Beyond the Veil
Summary: The veil is not a link to the land of the dead but instead a portal between worlds. Obi-wan uses it to hide baby Luke somewhere Vader and Palpatine can never find him. Dumbledore gives him to the Potters who rename him Harry Potter. Several years later Sirius falls through the Veil and meets Vader who discovers the truth and he is determined to find his son and install him in his rightful place, at his father's side.
Genre: Adventure/Family
Rating: T
Characters: Harry Potter/Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader
AN: Just a note, Leia is not Luke's sister in this story; I haven't even decided if she will appear. If fee l that Leia being Luke's sister would distract from the plot of this story. Also Anakin did not get permanently burned on Mustafar. Also the Force and Magic are the same thing, it's just that in the Star Wars Galaxy they've only ever done things soundlessly and wandlessly, in fact wands and incantations are completely alien to them. Lastly yes, the prophecy does exist but with slightly different wording
Chapter One: Hiding Luke
Obi-wan Kenobi looked sadly at Padme Nabierre's dead body as he wandered what to do with Luke. He could feel the baby subconsciously calling for his father through the force. It was very loud, as if the infant was shouting in his ear. He hoped that Anakin was either too far away to hear or ignorant as to what it was that was calling him. He knew however that it was only a matter of time before his former Padawan figured it out and came for his son.
Obi-wan knew he couldn't allow the Sith to get their hands on the boy, but where to hide him? His first thought was Tatoonie. Anakin had hated his life on the desert planet and would never willingly return there. After additional thought however, he discarded the idea. Tatoonie was a very dangerous place ruled by Crime Lords and outlaws not to mention the sand people and all the other dangerous creatures running around. It would be too easy for the last hope of the Jedi order to be killed in that place.
There was only one choice, he had to take him through the strange veil he had discovered back on his first ever solo mission right after he had been made a fully fledged Jedi Knight. He had never mentioned it to anyone, not even Anakin. Mostly because he hadn't thought anyone would believe him. I mean seriously force users who have to use wooden sticks to accomplish anything? Although they seemed to be able to do things rather easily that he had no clue how to do. Not to mention the other bizarre things, like using owls to carry messages, moving portraits, flying on broomsticks. He was thankful Anakin had never encountered one of those, his former padawan had given him enough heart attacks pulling stunts with a speeder, he didn't want to even think about what kind of stupid and dangerous stunts Anakin could've pulled off with a flying broomstick.
"What do we do with the boy?" Bail asked
"He is calling for his father through the force. We have to take him somewhere safe, somewhere the Sith can't find him." Obi-wan said
"Where?" Bail questioned
"I know a place" Obi-wan answered simply. "You don't need to know where it is." He was determined not to tell anyone where he was taking Luke, not even Master Yoda. After all, they couldn't be forced to reveal what they didn't know.
"Certain, it is secure, you are?" Yoda asked
"Yes, Master Yoda. I'm positive." Obi-wan answered
"Very Well" Yoda began "to Dagaboh, I will go" Yoda stated "safe, make sure the boy stays."
Obi-wan nodded in reply.
He then hopped into his star ship and set a course for Kornith (AN: That's not an actual planet in the Star Wars Galaxy, I created it for the purpose of this story.) Kornith was a remote planet in the outer rim, not all that far from Tatoonie actually. To his knowledge there was nothing there, except that bizarre veil thing. He made the journey with little difficulty. The hard part was making his way to the veil.
The veil was in the middle of a large stone structure of some sort that had obviously been abandoned for a very long time. It was over grown, heavily worn and some of the stones had even fallen off. He had no idea who or what had built it but they must have either moved away or died. The odd thing was that there were no pictures or writing of any kind, it seemed strange to him that a culture capable of building such a structure would lack, writing or ornamentation.
Inside, the structure was like a labyrinth, most likely designed to keep intruders out. Since he had only been through the place once and that was several years earlier he got lost a few times but eventually he found what he was looking for. He steeled himself, pulled the curtain back and stepped through.
When he emerged on the other side, he startled several people who had been working on something, he didn't know what nearby. Once they recovered, they all started shooting questions at him at the same time.
"Who are you?"
"How did you get here?"
"Where did you come from?"
"Why are you carrying a baby?"
Said baby had fallen asleep while Obi-wan was making his way through the ruin. However the noise woke him and he began to cry.
"People please, you've woken the baby." Obi-wan said
"I need to speak with Albus Dumbledore. It's urgent." Obi-wan said. He had met the insane (if you asked Obi-wan anyway) man during his first trip to this world. He had gotten the impression that nothing got done in this place without Dumbledore getting involved.
