Zinka17: Hey everyone! Welcome to the first ever Frankenweenie Truth or Dare!
All: YAY!
Zinka17: I've never done one of these before, but I've read a bunch of them and I absolutely LOVE them! I've been wanting to do my own for awhile now, and since the Frankenweenie category didn't have any, I decided to go ahead and post my own.
Edgar: No one cares about the boring reasons behind this! Just get on with it!
Elsa: Edgar! *elbows him* Be nice!
Edgar: Ow! Why'd you do that?
Elsa: Because you're being rude!
Edgar: Oh yeah? Well you're being ugly!
Toshiaki: Ooh! Burn!
Nassor: *facepalm*
Bob: Well, this is turning out well.
Zinka17: *sighs* Edgar, if you weren't my favorite character, I'd slap you so hard!
Edgar: I'd like to see you try!
Zinka17: *starts to hit him but then stops* Okay, everyone just be nice to each other now! I'm trying to explain the rules to the readers!
Elsa: Sorry.
Zinka17: You are forgiven Elsa. Anyway, sorry about that readers. So you probably already know how to do these Truth or Dare games, but in case you don't, you just send in truths and/or dares for the characters and watch the chaos that happens!
Edgar: I LOVE chaos!
Victor: We all know that Edgar.
Edgar: No one asked you!
Zinka17: HUSH! So as I was saying, you send in truths, dares, or even just comments, like if you wanna talk to a character or something. I may not use every single truth and dare, but I'm likely to use most of them. Just don't submit anything too inappropriate. This is rated T, so keep it PG-13 please. :)
Edgar: So, what exactly can they NOT dare us to do?
Zinka17: I can't really think of any specific thing right now. Once they send in the reviews, I'll decide whether they're appropriate or not.
Elsa: Sounds like fun!
Zinka17: Yeah, I'm super excited to be doing this! I'll try to update at least once a week, but I can't always promise that. Part of it will depend on you guys, the readers. I don't wanna have any super short chapters, so I need enough people to be interested in this story. You can submit as many truths and dares as you want per chapter. Just try not to overwhelm me with TOO many at once.
Edgar: Are we almost done with this stupid intro?
Zinka17: YES! Now shut up!
Elsa: Seriously Edgar, quit being a brat.
Edgar: I'm not being a-
Zinka17: Here are the characters you can submit truths and dares for...
Weird Girl
Zinka17: I may add more characters later if anyone really wants me to, but I think most of us are mainly interested in the kids. And the animals can't talk so...
Edgar: But you're the one writing this so you can make whatever you want happen.
Zinka17: True... Well anyway that pretty much sums it up for this chapter. I'll start writing the next one as soon as I get some reviews. :)
Edgar: Hurry up and start submitting your truths and dares everyone! I'm ready to get this party started!
Zinka17: *rolls eyes* Well thanks for reading and we'll see you next chapter!
All: Bye!