It was a fine summer day...

Beca was takin' a nice stroll around the activity fair minding her own business and singing Thrift Shop wearing her grand dad's clothes when her eyes fell upon the finest sight she ever dun seen. "This is fucking awesome..." she sang.

Chloe Muthafuckin' Beale.

Her hair flowed luciously in the wind, her eyes sparkled like diamonds and her ass... Damn. Beca's mouth dropped open, practically hitting the ground. That's a cold ass honkey. She had to walk by. She had to see the redhead up close. As she walked on by, Chloe's scent wafted through her nostrils. Pissssssssss. Nah that was the fat dude standing next her. CHLO-SER!

Beca was standing right by her now, mouth agape at the gorgeous lovely scented sight. "Hi, any interest in joining our a capella group?" Her voice was like Jesus singing. It was so lovely not even the songbirds could combat the noise.

She had major difficulty forming words. "Sorry, but I don't even sing." She smirked. She was lying of course. Beca could sway any 60 year old pedo or 12 year old hormonal boy with her lovely singing voice. One time she even had Ellen Degeneres at her feet and Oprah at her side.

Chloe looked like someone kicked her puppy. "P-pretty please?" She stuck out her bottom lip. "I have m&m's!" The redhead held out a handful.

Beca was stuck in her gravitational pull of adorableness. "Nah brah. Don't you have to audition anyways?" She finally noticed the blonde beast standing next to her soon to be bedling.

"You can do it right here. Right now." She did her signature predatory gay smile.

That was all it took to convince Beca. She jumped onto the Bella's table and burst into song.

"Your stare was holding!
Ripped jeans skin was showin'!"

Chloe glanced down at her current state of dress. She wasn't even wearing jeans, let alone ripped ones.

"Hot night wind was blowin'!

She somehow knew the redhead's name. It was that psychic connection that soulmates share.


Beca hopped down from the table and took out a piece of paper that had her digits on it. Chloe's blush was as bright as her hair. Aubrey didn't look so thrilled. "Nope. No alt girl with mad lib beats for this group!"

"Aw c'mon Aubrey let her in! She's so adorable!" Beca was doing her best five year old 'aw that guy stole my lollipop' face. The blonde was having none of it.

"No way." It was Chloe's turn to hop up on the table.

"Who do you think you are, runnin' round leaving scars?
Collecting you jar of hearts...
Tearing love apart?"

Beca swept her off the table and held her bridal style. "Yeah man. You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul."

"Fine." She stormed off, thunder clouds over her head. The clouds actually rained down on her. Only her.

Beca put her soulmate down. "I'm Chloe," the redhead said with a smile.

"Bitch please, I know. I'm Beca." She stood triumphantly.

"You lil shit. I knew that too. SOUL SISTERS!" Dat psychic connection.

"Oh Chloe where did you get that hat?" Beca asked.

"The thrift shop. 'Cuz shit. It was 99 cents." Yep. They were totally soul mates.