Author's Note: I'm sorry if I haven't updated and finished this fiction before, cuz I am busy. As you can see (and you can't), I'm in the school student council and is arranging an Olympic at our school. So here I am now, finishing it. Thank Freya. Thanks for understanding guys!
No review, eh… NO REVIEW!? Geez, I was hoping for some *cries* … sigh … nonetheless, this is chapter three.
Snotlout's Point of View
Yes! I could see the arena! I can make it! Of course I can. I'm beating Hiccup! Of course I am. Suddenly, Hiccup passed and smiled at me. I was shocked. Damn it Hiccup! You can't beat me! I can't lose! Of course I'll win. Hookfang and I went full speed, but that wasn't enough. Sigh… maybe I'm the first Jorgensen to lose Thawfest. Of course I'm not!
All of the sudden, Hiccup fell. I don't know why. I just kept going on. I entered the arena with wild cheering from everyone, especially my dad Spitelout. I made it! I really made it! I beat Hiccup! Of course I did.
Hiccup joined me at the closing ceremonial. He thanked me for the good race. Loser… I thought. He held a hand to me. I give my hand, but then pulled it back.
"Too slow! Like always," I teased him. He totally needs that.
He shook his head regretfully. Stoic gave a little boring speech. Yadda-yadda-yadda… just give me the medal so I can show off! He then gave me a medal and Hiccup a pat-on-the-back. Yup, He really deserved that.
I went celebrating with Hookfang. I ran around the arena and held my medal high proudly. Hey, I'm not arrogant. I'm just the best Viking here! I heard the crowd, my clan, and the Thorstons yelling:
"Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!"
Yup, this is my time to be pleased with myself.
I saw the twins coming to me, and so Fishlegs. Tuffnut elbowed me.
"Hey, look at that! Astrid's kissing Hiccup, cuz I don't know why she is doing that. I mean, Hiccup lost right? Dahh… this is confusing." Tuffnut said, and left.
"You're awesome… I like that…" Ruffnut said, closing in to me.
See? Chicks are attracted to winners, not talking fishbones. Fishlegs left. Ruffnut grabbed my tunic and kissed me. On the cheek, but that's worth it. I went over celebrating with my clan all night long. Happy Thawfest to me!
There you have it! The story's complete! Thanks for reading guys, you rock!