In case you were wondering this is a highschool AU so Jack doesn't have magic ice powers and Hiccup doesn't have a flying reptile for a best friend (though he will get cat soon) I'm changing Toothiana's name to ana,since Tooth is probably a really weird is a HIjack fanfiction so yey me... anywy I hope you like it and If you could review then please do.I just want to know if theres anyone out there reading this and actually enjoying something I write. Hopefully i'll be able to finish this...hopefully...

DISCLAIMER: i dont own any of these awesome . :(

The rain poured angrily onto the little town of berk while a certain teenage boy contemplated the chances of survival if one was to jump off a speeding vehicle. After thinking on the subject a bit more, Hiccup sighed disappointedly, realizing that he would probably end up a pancake if he did that now. And besides," he continued his conversation with himself , "even if he did survive the fall, his great brute of a father would still drag him back inside, pancake or not.

He stared out the window, looking at the small collection of colourful houses that lined the sidewalk. His chest started to ache with longing .That was his neighborhood, or at least it used to be, until his dad decided that they were moving, ignoring all his son's pleas and big puppy eyed stares begging that they wanted to stay. Hiccup could still remember the day his father announced they would be leaving. He had gotten in trouble again and was sent to the principal's office .It wasn't his fault in the first place! Snoutlout had pushed him during a lab experiment, and Hiccup, somehow being born lacking fundamental balance ,knocked over a few chemicals,. Which (just hiccups luck) set fire to the room. The frenzied screams of his classmates rang in his ears as the fire alarm went off,torrents of water streaming down from the safety system. He was still sopping wet when his father slammed the principal's door loudly with his expression unreadable,saying that they had to move.

It was so unfair ! Hiccup never understood why they had to move in the first place,he had lived in Berk all his life! He had never been popular but … He had friends there! Although quite few ( two if you included Gobber his dad's friend who he helped man the hardware store) they still meant a lot to him, His best and only friend, fishlegs, always stuck by him. Hiccup and his chubby excitable friend had gone through a lot together. They played together as kids,laughed together,ate together at the lunch table, even got bullied together! They were all the other had. When either one was being pushed around either one was willing to come to the rescue, even if it meant taking the fire couldn't imagine how fishlegs was feeling right now. He was the only one who Hiccup would really miss once he was gone.

But then of course there was Astrid.

Astrid was the girl Hiccup had a crush on since the very first grade. Everytime Hiccup glanced her way,it always seemed that time went still,his heart would beat so fast that it could blow up in any moment and despite all his efforts he couldn't stop his blush nor the goofy smile spread on his face. But of course Astrid,the fiery blond that practically everyone worshipped or feared barely noticed Hiccup. Hiccup never stopped trying though,sneaking glances at her at class,volunteering in whatever task Astrid was in, even waving at her but receiving no reply. Even if the odds were low, maybe they could have been friends if he had stayed, maybe even something more. But moving to a whole other city miles away from berk , had depleted all the chances he ever could have with her to zero.

A heavy sigh escaped hiccup's lips as he continued to stare hopelessly into the window that was thoroughly being pelted by the torrential downpour. Well ,he thought half-jokingly, at least the weather would improve. He could do without the troublesome rain,storms,and hail that constantly plagued their small town. But somehow Hiccup knew that home wasn't home without the familiar horrible weather,that there would always be a sense of strangeness whenever the sun shone brightly. Realizing how hard it would be to adapt to his new surroundings Hiccup let out another sigh,louder and more worn out than the last.

It was then that his Father lost it.

"Would ya' stop with yer sighin' already!" Stoick his father growled exasperated, his deep voice resounding throughout the entire car. His grip tightened forcefully on the steering wheel. He couldn't drive like this, every sigh and complaint and mutter was driving him crazy! The tires screeched as Stoick pulled to an abrupt stop on the side of the road. Now was the time to have a good talk with his son. "Listen up Hiccup!" he stated, trying to keep his voice under control yet failing miserably. "We are NOT, I REPEAT NOT, going back to Berk! No matter how much yah sigh or grumble or WHINE". Stoick stressed, his voice rising unwillingly, "NOTHING'S GOING TO CHANGE THE FACT THE WE ARE MOVING!" He finished loudly. His breathing was unbalanced and his tired eyes focused on his son's small figure, still facing the window. His heart felt heavier after shouting like that. He had never wanted to raise his voice, it was just an instinct of his, he couldn't help it. He was just fed up. Fed up with his son's complaining, fed up with the world. Didn't he realize that this was all for him, all for his own well-being! He had seen his son bullied countless of times, left out and pushed around by anyone who was bigger than him. He had seen his son hurt and sad and alone. What parent could bear to see their son like that? A new start, that was what they needed, in a town that didn't look down on you when you were weak.

