So, it was decided, both Blaine and Kurt were going to request deferments to their colleges, Burt hadn't been all too keen on the idea at first, but once they had explained to him their reasons behind it, he had been accepting. He too was a father and knew how important it had been for him to be around to see Kurt grow up.

They made their applications, and were waiting to hear back, NYU was both their first choice, it allowed families, providing suitable accommodation for them close to the campus, they knew it wouldn't be a permanent solution, having a baby in a big city was going to be difficult, and they'd have to try and figure out child care, but this was all something to sort out in the year they were taking off.

The time leading up to graduation was a stressful one, they were having to rely quite heavily on their families to help with Sophia so they could study as much as possible for their final classes of the year. Kurt hated not being able to spend as much time with Sophia as he had been doing, but the thought of being able to spend as much time as possible with her in the coming year got him through.

A week before graduation, there were matching envelopes waiting for the boys when they returned from school. Sophia had gone out with Charlotte to a local fair, so it was just the two boys in the apartment. They both held their own envelopes tightly in their hands as they sat opposite each other on their bed, this was it, whatever was in this envelope would shape their future, somehow these envelopes felt like they weighed a lot more than they actually did.

"Okay, so, we open them together yeah?" Kurt was taking deep breaths, trying his hardest to calm himself.

"On the count of three, one, two, three..." Both boys ripped their envelopes open, the sound of paper being removed the only sound in the room. They both gasped simultaneously, looking up automatically to gauge the other ones reaction.

"I got in..." Kurt looked up from his own letter to see Blaine looking back at him with tears in the corners of his eyes. For one heart-stopping moment he thought that maybe Blaine's letter had been a rejection, but the smile that slowly spread across his face told him differently.

"Me too, Kurt, we're going to New York! We're going to be a family in New York!" Blaine leaned across the bed, collapsing unceremoniously on top of Kurt, he was giving him a sort of half hug, half squeeze, laughing heartily in his ear. It was quite the emotional moment, they had done it, despite everyone's doubts about them not being able to manage having a child and graduating, here they were, one week away from graduation, confirmed deferred places to NYU, and a healthy, happy daughter.

Graduation was a mixture of emotions, they were all so sad to have to say goodbye to each other, but they were also so excited for the future. All the New Directions were going off into their own different directions, and yes, there were tears, plenty of hugs and kisses, and a lot of 'see you later' as opposed to goodbye's, after all, they were the Glee Club, they were never going to truly say goodbye to each other.

The best part of the whole day though was that when both boys went to get their diplomas Sophia was in the crowd, being held by Burt, clapping her hands at the sight of her Daddies going up on the stage, both boys gave her a little wave and blew her a kiss. She was now nearly one, her beautiful brown curls tied up in a red ribbon, matching red dress with white tights, she really was a gorgeous little girl, and no doubt would be a very popular girl with the boys when she was a bit older, much to Kurt and Blaine's unease.

Once all their year group had been up, they did the customary throwing of their hats into the air, boy Kurt and Blaine rushing through the crowd to get to their daughter. Sophia held her arms out to her Daddies the second they were in sight, Kurt scooping her up and kissing her all over her face, making her giggle.

"Did you see Papa and me up there, baby girl?" She just looked up at both of them, big eyes shining.

"Papa!" Kurt and Blaine shared a look.

"Did she just-?" Blaine couldn't believe what he had just heard, he had always assumed her first word would be 'Dada' due to the fact she spent so much time with Kurt.

"What did you just say sweetheart?"

"Papa?" Sophia looked at Blaine, still being held in Kurt's arms, although now she looked a bit concerned that she had done something wrong, her first word coming out as more of a question. She giggled though when Blaine took her from Kurt's arms swinging her into the air and catching her, peppering her face with kisses.

"That's right baby girl! I'm your Papa! You're so clever! Now, can you say Da-Da? Da-Daaa?" Kurt was a little put out that Sophia's first word was Papa and not Dada or Daddy, but at the same time he was filled with such pride, that he soon put aside his jealousy and joined Blaine in fussing over Sophia.

Now that graduation was over, the boys could plan Sophia's first birthday, which was coming up in a couple of weeks, Kurt, of course had quite the plans, Blaine had already tried to get him to just have some family over, but he wasn't having any of it, insisting that she was only going to be one once. Blaine had eventually given up and just gone with the plans, he knew it was safer to just keep quiet.

Kurt had decided to have Sophia's party at a local hotel instead of at home, deciding it was easier to get someone else to set it up and clean up afterwards. It honestly felt like Kurt was organising a wedding, another thing Blaine had to look forward to in the coming months. HIs mother wasn't being much help either, only encouraging Kurt by producing more and more ideas for him, having, in fact a ring binder full of cutouts from magazines and ideas for Sophia's big day.

Invitations were sent, and there was a guest list of around 100 people, what with all of their families friends and work colleagues, all the New Directions, and the Warblers, it was going to be quite the party for the one year old. Blaine held his tongue, he still felt it was ridiculous to have such a massive party for a one year old.

