So, this is it everyone my final and last chapter for this story. It's been well technically crazy and maybe on hiatus for a...long while but that's okay because as promised it will be completed. Thanks for everything and remember a sequel is possible.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Bleach. I wish I did though.

Season Finale

"Don't touch her."

Ulquiorra felt how everyone waited with bated breath about what the head captain was going to do. Of course, the reapers tract record was never good for Ulquiorra so why make this any different? Yamamoto couldn't help himself but to chuckle at the demon. Orihime kept looking back and forth from reaper to former Espada. If she was completely honest with herself she knew she never thought she would get so far and yet she did. She stood up and grabbed Ulquiorra's sleeve in worry that the old man had finally gone senile and was just now showing it. When both her and Ulquiorra started to step back in worry that's when Yamamoto stopped and became serious once again.

"Now, back to the original problem at hand. Inoue, how did you even get here? Did a certain substitute help you?"

Orihime kept her mouth shut knowing better than to get Ichigo in trouble. She wanted nothing more than to take the demon and run but she noticed how much effort it took for him just to stand there in front of her. No one else noticed but since she was taking hold of his sleeve she could feel him slightly tremble just barely. His face was set in determination and she couldn't help but feel her heart swell, no matter how cliched that sounded. Yamamoto was growing impatient and cleared his throat.

"I guess it doesn't matter how you got here. What does matter is that you just can't simply waltz in and expect us to stop a traitor's execution. Step away woman."

Ulquiorra's eyes narrowed. No one calls her woman but him. "Say that again you damned reaper and see what happens."

"Oh please. You barely have the strength to stand let alone fight in the middle of the reaper society. You were told what would happen if you didn't learn to care for any living thing," Yamamoto declared.

Orihime couldn't take it and decided to defend the one she grew to love. "But he did learn! You just weren't able to see it but he has!"

Ulquiorra flinched thinking she was talking about his stirrings for her but then pouted when she continued.

"He helped a dog reunite his family! He helped a little girl to grow strong and even helped me to move on...from certain things. He even cared enough about your own subordinate to help him enjoy human life and what we have! Is that not enough?!"

It grew silent until someone decided to sneeze. It took a second before everyone turned to the culprit at hand.

"For the last time, I am the feared espada of Hueco Mundo and I do not sneeze!"

Orihime went over and rubbed his arms. "Did they leave you in a cold room? Did you not tell them to bring you a blanket or anything?"

Ulquiorra simply stared at her loving the way he got attention and also loving the shocked faces of the reapers in the room. It was humiliating but if it meant his woman giving her undying attention to him then so be it.

Orihime turned to Yamamoto and glared at him as best as she could. "How could you let this happen?!"

Okay...maybe not total attention but he hadn't seen her for quite some time so he would take what he could get. He almost looked smug, and he knew it, towards the head captain.

"Hmm. Do you have any proof of anything that you said? You alone is not exactly an unbiased opinion."

Orihime moved on from the fact that he ignored her anger about Ulquiorra being cold. If she wanted his freedom then she would have to think about what needed to be done.

"What about Ryuuga? He could tell you and I'm sure he will."

Ulquiorra wanted nothing more than to see his he could strangle him. Again his life was in the hands of a reaper and one that wasn't particularly fond of him.

"Orihime don't count on it. He was the one who basically got me executed."

"Now Ulquiorra that hurts. I thought we bonded over our lovely time together."

Ryuuga walked in and kneeled before the head captain. His standard reaper attire wrinkling at the creases. The only thing different about him this time was the fact that a sheer piece of cloth was covering his face. He stood up tall and turned to look at his ex-roommates. "I see that you've missed me Ulquiorra."

Ulquiorra had the most disgusted facial expression known to man platstered on his face. If he wasn't in shackles and losing energy he would've socked Ryuuga right in the mouth. Ryuuga took notice of the way Ulquiorra was openly radiating hate waves towards him. So what if the reaper had given them less than a good review? He was doing his job and what he saw proved that Ulquiorra was nothing more than cold hearted. At least he thought that until today...

"How's your crappy drama doing?"

Ulquiorra actually frowned deeper. "Better than your reality show. Mine is still on air, yours was cancelled."

"You take that back! They would never ruin good tv!"

Orihime was confused. For one Ulquiorra has been in jail for the past few days there is no way he would know if Ryuuga's show was cancelled. Second, they were arguing over shows when standing right in front of the head captain who is going to execute at the ready. Lastly, she had yet to tell Ulquiorra her newfound feelings. All of this combined made her realize something. She was irritated.


All heads snapped to her and she suddenly grew shy. She stood her ground regardless of the situation and tried to convince them once again.

"I can prove that Ulquiorra has learned compassion especially for humans! You just need to come with me to the human realm and see it for yourself."

