Usagi let a real smile fill her face as her friend blushed brightly.

"Hush," Naru ordered while pulling Usagi faster. "Let's just hurry and get out of this heat. You look like you're about to pass out!" Usagi nodded and stayed silent. Naru had questioned her earlier in the day as to how she was feeling. Of course Usagi lied about how she truly felt. It wouldn't do to let her friend worry about her when it was only stress; it had to be the stress.

Still, it was sweet that Naru still showed so much care for Usagi, especially since the last four years had kept Usagi from spending time with her friend. Being a Sailor Senshi was dangerous business, and she had never wanted her friend to be put into the center of that danger. Now that there was peace, she could mend the relationship she had with Naru.

"Hey girls," Motoki called as the two finally reached the Crowne. A blast of cold air swept over the girls, and Usagi had to admit that it felt wonderful compared to the outside. The two waved at him before he turned to finish with a customer. Once the order was written, Motoki walked over and enveloped Usagi in a tight hug.

"Long time no see," He grinned as he held tightly. "I hardly recognize you, Usa-chan!"

"Yeah, I've been a bit busy with school and all," Usagi chuckled nervously. "Sorry I haven't been around lately. You aren't mad, are you?" She questioned nervously.

"You know I could never get mad at you," He ruffled her hair and laughed when she pouted and tried to fix the mess he had made of it. "Why don't you two grab a booth and I'll bring you both a burger and shake?" Naru happily nodded and went to the nearest booth, but Usagi grumbled about fixing her hair and moved to the bathroom.

"Love you too, Usa-chan!" Motoki called to her and she returned it with playfully by sticking her tongue out at him. No matter how old she got, she would always be the same old Usagi to him. Once she disappeared behind the bathroom door, he moved to start work on their burgers and the order from the other customer.

Usagi's hands immediately went to her buns once she had locked the door behind her. She pulled the clips free and allowed her long hair to cascade down her back. With no brush or comb on hand, she had to use her fingers to sort through the long strands. When she walked to the mirror, she couldn't help but laugh as Motoki had managed to make a bigger mess of her hair than she had thought.

Pulling out the few remaining tangles, Usagi began to put her hair back up, but a wave a dizziness struck her and she found herself leaning on the sink for support. The headache she had been suffering through all day suddenly became a lot worse; it felt like her head was going to explode! Squeezing her eyes shut, Usagi gasped as the pain in her head shot like fire through her veins. This pain was similar to when she first sprouted her wings when transforming.

"Why does this keep happening?" Usagi groaned as her legs shook. Her grip on the sink increased, but one hand moved to her temple, cupping it and pressing it firmly in hopes that the pain would cease. Unfortunately, it didn't work and she found herself sinking to her knees. She would give anything if she could scream, but she knew that doing so would draw attention to her, and the last thing she wanted to do was scare Motoki.

It would pass. She was sure of it. Blinking her eyes open, Usagi tried to calm her breathing and when she lowered her hand from her head to her lap, a horrified gasp escaped her. Where there were once perfectly manicured nails there were now very sharp looking claws. "Oh my God!" She checked her other hand, and there was another set of claws there too.

Using the sink to help her, Usagi forced herself to her feet. Her legs were still shaking, but she managed. When her eyes glanced at her reflection, another horrified gasp escaped her. Her ears were pointed! "What the hell?" She questioned while running her fingers over the rim of her ear. She looked like a Christmas elf!

Usagi began to chew on her lower lip; it was a nervous habit of hers. When she did, she felt a sharp pain and felt blood dribbling down her chin. Confused, she inspected her mouth and found a pair of sharp canines which had pierced her lip and been the source of the bleeding.

"No, no, no, no," Usagi changed as she then began to look herself over for any other surprises. In the past she had noticed a change to her nails, but never anything like this! What was happening to her?

"Usagi-chan!" Naru called from the other side of the door. Startled, Usagi quickly grabbed some paper towels and wiped away the blood from her face. She couldn't let Naru or Motoki see her like this. "Are you okay? You've been in there for a while." Her friend really did sound worried, and Usagi struggled to figure out something to say to her.

"I'm okay," Usagi called out to her. "I'm almost done."

"Okay," Naru called back to her, and Usagi could hear the doubt in her friend's words. Usagi looked at herself once more. She could keep her hair down and hide the ears, and she might get away with hiding her newly found fangs, but the claws? She cast her hands one last look. There was no way she could hide those!

"Actually," Usagi opened the door. "I'm not feeling at all good, Naru." Usagi curled a hand over her stomach, hiding her hand and effectively implying what she meant. "I think I have the flu. I'm going to get my food to go."

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Naru questioned as Usagi rushed past her.

"No, I'll be fine. You should stay and enjoy your meal," Usagi smiled softly to her worried friend and then moved to the counter where Motoki was placing food on plates for them. "I need to get that to go."

"Why?" Motoki questioned but he was already moving to grab a to-go box and cup.

