yey! finally finished the third chapter! Thank you everyone who is reading this story and I hope you'll like this chapter.

Reviews are really appreciated so please review if you can!

DISCLAIMER: These awesome movies aren't mine...sadly 😢😢

Hiccup stumbled into the lobby, his breathing as unbalanced and heavy as a dog after a jog. Sweat ran down his face and he smiled triumphantly. In his hand were the keys to the apartment, the apartment that he so skillfully locked. He jingled the brass keys around his pinkie. 'No one was getting robbed tonight!"

He walked through the lobby a spring in his step , expecting to see the monstrous yellow vehicle 'Now to get to the bus…' His happy thoughts faded when he saw that there was no bus in sight. The joy of finally locking the doors had momentarily distracted him from the fact that the school bus had left without him today 'oh yeah…' His smile slowly transformed into a disappointed frown. 'I have to walk to school' he sighed and rubbed his shoulder. He didn't even start to walk yet he could already feel the ache spreading through his joints.

"How am I going to do this" he whispered to himself. He didn't know where his school was at all, he barely even knew the city either. 'What was the name of the school…Burgess high was it? He continued to talk to himself, making a plan. Unconsciously he put a hand under his chin as he tried to remember some of the streets that he and his dad passed on the way to the city.

Unknown to Hiccup were two bright blue eyes watching him amusedly from the other side of the lobby. They watched as Hiccup drew a frustrated breath, as he walked in small circles and as one hand gently rubbed the bridge of his nose, sure signs that he didn't know what to do. Jack grinned knowingly 'Liar, you don't know the way to school after all". Noticing that Hiccup had started to exit the lobby, he quickly stood from his stealthy position behind a large couch and followed the shorter teen out the door.

' I shouldn't let him see me' Jack decided as they stepped into the busy sidewalk. It was filled with hundreds of people strolling around, serious businessmen marching to work, little kids playing tag near the road ,stressed housewives trying to stop their kids from playing tag, even couples sipping coffee and relaxing in the nearby cafes. All (as Jack in stealth mode now called them) "cover".

It wasn't like he was stalking the unsuspecting boy. He was simply observing what he did, curious to Hiccup's true nature. The boy had struck him in some way and honestly as much as Jack Overland would hate to admit it, he didn't know why. He didn't think it was it was his appearance. Though his eyes were a very nice shade of green and his freckled cheeks were charming, he'd seen a lot of more physically attractive people who he basically ignored. Maybe it was his hair? The way he talked? Nope, in fact his voice was bordering on the lines of pre-puberty, cracking awkwardly at certain times.

"Aha!" Jack exclaimed realizing something. Now he remembered. It was in the way that no matter how many fierce scowls Rodney gave him he didn't sit back down. He just… did what he had to do. It was in the determined flame that hid behind Hiccup's gentle green eyes. Jack loved that quality in people the most, admired it and respected it. He tugged on his white hair happily ( a habit he got from Ana) and tried to decide when he would reveal himself. Hiccup was asking people for directions industriously but by the looks of it,he wasn't getting any answers. Just when he resolved that Hiccup probably needed the help and was going to approach him, Hiccup stopped abruptly.

'Did he see me?" Jack's eyes widened in panic 'He'll think I'm a stalker for sure!" Quickly ducking beneath a black metal chair of one of the cafes, he leant back on the cold surface as he expected the worse.

Nothing happened.

Mentally scolding himself for being so frightened, He turned to see what was going on. Hiccup gently tapped a man on the shoulder. Describing him as a man would fall a little short though, seeing that he was very tall even while sitting down, had various piercings and tattoos and muscles the size of beach balls.

The stranger scowled fiercely as he took the cigarette from his mouth and turned to Hiccup. 'Who was this guy' Jack asked himself, ' His dad? His brother?'. He continued to watch the exchange while hidden covertly behind the chair .Hiccup was talking to him eyebrows furrowed and eyes calm, it seemed like he was asking something.

The white haired boy could barely hear a thing that Hiccup was saying but managed to make out a few words. Shouldn't...Smoke…allowed….it sounded like Hiccup was trying to get this guy to stop smoking.

