The next day, Penny Ling was dropped off at Littlest Pet Shop. She stood right in front of the doorway to the day camp and was a bit nervous about going in. She knew that on the other side, her friends had a huge birthday party made up for her, but she didn't think she could be happy about it due to yesterday, when she was reminded about her parents and how she wished that she could see them again, only to believe that it will never happen. But then she started to realize that the other pets had probably worked really hard on her party, so she had to at least try to be happy for them. So Penny Ling took a deep breath and went through the small doggie door.

As soon as she entered, Penny Ling saw that it was completely dark; all of the lights were off.

"Did Mrs. Twombly forget to pay the electric bill again?" Penny asked herself.

Just then, the lights flew on and Penny saw all of her friends, including Blythe, standing around the room with party hats on, as they all shouted, "Surprise!"

Penny looked around the room and saw many coloured balloons tied to different tables and chairs, and Minka's banner tied to the wall.

"Happy Birthday, Penny Ling," said Blythe as she walked up to the young panda and gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Blythe," said Penny, returning the hug.

After Blythe let her panda friend go, she went to a near by table and picked up the dress she made and showed it to Penny Ling.

"I made this for you for this special day," said Blythe.

A huge smile appeared on Penny's face as she looked at the dress.

"It's beautiful," she said. "And it's green. My favourite colour."

"Told you she'd like it," Zoe said to Blythe.

Russell then walked up to Penny Ling, holding onto the present that Vinnie wrapped up.

"Here, Penny Ling," he said, handing Penny the box. "This is from all of us."

Without any hesitation, Penny Ling ripped off the green wrapping paper and opened up the box. Inside was a ribbon, very much like the ones Penny used for her dances, only this one was gold, which was one of the coloured ribbons that Penny Ling didn't have. Penny took it out of the box and looked at the colour in amazement.

"Oh, I love it. Thank you all," Penny said as she gave a hug to each of her friends. "I can't wait to try this out."

But before Penny Ling could start dancing, the bell to the store door rang. Blythe looked out the window that eyed the front of the shop and smiled when she saw who entered.

"Looks like your other present is here, Penny Ling," said Blythe.

"Another present?" Penny Ling asked; her smile getting bigger.

"Yep. We had it delivered here," said Blythe. "I'll go get it for you."

Before Blythe left the room, she told Penny Ling to close her eyes so she wouldn't ruin the surprise.

Penny stood in the room with her eyes closed. She tried to open one to catch a peak, only for Sunil to say "No peaking." and she shut it again.

With her eyes shut, Penny could hear the door to the day camp open and someone walk inside.

"Okay," came the sound of Blythe's voice. "You can open them now."

Penny Ling opened her eyes and what she saw filled her with shock. Standing beside Blythe were two adult pandas. To any other person, they would've been just two regular panda bears, but to Penny Ling, she could tell who they really were just by looking in their eyes.

"Mom? Dad? Is that you?"

"Yes, sweetie," said Kai.

Tears of joy started to pour down Penny's face.

"MOM! DAD!" she shouted as she ran to her parents and jumped into her mother's arms.

"My baby girl," said Anna as she hugged her daughter with tears in her eyes. "I'm so happy to see you."

She then handed Penny Ling to her father, who held her in his arms and gave her a huge kiss on her forehead.

All of Penny's friends smiled as they saw their panda friend hugging her parents. Blythe even began to shed a few tears of her own.

"I can't believe you're really here," Penny said to her parents as they put her back down on the floor. "How did you ever find me?"

"You can thank Zoe for that," said Blythe.

Penny Ling looked at her dog friend, who walked up to her and explained.

"You see, darling. I recognized that symbol you showed us. The one on the truck that drove off with your parents in it. It's the logo for the Big City Animal Preserve. They have a huge gate in the entrance with the symbol on it. I go by it every time I go for a walk with John and Clarrisa. So I told Blythe about it and she went to the preserve to find your parents."

"When she found us, we were pretty shocked that she could actually talk to us," said Anna. "But when she told us she was friends with you, we were so happy. Ever since that unfaithful day when you fell out of the truck, we thought something awful happened to you."

"But we did have some hope that you were okay and we would see you again," said Kai. "And it looks like we were right."

"I had a chat with the owner of the preserve, and it turns out he's good friends with Mrs. Twombly," said Blythe. "He had a chat with her over the phone about how the pandas he owned were the parents of a young panda she took care of, and he agreed to let them come over to the pet shop to visit you."

Penny Ling then went up to Zoe and hugged her tight.

"Thank you, Zoe," she said before looking at her human friend with a big smile on her face. "And thank you too, Blythe."

"You're welcome, Penny Ling," said Blythe.

"Anything for a friend," said Zoe.

After Penny's warm reunion, the party began. The pets started off with a game of musical chairs. They played for a good five minutes until it was down to Penny and Vinnie. Blythe started the music and Penny and Vinnie ran around the one chair. Penny could hear her parents cheering her on, which made her smile. When the music stopped, Penny jumped right into the chair before Vinnie could even get a chance to move.