"I'm just not feeling well. I think I have the flue," Usagi answered as honestly as possible. Motoki wanted to comment, but he held back and bit his lip. When he had everything packed up, he handed it over and watched as Usagi ran out of the arcade.

"That was weird," He spoke to himself.

"She's been acting weird a lot lately," Naru commented as she slid into one of the chairs at the counter. "I'm worried about her. Her grades have been dropping, and she always seems to have these headaches that pop up."

"That sounds like Rei," Motoki commented as his mind turned towards the priestess who had come in earlier for some tea. She had been complaining of a headache too. "Maybe there is a bug floating around. You better be careful, Naru." Motoki warned as he moved to deliver his other order to his waiting customer.

"Yeah," Naru sighed as she sent one last look towards the doors before casting her attention to her meal. "I guess I should."

Rei's face was bent and her eyes closed. Her face was set into a look of strained concentration as she sat on her knees before the Sacred Fire. Beads of sweat ran down her face as her fingers continued to move in a graceful and intricate patter. "Sacred Fire I call upon you!" She spoke passionately as her eyes opened and gazed directly into the roaring flames.

The embers reflected in her maroon eyes as she struggled to place all her energy into this one reading. "Show me the answers!" She begged as she thrust her hands out towards the fire. The reaction was not what she expected. The Sacred Fire suddenly flared to life and doubled in size. Rei had to shield her eyes as the fire grew so strong in intensity that it nearly burned her skin.

Only when the fire's light was bearable did Rei lower her hand and search the flames for the answers she so desperately needed to find. It took a couple of minutes before her eyes caught onto the subtle changes in the flames. The image—faint at first—became clearer, and Rei felt herself holding her breath in anticipation.

She let out a gasp when she recognized the woman in the fire was her mother's younger form. She had only seen pictures of her mother, and at first Rei did not recognize her, but when Rei caught sight of those eyes, she knew it was her. Why was the fire showing her mother? Unconsciously, Rei reached out with a shaky hand as if to caress the image of her mother's smiling face. The flames roared again and the image disappeared.

In its place her father appeared and Rei's eyes narrowed in confusion. This was her father's younger self. This time the image played out for Rei, and she saw her mother reappear. Breathing a sigh of relief, she tried to figure out what this meant for her. She didn't have to wait long as she watched her father and mother converse. Then, another figure appeared; it was a strange man that Rei did not recognize.

"Who is he?" Rei questioned the fire, and as if to answer, the image grew bigger and clearer. Rei could now tell that the man had long silver hair and he wore an odd style of kimono that didn't fit in with the clothes her parents were wearing. As the man neared Rei's parents, her father's form disappeared. She watched in horror as her mother turned to the other man and ran into his arms.

"No!" Rei screamed in disbelief as she watched the two figures lean closer as if to kiss. Horror struck her as she realized her father had literally been removed from the picture. When her mother's lips met with the stranger, an intense pain engulfed Rei, and she screamed before crumpling on the floor.

Her head pounded and to her horror, the few memories she had of her parents left her. "What's happening?" She gasped through the pain. Tears swelled in her eyes, and as she squeezed them shut, those tears fell down her cheeks as another frustrated scream escaped her.

Sailor Pluto narrowed her eyes in confusion and anger. She had witnessed Usagi's troubles at the Crowne and Rei's current episode with the sacred fire. None of it made sense to her, especially Usagi's sudden and very odd transformation. "Something isn't right," She spoke to herself while turning towards the gates. The only way to understand this was to find out what was causing these changes and stop it.

Lifting her staff, Pluto waved it in a large circle before the gates. "Show me the past!" Her voice rang with power. Mist from the time gates swirled together but nothing else happened. Confused, Pluto repeated the command. Nothing!

"This shouldn't be happening," Pluto argued in disbelief. "Why can't I see the past?!" She slammed the tip of her staff to the floor, and the impact echoed around her. Her calm and quiet demeanor was cracking as she struggled to find another way to fix things. Nothing came to her except to travel to the past herself. There were so many things that could go wrong if she did that, though.

Yet, she didn't have a choice. Moving with determination towards the doors, she inserted her staff into the lock of the doors. As soon as I t clicked into place, a powerful blast exploded from the key hole and sent Pluto flying backwards. Her body bounced and rolled a good distance away, and she groaned from the impact.

"No," She moaned in disbelief as she stood to her feet. The time gates were locked even to her! Never in her entire life had this happened, and she didn't know what she could do. She moved to pull her staff free so that she could open a portal, but when her hand touched it, she was burned. A painful cry escaped her as she cupped her hand to her chest. She had no idea as to what was happening or who was causing it, but she knew one thing for sure: There was nothing she could do to stop it…


I hope this is better than the original and the first revision. I think it is!

For those of you out there wondering, this will be a Usagi/Sesshomaru and Rei/Koga pairing!

I know I don't normally do Rei in my fics, but oh well! I will do my best to keep her to her Manga version. In this story, The girls are finishing high school before moving towards the University. I doubt any other Senshi will be in this, but I could change my mind.

If you like this type of crossover, check out A Little Girl's Wish!


Sesshy's Mistress