A/N: An update, WOOHOO. Enjoy the final chapter.

Jack POV

It had been two weeks since Tooth and I had become a couple. I was currently flying towards Tooth palace. Tooth went back to work acting angry at Baby Tooth and I for not letting her work for two days. I loved the act, because that's what it was. With it she was able to tease me, and I absolutely loved it.

Tooth loosened up a bit, saying things to me I wouldn't of thought she was capable of saying. She had become something I wanted, a girlfriend.

I flew into her palace, instantly I had fairies on me and flying next to me.

"Hello Jack"

"You've been away awhile"

"Well there's still some snow and snowstorms to enjoy" I said.

"Did you enjoy them?"

"Yeah, the children did to" I said.

I chatted with them for a bit until they had to get back to work. Then I went to find my girlfriend. It feels great to call her that. It didn't take me long, especially since nearly every fairy in the palace was telling me where to find her.

She was at her usual spot, giving order and looking at teeth. I landed on one of the pillars and just watched. I looked at how beautiful she was. She seemed to shine a little, her feathers somehow shined when the light hit them in a certain way.

Just like her to look her best for a party. I smiled at the thought.

Someone landed on my shoulder with a hello chirp. I looked to find Baby Tooth smiling at me.

"Hello my gorgeous friend" I said.

She rolled her little eyes. I spotted the beauty mark under her right eye. I pushed the thought away like I always did.

"You think Tooth is more gorgeous" Baby Tooth said.

I chuckled.

"If I disagreed with you I would be in trouble" I said.

She giggled at that, covering her mouth with her tiny hands. Her blue and purple eyes reflecting it as they looked up at me.

"Yeah, you probably would" Baby Tooth said.

I looked back to Tooth, only to find her staring at me with a blush and a smile.

"Why hello there beautiful" I said.

Baby Tooth jumped into the air as Tooth quickly flew to me and nearly knocked me over with a hug.

"I see you aren't mad at us anymore" I said.

She let go of me and rubbed her feathers down gently.

"I wasn't mad, and I could tell you knew it" tooth said.

I shrugged.

"I'm observant" I said.

I put my staff on my shoulders and laid my arms on it.

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

I gave a smile, knowing exactly why she put so much effort into looking good tonight. She gave me a curious look.

"You don't know?" She asked.

Baby Tooth rolled her eyes unbelievably. She could tell with ease when I was asking a question I knew the answer to. Tooth, not so much.

"I know that North is in the mood for a party" I said.

Tooth shook her head with a smile.

"I'm going to learn a lot more about you, and North is always in the mood for a party" Tooth said.

I jumped into the air, asked the wind to hold me, and pointed my staff at Tooth and Baby Tooth.

"We have a party to go to, let's not keep our friends waiting" I said.

Baby Tooth took flight with a joyful cheer. Tooth flew up next to me.

"In a hurry?" Tooth asked.

"Only because I now know what can happen when you drink" I said.

I took flight and Tooth flew after me, a shy blush and a determination to get me.

"We'll see what happens when you drink" Tooth said.

I laughed as I came up next to Baby Tooth. She gave me a smile. Tooth caught up and flew next to me. I took hold of her hand.

"Are we going to have fun or what?" I asked.

"Tooth and I must be back in time for the next shift" Baby Tooth said.

"Then we better make the best of it" I said.

"The next shift is in six hours, we can enjoy the party" Tooth said.

Tooth squeezed my hand and, with a smile, I willed the wind to send all three of us faster through the sky. Baby Tooth and Tooth both gave out a surprised scream that turned into laughter. I gave out a fun filled yell as we did a loop.

"That was fun" Tooth said.

"Let's do it again" Baby Tooth said.

"Sorry ladies, but we should land instead" I said as I pointed.

They looked to where I was pointing and baby Tooth gave an eager look.

"Oh no you're not" Tooth said.

"Party pooper" Baby Tooth said.

We began to descend towards the North Pole.