"What for?" a man demanded
"This little boy's mother is dead and his father was killed by a Sith Lord. I need to find a good family to take care of him." Obi-wan said simply
"Sith Lord? You mean the Dark Lord?" a woman asked hastily
"Yes" Obi-wan said assuming she meant a dark force user.
"Come with me?" Lorelai Montgomery, a blonde unspeakable, ordered
She led to the nearest fireplace and called out "Headmaster's office, Hogwarts." as she stuck her head in the fire. Obi-wan probably would have been more disturbed by that if he hadn't been busy trying to get baby Luke to stop crying.
"Professor Dumbledore, are you there?" she asked
"Lorelai, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not your headmaster anymore, you may call me Albus?"
"Sorry, Albus, force of habit." Lorelai said a bit sheepishly
"Anyway." Dumbledore said waving her apology away "What can I do for you?"
"There is a man here with a baby whose parents were killed by you-know-who, he came out of the veil-"Lorelai began
"Send him over right away!" Dumbledore instructed
"Yes sir." Lorelai said automatically then she pulled her head out of the fire
"He wants to talk to you right away." She told Obi-wan
Obi-wan ha d finally managed to calm Luke down and asked "ok, should I stick my head in the fire?"
Lorelai shook her head "No, he wants to see you in person. We have several floo stations up on the main floor. I'll show you the way."
"Floo stations?" Obi-wan repeated
"Yes, we can travel by fire-"Lorelai said
"It won't hurt the baby will it?" Obi-wan asked
"Well" Lorelai answered hesitatingly "he probably won't like it very much, but no it won't hurt him any. It is the fastest way to get there; you can't apparate inside Hogwarts grounds"
It seemed the more the woman talked the more confused Obi-wan got "Apparte?" he questioned
"Yes, just vanish and reappear there. Hogwarts has wards-protective magic" she clarified when she saw Obi-wan's blank stare. "preventing anyone from apparating inside Hogwarts grounds. Even if we could apparte inside Hogwarts, the baby probably wouldn't like that very much either." In fact, the only magical transportation that Lorelai could think of that wouldn't be likely to upset the baby was a flying broomstick if someone used a warming charm on him to protect him from the cold up there.
"Very well, lead the way." Obi-wan said
Lorelai nodded and led Obi-wan (and baby Luke) down the hallway to the elevator. She got in and pressed the button for the main floor. However the elevator only went up two floors before it stopped and an auror got on board. Upon seeing Obi-wan he demanded
"Who are you and why don't you have a visitor's badge?"
"My name is Obi-wan Kenobi" Obi-wan said as the elevator doors closed "I am a Jedi and I do not have a visitor's badge because I did not arrive in the usual manner
"You think you're funny boy?" the man responded "well, mister funny man, how about I haul your smart-ass up to my office and the two of us have a little chat?"
"Calm down, Alastor" Lorelai said "He's telling you the truth; he came out of the veil."
"Right and how do we know he's not a spy for the Dark Lord? CONSTANT VIGLIANCE!" he retorted "we can't have unknown people running around all willy-nilly. This is the Ministry of Magic, not a fun house!"
"This kind lady is showing me out." Obi-wan said softly. As the old saying goes, he strains to hear a whisper that refuses to hear a shout "I won't be 'running around willy-nilly' for very long. Also I have not been out of her sight since I arrived unless you are saying you don't trust your own colleagues I don't see an issue here."
"…fine, but I am going along as well and if you make one wrong move, I won't hesitate to introduce you to the business end of my wand, you understand?" Alastor responded
"Completely" Obi-wan said simply
Alastor merely humped in reply
In any case however, at the point the elevator arrived at the main floor. The doors opened and Lorelai stepped through first then came Obi-wan and Luke and a very surly Alastor Moody brought up the rear. The floo stations where not very far from the elevator. So it was a very quick walk.
"Now" Lorelai instructed "reach into the bin and grab a handful of floo powder."
Obi-wan assumed she meant the green powdery stuff in the large pot so he grabbed a handful of that stuff.
"Good," Lorelai said "Now you want to go to the Headmaster's Office at Hogwarts. So you need to step into the grate and remember to speak very very clearly, otherwise you could end up in the wrong place. After you have shouted your destination, release the powder"
Somewhat nervously Obi-wan stepped into the grate and shouted "Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts!" and dropped the fistful of floo powder he had been holding.
Instantly the flames flashed up and he felt himself begin to whirl around. Luke began crying again, he definitely did not like this, in fact Obi-wan did not like it very much himself. As suddenly as everything began, the flames died down and he stopped whirling around. Obi-wan stumbled out of the grate and just barely managed to stay on his feet.