True enough, there was a sign that prohibited smoking on the café wall ,but why couldn't he just leave it to the shop personnel and come out alive . Didn't he see the size of that guy's muscles? 'Are you asking death wish?" Jack muttered incredulously as he continued to watch the boy, unsure of whether to jump in and save Hiccup from a world of pain or stay where he was.

Hiccup just kept talking though, unfazed by the stranger's killing glares. Slowly and much to Jack's surprise, the man's hard expression softened and he stood up, leaving the vicinity to smoke in peace elsewhere. Hiccup nodded towards a woman with two children in another outdoor chair. She smiled and waved at Hiccup, shouting a quick thank you as he left quietly.

'Wow' Jack thought amazed and impressed at what just happened. A wide grin replaced his shocked expression 'He's getting more and more interesting by the second…" His will to stal- follow Hiccup increased tremendously as he got up and walked just behind his target. He studied him, the younger teen still set on finding someone to help him to school.

Hiccup was sweating , unlike Jack who was still dry, somehow born with some innate ability to always stay cool. 'He's probably tired by now' he deduced, noticing the way Hiccup's stride was shorter and his breaths more closely paced.

Jack checked the shiny silver pocket watch he always kept in his, well his pocket.'6:30' thirty more minutes till school and still no sign that Hiccup was going to get anywhere.

Jack took in a deep breath. This was it, the opportune moment to suddenly swoop in and guide the lost boy to school. He quickly brushed off his hoodie and fixed his hair. If he was going to help Hiccup he was going to look cool doing it.

He was about to "bump" into Hiccup and show him the way to school heroically when once again he was interrupted. Hiccup's attention was caught elsewhere. Thankfully, it was not by another huge, muscular, scary man but by the exact opposite. A tiny little girl with soft messy blonde hair gently poked Hiccup in the gut. 'Tag Mister! You've got to catch me now! 'She exclaimed cheerfully, big blue eyes staring at Hiccup expectantly. Hiccup's green eyes widened as he realized the small figure was talking to him.

Hiccup didn't know what to do; he almost never made contact with little kids before, being born an only child. Truthfully, he avoided them as much as he could.

According to Gobber's descriptions of them they were "tiny biting little monsters that burst out cryin' every two seconds". Thanks to him, Hiccup worked his way around toddlers and babies like they were landmines. But in a way this strange little girl seemed different. Her smile revealed two small gaps where her front teeth would grow, the sight made something tug at Hiccup's chest, something unfamiliar yet oddly pleasant. 'Cute…' Hiccup thought in a daze. She didn't look like a biting little monster at all. Hiccup felt compelled to keep the little girl smiling so he decided to join in her little game.

'I'm gonna get you!' He yelled in a pretend scary voice as he reached out his arms. The girl squealed in joy. "Can't catch me! Can't catch me! She sang happily dodging all Hiccup's attempts to get his hold on her. They continued their little game, the girl giggling loudly and Hiccup joining in, forgetting his difficult task. Some people were annoyed at this, huffing about how they were blocking the way. The others though, were watching contentedly, charmed by the way two complete strangers were playing comfortably with each other.

Jack was definitely one of the latter. He watched the little girl dancing around Hiccup in a blur. He saw the way that she her giggles grew louder and her smiles bigger the more she played with the boy. He was touched at this. Jack (unlike Hiccup) had always loved children, every time his eyes would meet with theirs, he would fall in love. They always held so much wonder and innocence in them. It made Jack happy when he knew they still reverently believed in the idea of Santa Claus and the power of dreams. More than the girl though, Jack was watching Hiccup.

Blue eyes clouded with fascination, he watched as Hiccup tried to catch the squealing girl. Jack watched as he failed, tripping awkwardly at the attempt to capture. Then as Hiccup got up he saw him smile.

No, not the small smiles that he had forced earlier as he tried to calm the bus driver, or when he introduced himself shyly or even as he walked through the streets.