"What did I miss? Telepathic thing right?" I asked.

"She wants to get drunk" Tooth said.

"Not drunk, just drink a little bit. Jack don't you think I can drink?" Baby Tooth said.

Tooth let go of my hand and flew up to Baby Tooth as we flew through a window. I landed on the floor and looked up to watch two fairies argue in the globe room.

"Don't bring him into this, you are my fairy and my responsibility, not his. North's eggnog is to strong, not to mention your teeth" Tooth said.

I sat in one of the many chairs and waited for either the end or a time to speak.

"I am old enough, more than old enough as a matter of fact. And Jack is your boyfriend, and my best friend, why shouldn't he have a say?" Baby Tooth said.

I heard something hit the floor and I looked over to find bunny with a shocked expression and a cup on the ground. I smiled and waved to him before telling him to be quiet.

He nodded slowly and walked out of the room with a frustrated look that I knew so well. I looked back to the fighting fairies.

"You know very well what it can do to you" Tooth said.

I was amused, two strong and determined fairies. Who would win I wonder.

"Well I know it made me tired two weeks ago and I also know what it made you do. Don't tell me that was a bad thing" Baby Tooth said.

Tooth looks surprised for a second, then mad. She looked at me quickly.

"Jack, help me on this. She doesn't need to drink" Tooth said.

Baby Tooth looked at me with a blank expression. My eyes spotted the mark under her eye again, and again I pushed the thought away.

I wondered on it for a bit, nobody needed to drink. Not Bunny or Sandy, not even North who loved it more than anyone. It wasn't a need, but a want that was fun to do. As long as you knew when to stop.

"How old is she exactly?" I asked.

"Two hundred eighty nine" Baby Tooth said proudly.

That could mean that she might be- no, I will not allow myself to think that. I pushed it away again. These thoughts keep coming back more than before.

"Sorry Tooth, but she's right. She's old enough and no one needs to drink. They do it because they want to" I said.

Baby Tooth did a victory loop as Tooth looked worried.

"You're supposed to be on my side" Tooth said.

I flew up to her with a smile.

"I will be, always. But do you really think saying no will stop her? I mean I get told no sometimes, do I listen?" I asked.

She gave a smile.

"You have a point, alright. I'll be watching you Baby Tooth" Tooth said.

"Fine with me" Baby Tooth said.

North, Sandy and Bunny walked into the room. Bunny with his displeased look still and North and Sandy with happy smiles.

"We celebrate new couple" North said, raising his cup.

Tooth blushed as she shyly looked at me.

"Y-You told them?" Tooth asked.

"Actually Baby Tooth did when Bunny walk into room" North said.

Tooth looked scared as she looked at North, Bunny and Sandy.

"We happy for you Tooth, we not hurt Jack" North said.

"They couldn't catch me anyways" I said jokingly as I flew down next to Sandy.

"Don't bet on that, I aint making any promises on not hurtin em either" Bunny said.

Sandy gave two thumbs up to Tooth, Baby Tooth flew up to North.

"Come on get the eggnog out" Baby Tooth said.

Tooth slowly flew down next to me. I took her hand in my own. She looked at me with a small smile.

"They know" She said.

She looked a little worried.

"Had to tell them sometime" I said.

"What she say?" North asked, pointing to Baby Tooth.

"She wants to get the party started" I said.

North suddenly started walking out of the room.

"Let's get started, no waste time" North said.

We followed North through the workshop until we got to the room North called the party room. It was the same room we had a party in two weeks ago. Some elves had already gotten drunk and were laying on the floor next to the fire place.

"What with you? Always drunk before anyone else at party" North said.

Everyone besides Tooth and I began to drink as we all took a seat. We began to chat and have some fun.

"You are really ok with this?" Tooth asked.

"What? Jack and you? Of course we are" North said.

"I suppose" Bunny said.

I lightly punched him.

"You're too kind" I said.

"Look, I don't love the idea of you with her. But knowing someone as skilled in a fight as you will be around to protect her, now that I love" Bunny said.