He looked and saw Albus Dumbledore sitting at a large desk, which Obi-wan assumed belonged to him. There were also three other people in the room that Obi-wan did not recognize.
"Ah, Obi-wan Kenobi" Albus said "It has been a long time, you've grown my boy."
"It has been over ten years Albus; I am surprised you remember me." Obi-wan responded as he began soothing baby Luke once again but this time he wasn't having very much success.
The only woman in the room got up from her chair and said "here let me" and she took the baby from Obi-wan's arms and whispered "there, there little one. It's ok." While rocking him gently and gradually the child's cries began to soften and finally stopped all together.
"Of course I do, it's not every day that one meets someone from another world after all." Dumbledore replied
Actually in Obi-wan's galaxy it was pretty common but he decided not to tell Albus that
"Now, I understand that the boy's parents were killed by Voldemort, do you know how he got to your world?" Dumbledore asked
"No, Voldemort did not kill Luke's parents. I do not even know who Voldemort is, Luke's mother died giving birth to him and his father has turned to the dark side. I have brought Luke here so Anakin will not be able to find him."
One of the other men stood up and yelled "Now, hang on, you can't just steal someone else's kid, who do you think you are?!"
"I did Luke from Vader for Luke's own good; Vader will twist the child into a menace like him." Obi-wan retorted
"Vader, who the heck is Vader? I thought you stole him from some guy named Anakin." The messy haired man demanded
"When Anakin turned to the dark side he changed his name from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader." Obi-wan explained
"You don't know that" was the reply then he turned to the other black haired man and said "Come on Sirius, back me up here."
"…In my experience it depends on the family." He began the other man looked furious "Most dark families treasure their children as much as other wizards, even if they do raise them to be Voldemort's bootlickers, however if a child decides to stray from the dark ideal…it doesn't usually end well, although few go to the same extremes my mother did."
The other man did not seem pleased by that response. However, Obi-wan decided to ignore him and turned instead to the woman "Luke seems to really like you." He paused for a moment trying to listen for some guidance from the Force, there was a flickering but it was too indistinct to be useful. "Would you be willing to take care of him?" he asked her
Lilly hesitated. She was torn, on the one hand, the baby was utterly adorable and she had always children on the other, was the fact that she agreed with James, it wasn't right to steal someone else's child.
"I'm sure Lilly and James would be delighted to." Albus Dumbledore said
"What?!" both Potters asked at the same time
"You want children, don't you?" Dumbledore asked
"Well, yes but-"Lily began but Dumbledore cut her off
"Then what's the problem? You get the child you've always wanted and young Luke gets a good home and family which he surely would not get with the dark."
"That's not true!" Sirius argued "My family abused me and I hated them for it. However, most dark families do love their children!"
Obi-wan seeing that there was no other choice called upon the force and used it to knock the three people unconscious.
"What did you do Obi-wan?" Dumbledore asked
"I knocked them out" Obi-wan said, he wished it hadn't been necessary but they had given him no choice. He believed that the Force wanted Lily and James to be the ones to raise Luke but they were reluctant to do it. They had the bizarre idea that Luke should be with Vader, which would lead to disaster.
"I'm going to place a mind block on them so they won't remember this conversation and then I'll leave and find someone else to take care of Luke.
"Wait Obi-wan." Dumbledore said. He wanted Lily and James to adopt Luke and he was confident that they would be happy to do so, if they believed that his parents were dead. He wanted them to adopt him because of a prophecy he had heard a little while ago.
Three months earlier
He arrived at the Hog's Head in Hogsmead. He was here to interview a candidate for the Divination position, he was considering dropping the subject from the curriculum completely because it wasn't something that could be taught; one either had the sight or (more likely) they didn't. He was here mostly out of courtesy to Sibyll. It had not taken him very long to determine that Sibyll Trelawney was in fact a complete fraud. He had been trying to come up with a polite way to end the interview when Sibyll went into some sort of trance.
"The one with the power to destroy the Dark Lord will come as the seventh month dies." She said in a deep, hollow sounding voice that was nothing like the one she had been using the whole interview. "The one with the power to destroy the Dark Lord will come to those who have thrice defied him. The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not. Either must destroy the other for neither can live while the other survives. The one with the power to destroy the Dark Lord will come as the seventh month dies." She then slumped over.
After a minute or so she jerked up right and said "I'm so sorry professor, I must have dozed off, where were we?"
Changing his plans quickly Dumbledore said "I was just telling you that I have decided to hire you for the job."
End Flashback
Dumbledore was certain that prophecy was referring to Luke. Lorelai had fire called him just after midnight on August first which, if his calculations were correct (and he was confident they were) Obi-wan had come through the veil just before midnight on July 31st as the seventh month died. Although he didn't know much about Jedi he did know enough to deduce that Luke's father had once been a Jedi and that Luke had likely inherited his power, a power that the Dark Lord knew not. Everything fit; Luke was the child of the prophecy.