How could Jack describe it? How could anyone ever describe how much emotion a smile like that held. This was the first time Jack had seen Hiccup smile like that. It was wide and welcoming, showing off the small dimples he had on both cheeks. His smile revealed his slightly crooked teeth; in some ways seen as awkward and unpleasing but in Jack's eyes they were seen just as he saw the rest of the boy. It was perfect the way it was. It was genuine and heartfelt, unlike many of the half-hearted grins and forced smiles he gave Jack realized.

'Is it just me or are his eyes sparkling' he asked to no one in particular, completely mesmerized by Hiccup. His green eyes were also smiling. His whole demeanour had changed from awkward and shy into something else entirely. He was suddenly someone who everyone could easily admire, someone who made people feel more understood than they understood themselves. Before Jack knew it he found himself smiling too. Not the wide grins he had given earlier either, he found himself giving a smile he hadn't intended yet fully understood. Something in Hiccup's sincerity triggered something inside Jack's heart. 'He's pretty cool' Jack observed as his heart started pounding faster. 'What is this' he muttered putting a hand to his chest just to shut it up.

"Sophie!" Jack looked over to where the worried voice was coming from. His heart beat soon slowed down as he focused on the woman running frantically towards the little girl who was playing with Hiccup. "Sophie." She breathed in relief and took the laughing girl in her arms. She had blonde hair and tense green eyes just like the girl she was currently covering in kisses and cradling in her arms. 'Her mom' Jack and Hiccup both thought simultaneously.

"Thank you!" Sophie's, mom said as she grabbed Hiccup's hand and shook it forcefully. "It's fine reall-'' Hiccup was cut off when the woman hugged him just as forcefully, almost choking him in the tight embrace.

"I'm Mrs. Bennett" she said after letting go of Hiccup's now hurting body. " Thank you again, if someone else took her. I wouldn't know what to do." She clutched Sophie's hand in hers tighter "I'm glad she didn't feel scared…I should probably find a proper day care instead of dragging her with me to work all the time." he nodded to show that he agreed, although it seemed like she was talking to herself more than to Hiccup.

Mrs Bennett gave Hiccup a thankful smile and walked away with her daughter who was still trying to go to her new friend. "Goodbye Sophie." He said quietly while giving a wave. Sophie seemed to have heard it and she grinned, waving wildly with her small hand.

The pair soon disappeared among the crowd and Hiccup was left with a huge problem. His wristwatch read 6:50, only ten minutes before the start of school but Hiccup had nothing. No directions, not even a faint idea of what his school looked like, Hiccup started to ask practically everyone that walked by. He was desperate. Noticing this, Jack closed in on his prey. His early moment of weakness was quickly stashed aside for another time as he thought of what to say. "Hey Hiccup!' he thought 'Nah too giddy'. Jack went through lot more suggestions from himself, but in the end he chose to ignore them .'Let's just see what comes out of my mouth then' he decided haphazardly, throwing caution to the wind.

Never sensing that Jack was there, Hiccup continued to ask people.

"Excuse me, do you know the way to Burgess Hig-"

"I think I know the way." Jack said mysteriously right behind Hiccup's ear

The white haired teen had to withhold a laugh when Hiccup practically leaped in surprise. Still shocked at the sudden appearance Hiccup turned to the origin of the voice cautiously. Something about that voice sounded familiar, he just couldn't pinpoint who exactly it belonged to

Before him stood a teenager with strikingly white hair, bright blue eyes and a coy ( and somewhat irritating) grin.

"You're" Hiccup started eyes wide. Jack could feel his hands tingling in excitement…"Yes?" he asked playfully.

A moment passed before Hiccup gave his unclimactic reply "..Who are you again? I met you in the bus but I forgot your name."he finished shrugging his shoulders.

Jack visibly deflated at finding out that he had forgotten his name but resumed his cheerful disposition after a few seconds. He suddenly grabbed Hiccup's wrist and dragged him off like Hiccup was mere luggage.

Hiccup grew red in irritation. "What are you doing" he yelled indignantly as Jack continued to drag him forward. Hiccup struggled against Jack's stone like grip. What gave this guy the right to just take him wherever he pleased? He was going to be late for school! Now that he thought about it, wasn't…Jack (finally he remembered) late for school to?