"You full of love" North said.

I wanted to pesture him about saying I was skilled in a fight, but I left it for later and engaged in a conversation with North and Tooth. Sandy and Baby Tooth were listening to Bunny. After a while I found myself on the balcony with three cups of eggnog in me. Only because I lost a bet with Bunny who was passed out on the floor inside. I won the arm wrestle by the way.

My thoughts wondered, and I didn't fight them this time as I looked up at the Man in the Moon.

"She acts just like her" I said.

I know my sister is long gone, but with The Man in the Moon able to make me a spirit after dying in a lake. I often wonder if she became one as well.

It's a long shot, I know that. I just miss her is all, she was so full of energy and always put it towards having fun or worrying about me getting hurt.

Thanks to Tooth I now remember that. If she didn't collect my teeth then I wouldn't have seen the memories those teeth contained, which helped me to fully remember my entire human past.

I wish you were here sis, I love you.

"Who does?"

I turned to see Tooth flying to me.

"No one" I said.

I could tell she saw the longing on my face as she landed right next to me.

"Jack, what's wrong?" She asked.

There was no reason to keep it from Tooth, she was my girlfriend after all.

"My sister" I said.

Tooth looked surprised.

"Who acts like her?" She asked.

"Baby Tooth" I said.

I expected Tooth to hug me or take my hand. To comfort me in some way. She didn't.

"Sounds strange doesn't it?" I asked.

She did hug me then.

"No, it makes sense" She said.

"I know my sister is long gone, but I think of her often" I said.

"You have a right to. You can't just let her go, she's your sister after all" She said.

She pulled away and looked into my eyes with a smile.

"She has a mark under her eye, just like my sister did. My best friend reminds me so much of my sister" I said.

Tooth took hold of my hand. Her warmth felt pleasant.

"Does that make you sad?" She asked.

"No, it's nice knowing I have someone around that acts like her" I said.

"That's good" She said.

I pulled Tooth close and looked up at the Man in the Moon. Happy that he made me a spirit instead of letting me die.

Baby Tooth flew over and sat on my shoulder. I stroked the feathers on her head before looking down at Tooth.

Sure I hated the Man in the Moon before, I even hated Bunny in the past. But I now had him, North and Sandy as my friends, Baby Tooth as my best friend and the gorgeous Tooth Fairy as my girlfriend. The Man in the Moon? He was more than a friend, he was a part of our happy family.

"Baby Tooth, you remind me so much of my sister"

With that I kissed Tooth as Baby Tooth chirped in question, asking the very question I once asked myself.

The answer to that, and everything else. My lonely past, my life before, the fight against pitch, becoming a Guardian, Tooth especially. All of it was a good thing.

A/N: Well, damn. It's over. That's all stories are sure to do, end. It was fun for me, was it for you? Hope so.

The reason I made Baby Tooth remind Jack of his sister (should really of named her in the movie) is because I liked the idea. Whether it was the animator messing up on Baby Tooth's character or not, I don't care. The possibility of her being Jacks sister is awesome. The different eye color is cool to, so I put that in there just because I could.

People have gone on to suggest that the different eye color is supposed to represent Jack and Tooth as a couple. Baby Tooth somehow being part Jack and part Tooth, sort of like their child. Purple eye for Tooth and blue eye for Jack. Though I have tried to figure that out because Jack and Tooth have never actually met before they "kidnapped" him.

Alright, I might come back and continue this, I don't know for sure. I have played around with many ideas for an actual story, could be called serious story I suppose for those that look at stories like this that way. But you know me, I think you do anyways. It could be connected to this, or completing separate.

I have a story to start, and I have decided to go with tangled. It entices and pulls my filthy mind in so pleasantly well. Review please, I want to know what you think. I have some research to do on a movie, as well as watch it oh I don't know….a gazillion times.

And to the grammar Nazi, this is done in word. So if anything exist there clearly is no hope for me.