"I believe Lily and James will be happy to take Luke, after you have erased their memories." He told Obi-wan
The blonde man nodded "Very well then…can you wake them up?"
"Yes, are you done already?" Dumbledore responded
"Yes, now I shall take my leave…do you have any more floo powder?" Obi-wan
"Of course, right next the grate, help yourself." Dumbledore answered while gesturing in the direction of the large pot full of floo powder that was well within easy arms' reach of Obi-wan.
Without saying another word to Dumbledore Obi-wan turned grabbed a fistful of powder and flooed back to the ministry. He then went back through the veil determined to do whatever he could do in the meantime to help fight the empire.
Once Obi-wan had left Dumbledore took baby Luke away from the unconscious Lily Potter. It was lucky that Lily had sat back down while comforting Luke otherwise she might well have dropped the baby. Well, actually in a way she had, instead of the baby being in her arms, he was now in her lap. Luke was looking at her curiously, as if wondering why she had suddenly fallen asleep.
He took baby Luke and sat down back at his desk. Then he cast enervate on Lily, James and Sirius.
"Professor, what happened?" James asked
"Where did that baby come from?" Lily questioned at almost the same time
Sirius rather uncharacteristically kept his mouth shut.
"He's an orphan." Dumbledore said sadly "his parents were murdered by Voldemort."
"Oh, poor thing." Lily responded, she got up and held her arms out for the boy. Dumbledore wordlessly placed Luke in Lily's arms. Luke giggled happily. He didn't like the old man, he felt wrong, somehow but the woman was nice, he liked her.
"Ooo, he's so cute." Lily cooed. "What's his name?"
"I do not know, he has no living relatives to tell me or to take care of him." He sighed "I suppose I have no choice but to take him to an orphanage."
"No, you don't we'll take him." Lily declared
"Really Lily-flower are you sure?" James asked hesitantly "I mean we only just got married and-"
Lily's glare was the only answer he needed and it made him change his tune real quick. "Okay, we'll take him"
"Yes!" Sirius shouted exultantly "We finally have a little marauder. Just you want boy, you're uncle Sirius is going to teach all about the fine arts of pranking, goofing off and picking up girls."
"No way, Sirius!" Lily countered "You are NOT going to teach my son any of your bad habits."
"Anyway" James said not wanting to listen to Lily and Sirius get into an argument "what are we going to name our little marauder?"
"Duh, Sirius junior of course." Sirius said
"Absolutely Not!" Lily snapped back "My father's name was Harry, well actually it was Hadrian but he preferred to be called Harry. Yes, Harry James Potter, will do quite nicely."
"You're naming him after me?" James asked with a grin
"Yes, Harry after his grandfather and James after his father."
"Are you guys sure you don't want to go with Sirius junior?" Sirius asked
"Yes, we're sure Sirius" Lily said firmly
Sirius sighed "Oh, all right"
"Lily, James. If you're serious-"Dumbledore began
"They're not Sirius, I am" Sirius quipped
Lily rolled her eyes "Really Sirius that is so old, would you just give it a rest already?"
"Anyway" Dumbledore said "if you do decide to adopt him you should blood adopt him."
"Blood adoption, what's that?" Lily asked
"There are different types of blood adoption rituals." James began "they have different effects depending on the ritual but all of them involve making some part of your blood line."
"You mean replace his birth parents?" Lily asked slightly horrified at the idea of stealing someone else's child like that.
"Not necessarily, Lils" Sirius said trying to calm her down "Those types of rituals were popular in the middle ages, wizard families would often steal muggleborns from their birth parents and use a blood adoption ritual to replace the muggle parents blood in the child with their own. There are some rituals that merely add the adoptive parents blood to the birth parents blood, making the child a descendent of all four of them."
Lily calmed down that second type of ritual didn't sound too bad to her.
"it's up to you what type of ritual you decide to use but I must tell you that Voldemort intended to wipe out the entire family. If he learns that the baby son is still alive, he will attempt to kill the baby."
"No, we can't let that happen!" Lily exclaimed
She then gave baby Harry to James and rushed to the Hogwarts Library to start doing research on blood rituals.
The ritual they wound up using was actually an ancient Potter family ritual. The ritual added the adoptive parents blood to that of the birth parents while also giving the child the appearance of the new parents until he (in Harry's case) reached 17 at which point he would be able to chose which appearance he wanted. Thus Luke Skywalker became Harry Potter and the only person who knew was Albus Dumbledore.