Disclaimer: All characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. I own nothing but the text written below.
"I'm bored!" A young blonde exclaimed for the billionth time. At 5, Uzumaki Naruto was a little bundle of energy. He never stopped moving, or smiling, or talking. Anyone would find it annoying, except for those close to him only because they were used to the nonstop chatter; those close to him being his parents Minato and Kushina, and the Uchiha's, Fugaku, Mikoto, and their sons Itachi and Sasuke.
Sasuke was also 5, though he was more reserved and smart in his actions, he was the blonde's best friend. To everyone he was a prodigy, though not nearly as exceptional as his older brother Itachi. Only Naruto thought Sasuke was better than Itachi, but mostly because he thought that Itachi was icky.
"What do you want to do?"
"I don't know!" Naruto rolled off Sasuke's bed and on to the floor. The blonde brightened, "Actually I do know! We should go spy on your brother!"
Sasuke was hesitant to accept Naruto's idea. "Brother has Deidara over and when Deidara is over brother says not to go near them."
"That's what makes it fun!" The blonde dragged out the 'U'.
"I don't-" Sasuke was interrupted by Naruto pulling him out of his room and down the hall. Itachi's door was closed a sign saying "Keep out!" taped to it. On a slip of paper in unusually sloppy handwriting "That means you, Sasuke!' was written.
"See!" The raven whispered. "It says keep out!"
Naruto grinned, "It says 'Sasuke', not 'Naruto'. I can go in." Naruto twisted the door knob slowly, and carefully pushed open the door. He was quiet for about 5 seconds.
Itachi sat on his desk chair. But it wasn't only him who sat there.
A blonde with hair a little darker than Naruto's was pressed against him. His eyes were closed but Naruto noticed a thin line of black makeup sort of like his friend Gaara's. Naruto knew this blonde as Deidara.
Deidara's lips were attached to Itachi's, his armed grasping the raven's neck. Their tongues rolled together in a way that made Naruto's face twist in disgust. Deidara pulled back to breath, only to be forced back by Itachi. Until Naruto pushed the door fully open and ran in circles screaming "My eyes! My eyes!"
"Sasuke, please take your friend outside." Though Itachi's tone was gentle, the glare screamed the order.
"Y-Yes big brother." Sasuke quickly grabbed Naruto's wrist and dragged him out into the garden. He ignored the constant mutters of 'ew ew ew ew ew' and 'it can't be unseen!' Sasuke sat on one of the large rocks lining the pond, "I told you it was a bad idea!"
Naruto was still completely pale, "But you saw it too! They were kissing with their tongues! It was soooooo gross." Naruto paced back and forth, hitting his head to try to knock the memories out of his head. "And they were both boys. Deidara might look like a girl but he's a boy and boys are only supposed to kiss girls."
Sasuke blushed, "Not always. Mr. Kakashi and Mr. Iruka kiss a lot. A lot of boys kiss other boys. It's not that weird."
"But also you're only supposed to kiss someone you love!" Naruto still couldn't wrap his head around Itachi and Deidara.
"Well maybe they do love each other." Sasuke stood up for his older brother, his brother deserved to be respected.
"But they're both boys! Gah, you can't love another boy!" Naruto threw his hands up in the air.
"Yes you can, I love you and you love me, you told me so. We're both boys." Sasuke's blush returned, this time bigger.
Naruto stopped dead in his tracks. He did love Sasuke, the young raven was his best friend. But Sasuke was also a boy. He still didn't understand. Maybe it was okay for two boys to love each other and kiss. But if Sasuke and Naruto loved each other how come they didn't kiss?
"Sasuke, if we love each other, why don't we kiss." Naruto sat on the rock next to Sasuke. His sky blue eyes sparkled with innocence and curiosity. Sasuke's black orbs showed confusion as he pondered the question.
"I dunno." Not even a second after Sasuke had finished speaking Naruto smashed his lips against the other boy. His lips were puckered awkwardly and his eyes were screwed shut, but it but he still managed to kiss the raven. Through the 3 second peck both boys were completely still. Everything was completely still, until Naruto pulled back.