Yamamoto thought about this. He even stroked his beard for effect before nodding and gesturing to Ryuuga to come along with them. As they started to head out Orihime took hold of Ulquiorra's arm. He pretended not to notice the woman who stirred feelings in him but inside he was screaming. Maybe there was a chance she liked him back and that things would work out. Before going through the familiar dark tunnel suddenly a pink blur went past them followed by Rukia holding a bow in her hand. Orihime could've guessed what happened to poor Ichigo but along with everyone around her they decided to ignore the disturbance and moved forward.

The first place they went to was the little girls house and they came at the best time. It was her birthday and she apparently had been enrolled into the public school because she had her peers around her smiling as she blew out the candles on her cake.

Orihime smiled at the scene. "See? Without Ulquiorra this family might have broken up. This little girl wasn't happy until Ulquiorra helped her overcome her problems. If he didn't care he would've left her to be in misery."

Ulquiorra remembered the torture he went through when it came to that little girl. The dress and the girly toys and the way she manhandled him like a doll. It was pure horror and what he remembered most was wanting to Cero the kid into next week. He thought it best not to voice his musings aloud though.

"Accidentally saying your own thoughts doesn't count as advice Inoue," Ryuuga declared.

"It wasn't accidental and besides he helped more than just humans!"

Following the determined female they walked around to find an apartment complex a few blocks away. Orihime had them wait for a bit and smiled when she noticed a familiar couple walking out. The man was holding a leash handle connecting to a black and white puppy. The couple were holding hands and smiling as they walked down the recognizable river path.

"Ulquiorra helped this poor puppy when it's owners were close to splitting up even though they belong together!"

When Orihime said that she looked significantly at Ulquiorra. Of course him being mostly emotionless and still new to them he completely missed the cue and Orihime was hurt. She really thought he liked her but she could be wrong.

"What do lower beings made with fur have to do with learning compassion?"

"How dare you! Animals are cute and adorable and..."

Ryuuga interrupted her,"Please don't ramble with the synonyms. I was just making a point."

Ulquiorra sighed. "This is ridiculous. If you are going to kill me you might as well."

Orihime was horrified at him saying such a thing. She was about to protest when he turned to her and caressed her cheek.


"I care for you woman and I don't know why but I do. Even though my chest is open wide and shows nothing it seems I'm still able to feel. I hope you understand what I am saying."

Orihime nods and starts to cry. She couldn't hold back and threw her arms around him, holding him close. Ulquiorra had no choice but to stand there as his hands were in shackles. They stayed that way until someone cleared their throat. The head captain nodded to Ryuuga who moved forward to Ulquiorra. Orihime in a last ditch effort moved in the way of the reaper hoping to keep him away. She closed her eyes to get ready for an attack but instead heard the sound of metal hitting the ground. When she dared to look she saw Ulquiorra rubbing his wrists. Ryuuga grabbed the chains and went to stand by the oldest of the group.

"Does...does this mean what I think it means?"

Orihime grabbed Ulquiorra's hand hoping the answer is what she wanted to hear. When she saw a brief nod from Ryuuga she almost started to cry again.

The head captain spoke in a gruff voice," Don't think you're completely off the hook. Ryuuga will check in from time to time to keep Ulquiorra in check and if anything is wrong we will take him back without hesitation and execute him right away. So take my kindness and don't abuse it."

Orihime nodded and turned to hug the freed demon. Ulquiorra at last was able to hug her back and neither noticed as the reapers went back to their world. It was actually happening! Both were together and nothing was going to stop them this time...except maybe the weird stares a certain human woman was getting because she was hugging air. When Orihime noticed the murmurs around her she looked around and saw a small crowd starting to form. She blushed so hard that Ulquiorra thought she was about ready to burst into flames. As far as he knew humans didn't just magically combust or do they? Orihime grabbed Ulquiorra's wrist and dragged him away from the crowd.

"Before we go home let's visit Urahara and get you more humanized with a Gigai."

Before they got too far Ulquiorra had moved her to a more secluded area and stopped her by placing his hands on her shoulders. He wasn't going anywhere until things were settled between them.

"What do you feel when it comes to me?"

Orihime wanted to run very far away all of a sudden but with everything they have been through, what was the point? It was now or never and she felt she knew that the feelings she felt were mutual.

"Ulquiorra I love you."

Simple and quick was all he needed before he leaned in and felt a warm presence on his lips. They finally kissed after what seemed like four years! It wasn't long but it was enough for them to both feel that warmth in their bodies that can only be considered as love. Despite his lack of facial expressions Orihime could read him like a book. She saw such love and care in his eyes for her and she couldn't be happier.

"By the way, did you record my show while I was away?"

...So maybe the love and care wasn't for her after all. The anger she felt almost made her throw him back into the soul society right then and there. And thus began the true start of their journey.

It's's finally over! Hopefully you all got my little joke at the end there because this story started four years ago and for me to finish is something amazing! I've heard your pleas and cries for a complete ending and now you have it. I know some other mini Ulquiorra stories weren't finished but I promised I would complete mine and I did! I could do a sequel but that's really up to you all. For those of you who have stuck around and want their sequel story of their growing life for each other please tell me! Other than that all I have to say is thank you and I love you all!