On the day of the party, Kurt had dressed Sophia in a blue and white striped dress, blue jacket and little blue ballet pumps, she had started to stand up on her own, he had yet to take any actual steps, he was hoping her wearing proper shoes might encourage her to actually walk. Blaine had to admit his daughter looked adorable, and thoroughly excited at the idea of a party, having such a musical family made Sophia love nothing more than a disco, and the fact everyone would be fussing over her made sure she was going to have an amazing afternoon.

The hotel looked amazing, there was pink everywhere, from balloon arches, to the massive pink princess cake Kurt had ordered from a local baker, with a big 'Happy Birthday Sophia' in icing on the bottom. Blaine had to admit the whole party looked amazing, and the most important thing, at least to him was that Sophia was smiling and giggling, being passed from person to person. About halfway through the party, Blaine stood up, walking over to the DJ, who turned the music off and handed Blaine a microphone.

"Um, Hi, Everyone, I'm Blaine, one of Sophia's Dad's, and I just want to say a few words" Blaine was a bit nervous, but as the crowd quieted he heard Sophia shout 'Papa' across the room, and his heart soared, making his nerves disappear.

"So, firstly, thank you all for coming, it really means the world to Kurt and I that you could be here to celebrate Sophia's birthday" He smiled at Kurt, who had gone and got Sophia and was stood off just to the right of the dance floor, where Blaine was facing everyone giving his speech.

"A year ago today was one of the most terrifying and amazing days of my life. For those of you that are fathers, to see the person you love in so much pain is one of the worst experiences, but to get the most precious and beautiful thing out of it, makes everything worth it."

There was a collective 'aww' from around the room at Blaine's words, Kurt was stood there tears already rolling quietly down his face, Sophia just looked excited at the fact that her Papa was talking.

"Sophia and Kurt are truly the best thing to ever happen to me, Sophia is my proudest achievement to date, and Kurt, well, he's just everything. So please join me in toasting, not only my daughter, but also, Kurt, my soon-to-be husband, without whom, we wouldn't all be here having this party today" Blaine raised his glass to Kurt and Sophia, a collective "To Kurt and Sophia" Kurt blushed, rushing over to Blaine to kiss him, Sophia clapping happily at her Daddies, earning another 'aww' from the room.

"Before everyone goes off again, I have a final thing I want to do, I have written a song for Sophia, which I want to sing for you now" Kurt raised his eyebrow at Blaine, even he didn't know this was coming, but Blaine just smiled and shooed Kurt away, instead turning around and giving his cue to the DJ as the backing track kicked in. (Listen to Michael Buble- Daddy's Little girl- I've changed the lyrics slightly, but you get the idea!)

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold.

You're Papa's little girl, to have and hold.

A precious gem is what you are;

You're Daddy's bright and shining star.

You're the spirit of Christmas, the star on our tree.

You're the Easter Bunny to Daddy and me.

You're sugar, you're spice, and you're everything nice

And You're Papa's Little Girl

You're a treasure I cherish, all sparkling and bright.

You were touched by Holy and beautiful light;

Like the angels who sing, a heavenly thing;

And you're Papa's Little Girl

The whole room was in tears, it was the most beautiful song, suiting Blaine's voice perfectly, it was the perfect tribute to his baby girl, and Blaine looked over to see Kurt in tears again, even Sophia looked stunned, looking at her Papa, although that was probably more because when her Papa sang to her she was usually falling to sleep.

The party continued on, with present opening, and cake eating, but no one could top Blaine's song to his daughter, it was the talk of the party. Kurt couldn't have been more proud of his daughter that day, he loved her with his whole heart. He was also so incredibly proud of Blaine, and couldn't wait until he could be married to him.

Kurt had already started planning their wedding, it was going to be a christmas wedding, to be held the day before christmas, it had always been a dream of Kurt's, and he was so excited to get everything booked and ordered. He knew Charlotte and Carole would be there to help him through it, but it was always times like these he wished more than anything his mother was still alive, to see her Grandaughter on her first birthday, to see her son get married.

Kurt was shocked out of his thoughts of weddings and mothers but Blaine wrapping an arm around his waist.

"I'm so proud of you for this party, thank you, and thank you for giving me my daughter, I love you"

Kurt spun in Blaine's arms, kissing him soundly. "I love you too, now let's say goodbye to everyone so we can get Sophia home and in bed, then I have something to show you how proud I was of you today"

Kurt sauntered off before Blaine could reply, he loved teasing him, and was grateful for the fact that they were still very much sexually active after hearing so many horror stories of people not wanting sex after having a baby. He didn't think that would ever be a problem for the two of them.

So the song was 'Daddy's little girl' my Michael Buble it is a beautiful song which I thought fit perfectly in this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed it if you listened to it. Next up we have some more Klaine family moments as they enjoy their time off with their daughter, there will also be the wedding! :) Let me know if there is any Klaine family moments you would love to see and I will try and fit them in! xo