The Maker

Chapter 5


Quill scratching against parchment, he was completely lost to his work as he scratched out notes on his most recent project. "Hey Harry," the yawning voice of his roommate Blaise called out from the other side of the two-person room "how long have you been-…whoa…"

"Hey Blaise," he grinned as he looked up and over at his housemate he had decided to room with, the Slytherin Dorms having each student select one roommate to bunk with in small apartment style rooms "sorry if I woke you up."

"Did you even sleep?" Blaise asked in shock, staring in something akin to horrified shock at the mountain of notes he had written.

"I got enough," he grinned, sticking his quill into an inkwell "I'm what's known as a sleepless elite."

"A sleepless what?" Blaise demanded, walking over and looking at the different notes.

"Sleepless elite," he repeated "means I'm a night owl and an early riser."

"So…what is all this?" his roommate asked, probably wanting to get past the 'blasphemy' of anyone willing to get up early and be happy about it.

"Morning boys!" a cheerful voice called from the door as it opened to reveal Daphne, Tracey, and Maria "Sleep- HOLY SHITE!" Tracey exclaimed in shock at the stack of notes.

"Morning girls." He grinned and waved "Just doing a little light work on a new project."

"…this…is light?" was the unanimous question from the four onlookers.

"I'm just breaking down the spells, potions, and runes used to make this." He explained with a chuckle, waving the deactivated Marauders Map "Want to make a better version."

"A better version…of parchment?" Daphne asked, her tone implying that she thought he was crazy.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He said, not even looking at the map as it sprang to life, too busy going through his notes as he removed his special glasses that let him see the enchantments used on the item.

"Where did you get this?" Maria breathed in awe as they looked at the map.

"Pilfered it off my 'brother' when he was unconscious." Harry shrugged "Heirlooms are supposed to go to the heir before others get them but 'dad' gave this and an invisibility to cloak to Matthew."

"So what improvements are you thinking of?" Maria asked, sitting next to him as she looked at his notes.

"Having it be a self-updating map of whatever area you happen to be in at the time. This map is useful but what if part of the school changed? Who knows if the map would even activate after that. But a map that shows whatever area you're in with the ability to track others? Now that would come in handy."

"Well you can make the super spying tool later." Maria stated, dragging him to his feet "Now it's time for breakfast." And, ignoring his protests, she proceeded to drag him to the common room while Blaise got changed. Down in the common room Malfoy was giving a 'rousing' speech about his own family's importance, his back to everyone as he stared dramatically at the fire and not noticing or not caring that everyone looked ready to fall asleep form sheer boredom.

Pulling out one of his wands he shot a silencing spell at Malfoy's back, the pointless drithel stopping as everyone gave a sigh of relief. Malfoy though just kept yammering on, not noticing that he had been hit with a spell. The rest of the house gave him grateful nods bar the Crabbe and Goyle heirs who blinked dimly, apparently not registering what was going on.

"So, food?" he asked his little circle, once Blaise joined them, getting nods from all and a grunt from Blaise when Daphne and Tracey latched onto his arms. As they walked he smirked at Maria "So, you think your brother will add anyone else to his little harem?"

"Harry!" Blaise whimpered in pain when the two girls currently using the Zabinni heir tightened their grip possessively.

"Hmmmm, maybe." Maria nodded with a teasing grin "Maybe that other firsties in our house, Lilith Moon. Oooh, Susan Bones is the niece of the head of the DMLE and if she develops like her mom and her aunt she'll be a looker in a couple years."

"Hate…you…both…" Blaise wheezed while he laughed at his friend's misfortune.

"There are those Patil Twins in our year." He mused, throwing one last log on the fire as it caused the two girls latched onto his friend to growl slightly.

"Blaise I fully approve of your choice in friends." Maria laughed, swinging an arm around his shoulder while they laughed at her brother.

"So how is your mom going to react at your little harem thing going on?" he asked, honestly curious as his four friends, who had all met Mrs. Zabinni, went stiff and shuddered. "Is that a shudder of fear as in she's going to be pissed off or because she's going to tease you till you commit suicide?" he asked with a snicker.

"Both." The Zabinni siblings declared in tandem, Daphne and Tracey nodding in agreement.

"Good to know that now I have something to hold over you lot." He grinned as they all gaped at him, "That's how you play the game," he grinned "and you four just gave me something huge to use against you if I need to."

"I'm both proud and pissed." Maria pouted at him.

"Don't worry, I like you." He grinned as they walked into the Great Hall, ignoring the stares they got from the other houses.

"What about me?" Blaise asked nervously.

"Don't swing that way, sorry." He grinned as Blaise almost stumbled, caught off guard by the reply.

"So who should we recruit for your brother's Harem first?" he asked Maria as they passed the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables on their way to the Slytherin one "We have several good options."

"Tough call." Maria grinned, sending appraising looks at various girls who blushed at the attention and the implications while Blaise glared at his back.

"I hate you both." Blaise grumbled miserably as they all sat down.

"Oh you know you love us." Maria laughed, reaching over to ruffle her brother's hair with a teasing coo.

"Hatred." Blaise grumbled into his waffles "All of it."

"Same some for the three stooges." He ordered his friend, loading his own plate up with eggs, hash browns, and bacon.

"Who?" Daphne asked perplexed.

"Matthew, Malfoy, and Dumbledore, the manipulative jackass extraordinaire." He listed off, ticking them off his fingers, waving cheekily at the first and last of the stooges who were clearly upset as they looked in his direction. He was halfway through his breakfast when he heard Maria choke on her orange juice, gagging and coughing as she stared in shock at the newspaper she had just opened.

"What's wrong sis?" Blaise asked concerned, the teasing from earlier forgotten.

"This!" Maria forced out furiously as she slams the paper down letting them read the headline 'Potter Heir betrays family history. Could the Potters be going Dark?'

Picking up the paper he examined the headline and the picture of him glaring at the sorting hat, which he had no clue how they got, before making his feelings known. "They didn't even get my good side for that shot." He pouted as his friends gaped at him.

"You're not…mad?" Tracey asked skeptically.

"Oh I'm furious," he assured them, his statement completely at odds with his posture and tone as he spread some butter on a bagel "but sheeple are sheeple, idiots are idiots, and the daily prophet just gave me just cause to press charges against them."

His four friends blinked before shuddering, "You get mad and you can have self-control…that's terrifying." Blaise said fearfully.

"I know." He grinned, writing out a letter to his lawyers "I work on it."

"Teach me!" the girls pleaded as Blaise's eyes went wide.

"No!" his only male friend put his foot down "They are women Harry! They're scary enough as it is without you teaching them your horrifying secrets."

"You'll teach me, won't you Harry?" Maria asked, giving him the pouty eyes as she held onto his arm.

"Sorry Blaise, but your sister is very convincing." He apologized, neither feeling nor sounding sorry in the least.

"No fair!" Daphne and Tracey pouted at Maria "We can't use that trick."

"Well you could but you both want my gangly friend there." He snickered "Maria just has much better taste."

"Hey!" Blaise and his harem protested indignantly while Maria just laughed.