and that's how you fall in love

He doesn't think much of her the first time he sees her.

Just a shy little girl, standing on the opposite side of the convenience store, just watching him. He needed gas (and maybe a cigarette and coffee) and she was just standing there, a queer little thing with the looks of an angel, her big blue eyes innocently looking around leisurely. It was eerie.

But as he leaves the store, he doesn't notice those two eyes watching him, narrowed.


A week later he notices her again, only this time, the hardware store. Never speaking, always standing there elegantly, looking around absentmindedly, as if she hadn't a care in the world.

The next week it was the movie theater.

The next a restaurant.

But, the next week, at the grocery store, he cracked.

"Who the bloody hell are you and why the bloody hell are you following me?" he demands. The girl turns slowly and stares at him, as if she were in a trance.

"I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood," she said, like she was in a dream. She was an eerie sort of girl, he observed, one that should be found at a Mental Hospital, "And I'm not following you, just observing."

"Observing what exactly?" he asked.

"You," she replied simply, "You are Vernon Dursely, aren't you?" She peered over at him.

"Yes," he said, "But why are you 'observing' me? Who told you to do that? Who to you work for?"

"I work for no one," she said simply, a secretive smile on her face.

"Then tell me why the bloody hell you're observing me?" he demanded.

"Your face is turning purple," Luna said curiously, "Does it do that often?"

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" he screamed, and other people turn to look at him, but he doesn't care.

Two words she said, "Harry Potter."

"I think you need to come home with me," He replied, because for Christ's sake, he can't talk about wizards in public.

She explained to him, that the Ministry was looking into him after the war, because Harry Potter was their hero, and he had been cruel to him.

"Plus," she added with a smile, "I was curious to see you. You are quite famous, you know."

"I am?" he looked surprised.

"Harry was always talking about the Dursleys," Luna said, "But mostly how to annoy you."

"Right then," Vernon said, "So you're here to make an inquiry."

"About possible child abuse," Luna shrugged, "You have a wife too, where is she?"

"Why?" he asked nervously.

"I'd like to interview her, as well," she shrugged.

"She went away with a friend this weekend," he replied.

"Oh that's fine then," Luna said, "Well, if that's all, I think I'll be heading out now." He followed her to the door. She stared at him, her hand on the knob, looking like a princess in some sort of fairytale, her big blue eyes seeming to ask a question. And he didn't realise that he had answered it until he brought his lips down onto hers.

Petunia would never need to know.

A/N-This will be a new drabble collection, dedicated to Paula (Exceeds Expectations) because she keeps trying to make me write weird and wacky pairings. This is for you! Maybe someday mine will be half as good as yours. This is also for Camp Potter: Obstacle Course with Vernon/Luna and Ralinde's Pairing Diversity Camp with the prompt "eerie".