Author's Note: Just to make things clear, everything that I written here should not be taken seriously. This is for pure entertainment. Please don't get offended.^-^If you got offended then blame Bakura not me DX

Okay! This was inspired by Elizabeth Gillies aka Jade West from the nickelodeon show "Victorious". I was listening to some music via Youtube when I saw the video she made for the . So I said "HEY! This would be a good one-shot for Bakura. I never wrote a story about Bakura yet!" plus I see Bakura in Jade and I don't know why...

Let's just say I made this for the sake of getting back to my humorous mood to get HM:YGOV going again. So yeah!

On with the fic!

Bakura turned on the camera with the small black remote that looks more like those things they used to turn on the alarm of cars. You know the ones that dangle on the keychain together with the car keys? He sat on his bed that was covered with a black bed sheet and a black blanket. A leg tucked under him, his hands holding it in place; the other dangling of the edge of his bed. His hair tied in a low ponytail.

He looked directly into the camera, a bored expression on his face. "Hello bastard people of the internet," he said in his usual cold tone. "So, maybe you're wondering why the great king of thieves is making a video journal." He paused, an eyebrow raised at his invisible audience. "Well I am not! Journals are for sissies like the bastard Pharaoh."

"This video is a list of things I hate!" Bakura explained with a small smirk gracing his lips. "There are tons of them that the memory of my camera won't be enough."

"Anyway, the reason why I'm making this." He ran a hand through his white locks. "You see, my hikari- a.k.a. Mr. Whiney Limey Man- who by the way is my boyfriend, said I should find an outlet for my hatred and bitter attitude." The former thief cursed under his breath before continuing, "So I did, and found this Goth girl making a video similar to what I am doing now. So I said: 'Hey! Why won't I do a video listing the things I hate as well? In that way, I can take out my anger without killing but making other people miserable in the process!' And thus, this was born." He waved his hand in front of him like he as presenting something that was supposed to be visible in everyone's eyes.

"Shall we start then?" He questioned like he was expecting an answer.

"Okay," A thoughtful look over took the bored expression that he wore on the start of the video. Bakura snapped his fingers and averted his gaze back on the camera in front of him. "I hate Minecraft."

"I don't get the game at all! I mean, I don't see the point of building a stupid house made from stupid boxes!" He shouted and his frustration was sipping in every word he said. "So, hikari, if you're watching this then yeah, I hate that stupid game you love and I don't care if you hate me for uninstalling the stupid program! Bloody minecraft." He pouted, clearly upset about something but let's save that for another time. "I mean, what does survival have to do with mining?"

Bakura pretended that he was holding something in his hands then swinging it down like he was hitting something. "Look! I'm about to die! The logical thing to do is destroy this rock in front of me while zombies eat my brains." His voice dripped with sarcasm and it sounded more like Ryou's. "You can't even send people to the shadow realm with it! Again I say, BLOODY. MINECRAFT!"

"I hate people who cosplay minecraft." The white haired teen said, tucking his other leg under him. So now he was sitting like an Indian, his elbows resting on his lap. "Reality check: it looks like a bad Spongebob cosplay. So stop it! Nobody even cosplays Spongebob!"

"There was once a time when I and Marik went to this convention," he leaned back and shifted his gaze from the camera. "There was this person who was running around dressed as one of those 'avatars' in minecraft and I set that person on fire.'' Bakura laughed at the memory of the poor cosplayer. "You know what the bonus to that was? It turns out that the cosplayer was no other than the blonde mutt himself" his laughter increased tenfold that he fell to his side from his sitting position to a laying position; his arms clutching his sides while he tried his hardest to stop. Once he had his laughter ceased, he got back up on a sitting position and added, "Ryou might have kicked me out of our room for a whole month but it was worth it!"

"I hate this noise," He made a slurping sound to make his point.

"I hate it when people say that birds sing. They don't sing!" Bakura argued. "They tweet and/or chirp! If I hear the Pharaoh's midget say: 'Oh! Look at the pretty bird sing, aibou!' one more time," he mimicked Yugi's voice as best as he could and exaggerating it a bit. "I swear! I'll shove that pretty bird down his throat."

"What else?" the thief questioned himself once he calmed down from his earlier rant. His eyes were cast down and he was biting the side of his left index finger in thought. He looked up again, this time complete annoyance was evident on his face. "I hate the word 'ship'."

"I hate the word 'friend'," he shivered, clearly disgusted. "I really hate that word."

"If you say the word 'Friendship'," he pointed at the camera accusingly, "I couldn't hate you more!"

The video cut to Bakura laying down on his bed, looking at the ceiling. "What about Pharaohs? I'll give you a hint," he paused. "HATE! They think they are all mighty because they are considered Gods on earth. Well, news flash! You're not! You are human beings!" he flailed his arms around in frustration. "You are not immortal! Most definitely, you are not divine! We will not build you a monument for the glory of your name!" he bolted up and glared at the camera. "I'm talking about you, you pompous Pharaoh!"

"I hate blondes."

The recording once again jumped, showing Bakura wearing a blonde wig, his face too close to the camera. Where he got that? We don't know. He twirled a few strands of the blonde hair around his fingers, his eyes looking shifting its gaze every two seconds like an insane person, batting his eyelashes once in a while making him look insaner (if that was even a word) and in a high-pitched feminine voice, he said, "Look at me! I like to go shopping, like every day and my hobby is to make fun of other people's looks to make myself feel better, 'coz I'm a racist like that. In addition to that, I'm like the most popular girl in school! That's right, bitches! Blondes do have more fun, so suck it up!" he snapped his fingers in every direction possible, moving his head side to side in each switch and pouting his lips.

The video skipped to Bakura sitting crossed legged on his bed. The blonde wig was already rid of and a look of satisfaction was on his face. "Yeah, each one of them is like that." Then he frowned, "Don't tell me that I exaggerated it!"

"BAKURA!" Ryou's voice was faintly heard in the video.

Bakura groaned and shouted back, "WHAT?!"

"TIME TO GO!" Ryou replied.

Bakura rolled his eyes and turned back to his invisible audience. "Well, that's it for now. I could have listed a hundred more of the things I hate but this will have to do. Now, get lost!" Bakura took the remote again in his hand and ended the video, making the screen become pitch black.

Author's Note: Again I remind you that these are jokes. ^-^ If it got you mad then I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. :) I'm not bashing alright? I wrote this as Bakura and not as Therese. Therese likes blondes :) And Bakura practically hates everything :) So I think he'll probably hate Minecraft.

I might do another one but who knows? That's why it's marked as "Complete". Review, so I can know if I offended somebody and what you thought of it

Toodles ;)