"I'm going to help you!" Jack answered cheerfully no longer crushing Hiccup's wrist but slowly moving him along. "You don't have to pretend you know..I know you have basically no idea how to get there." He stated frankly facing Hiccup quickly then trudging forward. If Jack remembered properly, this was the street where she stayed during the morning. Though he promised himself that he wouldn't meet her again in fear of well…her, desperate times called for desperate measures. Besides it would be impossible to reach the school without it,it was way too far.

Hiccup thought on this. He did need the help after all, maybe Jack suddenly popping out of nowhere was a good thing.'Hey wait a minute' he thought suspiciously 'Did Jack really pop out of nowhere?"

Jack sighed in relief as he saw the familiar huge black building with the hundreds of motorcycles lined up in orderly lines right beside it. "Finally." He exclaimed grasping Hiccup's wrist tighter .Here they were…and there she was leaning next to the self proclaimed "fastest motorcyle in the whole drove him to school before,she probably wouldn't mind him borrowing her motorcycle right?

"Jack?" Hiccup asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion "This doesn't look like the school"

"It isn't." he answered simply, continuing towards the dark structure.

"So why are we he-'

''No time to explain! Come on let's hurry she might be leaving already" Jack urged Hiccup onwards as he sprinted towards the woman,Hiccup warily following behind.

They reached the mysterious woman and Hiccup was even more confused. What were they doing here? Jack started to talk to her and Hiccup listened intently,hoping to be relieved from the feeling of uncertainty that clutched at his stomach.

"Well if it isn't Jack" she smiled smugly as she sauntered over to him.

"Well if isn't….." Jack trailed on forgetting her name.

"Amanda" she stated plainly, her voice void of any of the flavour the earlier statement held.

Hiccup stopped listening at this point his mind drifting off to a question he had asked himself earlier. Did Jack pop out of nowhere? He frowned. If he didn't then that would mean he'd been there the whole time just watching him…creepy he thought. 'And rude' he added realizing that if he'd done something embarrassing like pick his nose,Jack would see the whole thing.

"Hiccup." Jack called to his friend after waving good bye to Amanda. She said yes and went inside the building to do…whatever you did inside it. Telling by the kind of people that went inside it..he honestly didn't want to know. Hiccup was still in deep thought,unconscious to Jack's calls.

"Hiccup!" Jack yelled louder.

"HA! Wha?" Hiccup yelped back to the real world.

"Get on." He chuckled motioning towards the shiny red bike behind him. Once Jack strapped a black helmet on, he gave the other one to Hiccup telling him to do the same.

Hiccup wanted to say a lot of things. He wanted to say that he did not and was not getting in that mutant of a motorcycle. He wanted to punch Jack for ever asking him something that ridiculous. He wanted to run away and stay in his nice warm bed where he wouldn't have to risk dying on a speeding bike with a crazy teenage boy. He looked at the pink helmet ruefully.

"Why do I get the hello Kitty one." Hiccup whined pathetically

'Really Hiccup, you're getting into this death vehicle with a delusional boy you've just met today and your worried about the color of your headgear' his inner self chided as he reluctantly hopped in behind Jack.

"You already rode a motorcycle right?" Hiccup asked nervously while strapping the helmet on his head.

"Yeah! Obviously." Hiccup let out the breath that he was holding. At least he knew what he was doing.

"Except…I wasn't the one yeah…" Jack whispered hoping Hiccup didn't hear his little confession.

But unfortunately for the both of them he did.

"WHAT!" Hiccup yelled in roar of the engine reverberated in his ears. Jack was really going to do this. "Were going to die,were going to die" he almost screamed.

"Well." Jack advised as they the wheels rolled beneath them and the bike move towards the open road ."You better hold tight." He gripped the handles tightly, trying to repeat the actions Amanda did the day before. The motor roared louder,black smoke curling at their feet.

Then they were moving and Hiccup was screaming. Jack of course was laughing happily at speed and the freedom he was feeling at that very moment. Though (and if you asked he would certainly deny) he was also enjoying the feeling of Hiccup's arms tightly encircling his waist.

If asked, Hiccup would also deny that he was enjoying it too.