
God, that was close. I saw a white light! No joke! But something kept me tied to my body, thus I was able to regain consciousness and wake up in the living room, the light dimming outside the window and casting an eerie glow on Sesshomaru who was sitting on the couch at the foot of the bed, deep in thought. But that didn't keep him from noticing I was awake.

"What happened?" I croaked, hoarse and not surprised. "I feel like I was hit by a cart." Bad joke.

"Azralea," he said seriously, staring hard at me with his amber eyes. "Come here."

I was perfectly fine, so it had to be a day or two later, and did as I was told, standing in front of him. "Yes?"

Eyes now closed, he remained silent for one long minute, long enough for me to notice he was in just the white kimono and slacks from that first day. "There's something I want to discuss with you." I nodded, knowing he could tell. "No doubt you life was in danger recently, and not at the level you can normally handle. I could literally feel you slipping away as I brought you inside."

Something was off. He was too controlled, too cool. I didn't like it; it felt like he was distancing himself from me. "Ses-"

He silenced me with a gaze. "Listen." His posture relaxed and he sat forward a little but his face didn't soften at all. "Azralea, I know we've only known each other for a very short amount of time, though it may feel like a lifetime to you."

It sure did.

"But these few days have shown me many things about our current arrangement. It's far too dangerous for you to be so close to me like you are."

"Wait!" I burst out suddenly. "Don't say it!" I knew what was wrong: he didn't want me around. Though, why did it bug him? I figured I was dispensable and that my death wouldn't bug him too much after it happened, so what gives? He already threatened me several times. Still, I started to sob. "Please, don't tell me to go away. I want to stay here. Where will I go?"

He started to shush me, rising briefly to bring his long arms around my tiny body, pulling me down with him onto the couch as I buried my face against his neck, locking on to him as tight as I could, knowing it wouldn't faze him. "I know it's hard for you to think of," he whispered gently, "but it has to be."

"No!" I breathed, sniffing and locking harder. "Why?"

"I don't want to see you die by my own hand."

.' ? "But-"

"Please, Azralea," he suddenly pleaded, sounding in pain now, "don't make this any harder for either of us. It's painful enough that I'm even considering this, but I know it's for your own good."

It was then, as one of his large, warm hands came up to my cheek like he did so long ago (about three weeks -_-') and I pulled away just enough to gaze into his amber orbs long enough to see the kind, gentle look I'd always wanted him to gaze at me with. But I didn't have time to realize this before he leaned up and suddenly, he was kissing me, gentle and hesitant, hand sliding to the back of my head as I slowly came to terms with what was happening and reacted, holding close to him again as he pull me in tighter, knees locking around his waist in a desperate attempt to stay with him.

But in breaths of hot air, we pulled away, still holding close to each other as he whispered to me, "I found my heart within these few days. You've had it this whole time. I love you, Azralea, that's why I want to protect you, even from myself." Then he took me to the big window. "I want to show this to you." He held his hand out, the tip of his claw barely touching the glass as it ripped and changed form the stark white of outside to the rolling hills and crumbled remains of a castle. "This is where I was born." Then he put my hand out and the same thing happened, only this time it was my room. "And this is where you will stay."

Then he pushed me.

I fell through the glass with a cold, wet sensation, twisting around in time to see a few lone tears drip down his cheeks before the swirling white and colors blocked my vision and I tumbled out into my room. That idiot, I said to myself, he didn't even let me explain. If he thinks he can keep me here, he's wrong. I went and put my hand to my poster. It rippled and my hand disappeared so I smirked. Knew it.

I took this as the chance to collect a few of my more favorite and intact items, listening carefully at the footsteps in the house where cops and my parents were discussing what to do. They were still looking for me, only because my parents didn't want to waste time doing the chores, but the cops didn't know that.

With the last of my favorite CD's under my arm, I jumped at my poster and fell through yet again, stopping just in time to reach my hand out, peel the tape off and pull it in on itself where it dissolved, blocking the portal from my world to his. With a whoosh, I fell back where I'd come the first time, but landing on my feet instead. I rushed inside, dumping my stuff on the bed while calling for Jaken and Sesshomaru but no one was here.

That was fast. Oh, well, they have to come back some time.

three weeks later


I was beginning to regret my decision immediately afterward, but I knew she'd be better off in her world. At least I hoped so; her parents sound unstable and possibly violent.

Maybe I shouldn't have done what I did.

But it was too late now. This three week journey was more to clear my head and distract me then anything else, but I knew I had to come home eventually so going through the barrier didn't exactly help me forget her. Even Jaken missed her bubbly personality and it clearly depressed us both to live without her, but we'd done it before so we could do it again.

Though I really wish I could go back and undo that mistake. Then she'd still be here.

And I can say I was fully surprised when I got half way across the yard when the door suddenly slammed closed and a small, dark figure in a dark kimono rushed me, jumping squarely at my chest and throw their arms around me.

"If you thought you could get rid of me that easily, you're sadly mistaken, Shi-shi," a familiar and dearly missed voice chimed, giving me a name I wouldn't take kindly to had it been from anyone else. "All part of my plan. If Naraku sticks his ugly head through our door again, he's got a big surprise coming."

Sad to say I still couldn't move, even when she let go of me to say hello to Jaken. But I did choke out, "Azralea?"

She spun and laced her fingers behind her back, smiling widely. "Mm-hm. Who else would be in here?"

Completely forgetting who was around, or even where I was, I brought my arms around her quickly, as if she'd disappear if I didn't touch her, and pulled her into the most loving kiss I could muster. The toad instantly went to his corner, even though this time I would've let him slide, and I touched my forehead to hers. "But how...?"

"You can get rid of me that easily, Shi-shi," she giggled. "Love knows no bounds." Then she kissed me until my back hurt from stooping over (big difference between us) so I just picked her up, her legs wrapping around me instinctively as my claws dug into the fabric of her kimono and when they caught her delicate skin, she moaned in a way I found very—what's the word I'm looking for?—arousing.

"Do that again," I muttered, "I liked the way that sounded."

She brought her body closer very coyly and moaned again.

I got ahead of myself. "How much would you have me beg to get you to stay with me tonight?"

"Depends on how much you'll tolerate." The closer she got, the more I found it hard to restrain myself. "Though if you 'tweak my interest' you may not have to beg at all."

I large smirk spread across my face. "I know what that means." So we went inside, locked ourselves in the spare room (living room) and didn't come out until the next morning.