Oh my god I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in forever! My internet was weird two weeks ago and last weekend I didn't have my laptop or phone, and then I redid this chapter 5 times because it never turned out right, BUT I HAVE 3 ONESHOTS AND A NEW STORY SOON OK? ANYWAYS:
The Wedding
"I can't believe we just did that." Sasuke panted and flopped back down on the now sticky bed. He took a few deep breaths before throwing himself off the bed. "You shouldn't have gone so rough, now my ass hurts."
Naruto grinned at him, "It wasn't my fault you were shirtless when I walked in." He walked around the bed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, giving him a light kiss. "Nor was it my fault that you screamed 'Harder!'"
Sasuke pushed him away and groaned. "The wedding is in and hour and we just fucked," he sighed. "Hurry up and get in the shower, you idiot. And no ravishing me until after the dinner."
Naruto laughed, "So I can ravish you while dessert is being served?"
"If you're good."
Sasuke checked his hair once more in the mirror before standing straight and looking over his entire attire. It was a pretty basic suit, nothing special. White shirt, black vest, black jacket, dark blue tie, an Uchiha crest pin on the left side of the jacket.
He exited the bathroom and Naruto looked up from his phone. His eyes widened as he took in Sasuke's appearence. "Breathtaking," he commented, actually breathless. He stood and pulled Sasuke to him, "God, you're beautiful."
"Not too bad yourself," Sasuke smirked despite his blushing. Naruto wore a white shirt and black vest with a bright orange tie. It was one of the few times he looked /clean/. "In fact, you're downright sexy."
Naruto leaned forwards but was soon pushed back, "I said after the dinner!"
"Kissing is not ravishing!" Naruto whined.
"Deal with it."
"Fine," Naruto pouted. "How do you think they're holding up?" He asked suddenly.
Sasuke thought for a second before replying. "Deidara is either hyperventalating or jumping off the walls while he applies an entire pencil of eyeliner, and Itachi is probably waiting patienly for 4:00, but the Itachi inside him has died a few times due to excitement."
Naruto nodded, "Very good. We should probably check on them."
Sasuke agreed and both left to console the two soon-to-be spouses. Before they left in opposite direnctions Naruto grabbed Sasuke's wrist, "Hey, I love you."
Sasuke gave in. He pecked Naruto on the lips before taking off and shouting over his shoulder, "Love you too."
Sasuke clapped as the final speech finished, glad for the endless talking to finally cease. The applaud died down and chatter arose from the small crowd for a little while before Sasuke stood for the last word. He clinked his glass a few times to gather people attention before he spoke.
"Good evening, hope you've had a good time so far. For those of you who haven't met me, I'm Sasuke, Itachi's brother." He started unoriginally, but then again who didn't start speaking that way? "I want to thank all of you for coming on Itachi and Deidara's behalf, and I want to thank them for finally sealing the deal on all our behalfs, because it's been 17 years already and it admittedly got somewhat frustrating to hear Itachi always talk about Dei and vice versa. So congradulations to the newly-weds, and I hope you two will finally shut up about the marriage." Chuckling floated through the air as Sasuke sat back down. He didn't know it, but he was smiling. It wasn't fake or for the speech, but he was honest-to-god happy for Itachi and Deidara's marriage. At last.
Now, all the speeches were done, the dinner was finished, dessert was being served, and Sasuke was waiting for Naruto to drag him to the washrooms. He looked to Itachi when he saw the blond stand, "How long do you think we have?"
Itachi rolled his eyes and smirked, "At my wedding? Shame, Sasuke. I'd say 10 more minutes before the DJ starts the first dance. Be there, I want you to take notes on how to dance before Naruto forces you."
Sasuke nodded and stood but Itachi stopped him, "By the way, I'll tell the DJ you're proposing after the couples dance." Sasuke turned away quickly, and made his way to the washroom blushing darkly.
It had been two years before Itachi and Deidara had finally got married. It wasn't really a matter if planning or time or money, they just wanted some more time to be sure about this.
During that time, Sasuke and Naruto had grown together. They graduated highschool, Sasuke with the highest grades and Naruto with surprisingly not the lowest. They hadn't gone to collage immediately and were starting next year somewhere in university. Sasuke worked at a bookstore where he got a discount which came in handy as he was an avid reader, and Naruto had gotten a job at the cafe in the bookstore where he was the most liked worker.
They weren't one of those really clingy couples that needed each other every minute of every day, but this was the only place hiring where both their strongsuits applied.
They had their own apartment in the same building as Kiba and Hinata who where also engaged and Gaara and his new boyfriend Neji (nobody had seen that coming, not even Gaara himself). Suigetsu had gone to collage, and Ino and Sakura were traveling with their significant others.
And now, after two years of reuniting, at his brother's wedding, Sasuke was going to propose to the man he loved more than life.
But that was for a little later this evening.
Now was for wrapping his arms around Naruto's neck and attempting to shove his tongue down the blond's throat.
Naruto's hands pulled Sasuke closer to him by his waist as he deepened the kiss. Their tongues battled and rolled together before the two pulled back for air. It didn't last long as Naruto smashed their lips together again. His hands slipped down Sasuke's waist and to his thighes, lifting Sasuke up and pressing him against the wall.
Naruto pulled away and pressed his head against Sasuke's, grinning. "I can't believe you made me wait this long to kiss you. Even in the car you wouldn't let me near you," he whispered.
"I can't believe you lasted that long," Sasuke panted. "And now, you have to wait even longer because dessert should be finished and the dances are staring." Sasuke dropped his legs from Naruto's waist and straightened his jacket.
"But," Naruto pouted and pulled Sasuke towards him again, "We just started."
"No, now come on." Sasuke ordered promptly walked away. He stopped at the door and turned to open speak-
"I love you."
Naruto squeezed his waist tighter as they swayed, "I love you too."
"And I'll love you for a long time, too."
"And I, you," the blond replied, placing a soft kiss on Sasuke's forhead. He felt Sasuke's chest rise with a deep breath before he pulled away. Naruto became slightly concerned at the look on the raven's face when he pulled back. When Sasuke dropped onto one knee, his concern disappeared and surprise rose. When he pulled a small belvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a silver ring, he felt nothing but ecstasy.
"Naruto Uzumaki, you are my everything. You've been my best friend since I was born, you've been my lover since I returned to Konoha, and you're the light if my life and the reason I breath. And hopefully, you'll become my husband. Will you do the honour of marrying me, my love?" Sasuke kept his eyes locked on Naruto the entire time, watching as he got a darker shade of red with every word. He knew that Naruto wouldn't, couldn't say no, but he still felt anxious until he got his reply.
A sqeaked out "Yes!" from behind tan hands was all Sasuke needed to become the one of the happiest men in the room.
So I though about doing a sequel, but I really like how this came out, so I think I'll end it here.
Hope you enjoyed it and big thanks to all my reviewere and everyone who followed and favourited xxx