"Okay, since we love each other and no one else, you can only kiss me and I can only kiss you." Sasuke nodded slowly when Naruto stuck out his pinky, "Pinky promise so it's for real."
Sasuke smiled and twisted his pinky around his best friend's, "Pinky promise."
2 years later the boys could be found up in a tree fort they made a year before. Sasuke announced that he was moving. His father had been promoted to a job in a town called Otogakure which was, much to Sasuke and Itachi's disappointment, a 10 hour drive.
"So… When are you leaving?" Blue refused to meet black as Naruto focused on the wooden floor.
"Soon, Itachi went to go tell Deidara and as soon as he picks me up we're leaving." The youngest Uchiha was heartbroken about having to move away from his best friend. Whenever he was with Naruto he felt all warm and fuzzy and happy. He didn't experience the butterflies in his belly when anyone else smiled at him. He didn't want to give up his sunshine, but he wasn't very good at showing it.
"How long do you think you'll be gone?" Naruto's eyes held tears, but would not let them fall.
"I might not be coming back."
Suddenly, Naruto was attached to Sasuke's side. His arms were wrapped tightly around the raven, his head pressing against the others chest. "You can't go! Who else do I have?" Naruto shook in Sasuke's arms.
"You'll make more friends, better friends."
"None of them will be you, though." Naruto moved his grip from his best friend's waist to his arm, sticking to it like a leech. "Please don't go."
"Stop being such a girl. It's not the end of the world."
"It might as well be! I'm never going to see you again! What if you forget about me? What if I forget about you? I don't want to forget about you!" Tears dripped down Naruto's cheeks as the young boy spoke. What was he going to do? Sasuke couldn't leave him! Who else would play with him and make fun of him and sleep over at his house? No one else liked the blonde, but Naruto didn't know why. Sasuke was his only friend, and now he was leaving forever!
"You won't forget about me. I made you a present so you wouldn't." Sasuke pulled out a gift wrapped in orange from behind the couch they sat on. How Sasuke got it there was unknown.
Naruto looked at the raven with wide eyes, now a little red. Sasuke smiled slightly and handed Naruto the gift. It was flat and square and big, and the wrapping paper was quickly removed to reveal what it was: A collage.
In a giant frame, black and white pictures of Naruto and Sasuke were glued to poster board. All the pictures were of the boys together: hugging, running, smiling, crying. In the center of the poster, the biggest picture was of Naruto's 6th birthday party when Sasuke had decided to give his friend a kiss on the cheek for a birthday present. Naruto had one eye shut, his other eye wide open with joy evident in them. His mouth was stretched in a grin as Sasuke placed his lips on Naruto's whiskered cheeks.
The only colour on the poster was a large orange 'N' above a large blue 'S'. The letters were cut from thin tissue paper, making them transparent enough to see the photos behind the letters.
"It's so cool, Sasuke! Did you do this by yourself?"
"My mom helped me make the pictures black and white and cut out the N and S, but I did everything else!" Sasuke smiled. He was proud of his work and wanted most of the credit, even if his mother had helped him with a little more than what he'd said.
"I love love love it! I'm going to keep it forever!" Naruto threw his arms around his best friend one again, tightening them when he heard approaching footsteps. He knew it was Itachi coming to call Sasuke but he didn't want to let the raven go. Tears threatened to spill again, but he wanted to be strong so Sasuke didn't tease him for being a girl.
"Sasuke, it's time to go." Itachi's voice was usually monotone and emotionless, but now he sounded completely empty.
Sasuke's voice matched Itachi's, "Coming brother." He wiggled out of Naruto's grip and opened the latch of the tree house.
Naruto snatched Sasuke's hand, "Sasuke, do you still promise to not kiss anyone else? Because we both agreed we love each other?" His voice was sad and innocent, still too young to understand the concept of kissing.
Sasuke giggled and quickly pressed his lips to Naruto's, though he was smart, he couldn't really grasp it either. "Pinky promise," he hooked his pinky around Naruto and looked into sky blue eyes one last time. "Good bye, Naruto."
The young blonde watched as his best friend walked away with his brother. He could see Sasuke's arms going up to wipe away tears.