"Wow. You are good at this game," said the little lizard.

Penny couldn't help but blush as her parents and friends all cheered for her.

Next up, the pets played a round of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Only Penny, Zoe and Minka were able to pin the tail in the right place. Vinnie on the other hand missed it by a few inches, Russell and Pepper placed the tail on the donkey's nose while Sunil got it on the donkey's ear.

"You gave him a tail earring," Pepper joked.

"You know, I think it looks good on him," said Sunil with a chuckle.

Finally, Blythe gave each pet a balloon so they could play the "Pop" game that Pepper made up. Minka, Pepper and Vinnie tired breaking their balloons by wrapping their tails around them and squeezing them, but that didn't work. Sunil and Zoe tried biting their balloons only for them to leave an awful taste in their mouths.

"Yuck. Tastes like an old boot," said Sunil.

Russell was able to pop his balloon by falling backwards onto it and popping it with his quills.

Penny Ling eyed her balloon, trying to think of the best way to pop it, and she soon came up with an idea. She walked up to her father and whispered something in his ear. A big smile appeared on Kai's face as he nodded his head in agreement. He walked up to the balloon as Penny warned all of her friends to stand back. Kai then jumped into the air and belly flopped right onto the balloon, popping it, and making the ground shake a little bit.

"And to think. Your mother wanted me to go on a diet," Kai jokingly said to Penny as he got up to his feet.

After the bits of balloon were cleaned up, Blythe left the day camp for a quick second, only to return, holding onto the cake which had a bunch of lit birthday candles stuck into it. As Blythe walked towards Penny, she, along with the other pets and Penny's parents, started to sing "Happy birthday." Penny smiled as Blythe placed the cake right next to her.

"Go on. Make a wish," said Minka.

"Better hurry before Russell gets the fire extinguisher," said Pepper.

"Hey! I only did that once," said Russell.

Penny looked at the cake and then at her parents, who were both sitting next to her, and smiled.

"I don't need to make a wish," she said as she held onto both her parents front paws. "It's already come true."

Both of Penny's parents smiled as her mother gave her a kiss on the cheek and her father gently stroked the top of her head.

Penny then took a deep breath and blew out all of the candles.

After the cake was finished, a man in a green uniform with the snake symbol on it entered the pet shop.

"Looks like our ride is here," said Kai as he saw the man through the day camp window.

Penny quickly ran up to her parents and gave one last hug.

"You promise to come visit us, okay?" asked Anna.

"Of course," said Penny. "It was wonderful to see you again. I love you."

"We love you too, kiddo," said Kai.

Penny's parents then let go of their daughter and left the day camp. Penny looked out the window and watched as they left the shop. As soon as they left, Penny's smile disappeared and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"What's wrong, Penny Ling?" asked Zoe, walked up to her friend. "Weren't you happy to see your parents again?"

"Of course," said Penny Ling. "I loved seeing them again. And I'm very grateful that you were able to find them. I just wish that they could stay a bit longer."

"You can always visit them like you said," Zoe mentioned. "Blythe said that she'll take you to the animal preserve whenever you want."

"I know. But it just doesn't feel the same," said Penny Ling as she let out a sad sigh.

"Oh, Penny Ling, I almost forgot," said Blythe as she came up to the little panda holding onto a rectangular box that was wrapped in blue wrapping paper and had a big red bow on top. "Your parents told me to give this to you. They told me that wouldn't be good parents if they didn't get their daughter a birthday present."

Blythe handed Penny Ling the present as the other pets walked up to see what it was.

"Go on, Penny. Open it." said Minka, who sounded even more eager than Penny to see what it was.

Penny ripped off the wrapping paper and what she saw inside made her smile. It was her music box.

"I don't believe it," said the little panda. "I thought this was left back at the zoo."

Penny then noticed a folded piece of paper tapped to the lid of the box. Penny took it off, unfolded it, and saw what was written on it.

Dear Penny,

The zoo workers brought this with them on the day we were transferred to the animal preserve. It was the only memory we had of you. Every night, before we went to sleep, we would listen to it. As we slept while the music played, we dreamt that you came back to us. And it looks like that dream has finally come true. We knew how much you loved this box, so we decided to give it back to you. We won't need it anymore, now that we know that you are safe and with friends.

Hope to see you soon.

Love, Mom and Dad.

Penny Ling gently folded the letter back up and placed it back on the floor. She then opened up the music box and watched as the little ribbon dancer inside did its dance while the soft music played.

"That music is beautiful," said Zoe.

"Yeah. I think so too," said Penny Ling as she continued to watch the dancer move.

She then looked up at all of her friends and smiled.

"Thanks everybody, for making this my best birthday ever," she said.

Blythe and the other pets then sat down right next to Penny Ling and all listened to the music box.