His son turned to look at his dad, disbelief and anger written on his face. Hiccup was so mad! Why was he forcing him into this? Was he too embarrassed at his son's behaviour at his old school? Too ashamed at having a walking fishbone for a son, when he in fact was practically the chief of their entire town? Well fine! Hiccup was fine with that. Truthfully he was sorry he wasn't the son his father had always hoped for, a big strong charming son who didn't get beaten up for every single thing he did. They stared at each other in silence, each one determined to hold their piercing glares. Hiccup's dad broke his gaze first, sighing deeply as he started the car once more and started to drive.

Hiccup continued to look at his dad. His red bushy eyebrows were knit together in frustration, his eyes the same green as Hiccup's focused on the road. He felt a little guilty making his dad so mad. He had always wanted to make his dad proud of him, happy that he was his son. He turned away and looked towards the window again. Hiccup's mind was muddled as he tried to think of something to say to break the tension.

"Dad" he practically whispered, still not looking towards his father .The engine rumbled more loudly than before, and the pitter patter of the rain seemed to increase in volume. Though Hiccup was probably imagining it.

"Yes, Hiccup?" Stoick's voice was quiet too, his gaze still glued to the road.

"Sorry." He finally said it. It was like a great weight was lifted off his shoulders.

The word sorry continued to resound over and over in Stoick's ears, though hiccup was not speaking. He could feel his heart melt at that one simple word. He should have been the one to say sorry, for suddenly moving his son away from the life he had always known. He wanted to say so much but his body betrayed him. If she was still here she'd know exactly what to say, he thought sadly, bringing back a memory so painful that he had tried to leave it forgotten.

Doing his best to tell Hiccup it was fine. He awkwardly brought his left hand onto his son's thin shoulder patting it consolingly. Hiccup was shocked at first but let out a soft smile. His Father's hand slowly went back to the steering wheel as he continued to drive towards their destination. They were headed to a place six long hours from Berk, to the thriving city of Burgess. Stoick made it a point to help his son every step of the way, and support him every time he would fall or stagger. He would make sure that this new start would be worth it. He would make sure his son would be happy. That was what she had always wanted, for her son to smile.

Hiccup leaned back on the chair, his body curled in the most comfortable position he could make, as his father continued to drive. The rain was miraculously getting lighter now, and Hiccup knew what that meant. He stared at the window and there it was, a small wooden sign that boasted five small words, five small words that challenged and provoked Hiccup.


Hiccup fought the urge to sigh and get his father mad again. This was really happening. He was leaving Berk, the place where his whole life had happened, the place where he was shunned and bullied. A whirlwind of events played across his mind, Snoutlout taking his food, Astrid ignoring his very presence, the whole student body laughing meanly at him for tripping on his way to the stage, his teachers watching him pityingly. He cringed inside. It was then Hiccup decided enough was enough.

This move was not going to be for nothing. He was going to have fun in his new school, in his new life. He was going to do everything he couldn't do in the little town of Berk, make lots of friends, impress all his teachers, get a girlfriend! His eyes gleamed determinedly, yes get a girlfriend!

The rain soon stopped completely, letting bright rays of light filter through the car windows. Hiccup took this as a sign that the stormy weather of his life was over, the sun was going to shine on Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third this time around!

The rhythmical hum of the car's engine lulled hiccup into a deep sleep. A smile still on his face as he dreamed of all the new possibilities in the new city of Burgess, the place where he was going to do everything…

Six hours from where hiccup was, a white haired boy around his age was also contemplating the chances of survival if one was to jump out of a speeding vehicle.

But this time it wasn't a car it was a motorcycle.

And this time that certain white haired boy was crazy enough to do it.

The motorcycle held two passengers, a woman controlling the vehicle and a teenage boy right behind her. The lady with flowing black hair was driving like a madman towards the school. Her perfectly manicured hands gripped the handles of the bike, expertly dodging random people in the way but never slowing down.

"Right Here?" she asked smoothly to the boy behind her, her silky voice barely audible against the roar of the motor.

"Yup right over there" The white haired teen answered just as smoothly, pointing out a spot near the school entrance. They surged forward and the boy loosened his grip on the woman's slim waist, getting ready to jump. A buzzing crowd of students started to form around the entrance, awaiting their school celebrity's arrival. Some girls (and even some boys) started squealing and gasping as the motorcycle sped forward.

And without a second thought, the male passenger jumped into the air, a crazy grin plastered on his charming features and a triumphant laugh escaping his lips.

Time seemed to slow down. The audience watched eyes wide at the spectacle of the school's proclaimed "ice prince" leaping out of a motorcycle going so fast, that it probably already broke the sound barrier. Screams and yells of "He's going to get himself killed!" filled the air and for a second there, the daredevil jumper almost believed them.

But then he remembered, smirking at himself for that uncharacteristic moment of doubt.

He was Jack Frost.

He flipped over with the grace of a professional gymnast and landed on his feet, the thump of his sneakers on the pavement was the only sound heard among the speechless bystanders.

The motorcycle pulled to a stop and even the driver looked thoroughly surprised at his little stunt.

Silence, complete and utter silence permeated the air as Jack looked around the school his grin still wide on his face. They just stared at him in awe. His strikingly white hair, his pale flawless skin and his electric blue eyes were mesmerizing the entire crowd.

"Well?" He asked cockily, leaning his head to the side expectantly and spreading his hands towards them. Even his voice was handsome.

The audience erupted, literally erupted with cheers and hoots and high pitched frantic squeals. Jack smiled knowingly, things were normal as usual. The thunderous clapping of hundreds of students was all that could be heard. Even the teachers clapped at the grinning teenager despite that fact that they were the very ones that banned unruly conduct on the school grounds.

"Thank you, thank you!" Jack bowed jokingly. Laughing and waving at the frenzied crowd like he was king of the world, which in the glistening eyes of many of the students (especially the ladies) he was. Soon they were chanting his nickname JACK FROST! JACK FROST! over and over again. It was like music to his ears. It took a while, several teachers and a whole lot to waving to finally disperse the crowd and get them to the classrooms. It was only a month after the start of the school year but Jack practically had them in the palm of his hands, and Jack Overland was loving every second of it.

Suddenly a hand grabbed his blue sleeve, calling him out of his egotistical reverie.

He turned and smiled wider at the sight of the frowning face of his irritated best friend Ana

"Hey Ana!" Jack greeted putting his hand up for a high five but was left hanging. "What?" He asked confused at his Ana's cold glare. She would usually return it with the force of a buffalo. What was wrong?

She looked pointedly towards Jack's right, her mouth pursed in annoyance. Jack turned and saw the woman on the motorcycle almost forgetting that she was there.

"You sure you don't wanna go for another ride?" She asked batting her eyes flirtatiously.

She was really pretty, Jack noted as he looked at her. Long jet black hair, perfectly shaped lips and big heavily lashed eyes, she could make a guy fall down to his knees and start begging for mercy. Not Jack though. He shuddered "way too old"

"Nah" He answered shaking his head "Gotta start class, I could see you again soon though… He hoped she would get the point, but she just stood there waiting "Bye!" he finished with a forced wink, yet started backing away, a sign that he certainly did not want to meet her again. Her crimson lips opened slightly as if shocked that anyone could reject that offer, but she closed them and put on a genuine smile. One that she never knew she had.

"See you again, kid." She waved, the small smile still playing on her lips. Then she was gone, the roar of her motorcycle slowly dissipating into nothing.

"Who is that?" Ana asked suspiciously, pulling Jack towards the huge oak doors.

Jack thought a bit, and then answered happily "I have no Idea!"

Ana's expression was priceless, her eyes wide and her jaw stretched open comically. Jack could feel the laugh escape his throat, but he held it down realizing that it would only anger his best friend more. And when Ana was angry, Jack got punched in the face.

"Come on!" he yelled at his stunned friend and gestured towards the school.

Ana finally broke out of her trance and she grabbed Jack's hand forcing him to tell her exactly who that mystery woman was. Jack complied, eager to tell his friend all that had happened. Together they walked into the school, laughing and chatting as if they had lived their whole lives together.

"You are so taking the bus tomorrow" Ana chided giving Jack the you better do this look

"Fine,fine" jack nodded smiling jokingly crossing his fingers behind his back so Tooth could see.

"Jack!" His friend yelled,playfully punching him on the both laughed.

"Okay! I promise! No joke look" to stress the point he wiggled his fingers in Tooth's face proving none of his fingers were crossed.

The school bell rung through the Halls as they sprinted laughing towards the classroom, the classroom of BURGESS HIGHSCHOOL, the best school in the entire city, the school which Hiccup was going to be in the very next day.